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Info regarding 10.7.5 GM

Hey, wanted to confirm that 10.7.5 GM still works great with the EFI cards and the non-Efi Nvidia cards.

OpenCl still requires same exact fix as before

If someone can host a 47 Mb download I can offer up the fixed framework for 10.7.5. This is same fix that Netkas worked out for over 2GB cards once I had isolated the issue before.

I will offer this piece of advice to newbies:

1. Drag the entire OpenCl.framework folder onto your desktop, this will make a copy and leave original in frameworks folder

2. Dig down to the listed file (follow path in Netkas post, it is your roadmap)

3. Drag file to hexedit

4. do the fixes per the Netkas post

5. save file back where it was

6. drag the unbuggered original into a folder somewhere in case you screw up, thus making a 2nd copy

7. delete original from frameworks folder

8. drag the fixed one into the frameworks folder

9. this final step is crucial----RUN "REPAIR PERMISSIONS" from disk utility, if you don't see it mention that exact folder, run it again.

10. Reboot

11. Enjoy OpenCl goodness

12. Donate $5 to Netkas for making your life easier and thwarting Apple's evil goals of kneecapping decent cards

I will next report on 10.8.2 if someone doesn't beat me to it.
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We expect NVIDIA to release a new 304-based driver for 10.8.2 any day now. So, you can either stick with 10.8.1 for a few days (that's what I'm planning on doing), or live with the slower performance in 10.8.2 for a few days.

OK cool, guess I was too impatient. Should have waited before doing the update ^^ I'll leave 10.8.2 with TimeMachine turned off for now ...
- The f20 driver WILL NOT WORK with 10.8.2, so don't try and make it work. Guaranteed to be mismatches between the f20 driver and the 10.8.2 frameworks and so on.

We expect NVIDIA to release a new 304-based driver for 10.8.2 any day now. So, you can either stick with 10.8.1 for a few days (that's what I'm planning on doing), or live with the slower performance in 10.8.2 for a few days.

So installing 10.8.2 and the f20 driver would explain my loss of Lighting Effects in Photoshop with my macvidcards 1.3GB GTX570 (and hopefully just needs new driver release by NVIDIA)?
I just seem to have lost opencl.
So installing 10.8.2 and the f20 driver would explain my loss of Lighting Effects in Photoshop with my macvidcards 1.3GB GTX570 (and hopefully just needs new driver release by NVIDIA)?
I just seem to have lost opencl.

Weird that you could even boot with the f20 drivers. Try reinstalling 10.8.2 using the combo updater from Apple's support site. There's no reason you should have lost OpenCL.
Thats what I thought. I downloaded the new geforce driver and ran the installer but, when I look at the geforce bundle in the extensions folder I see GeForceGLDriver 8.0.61 295.30.20f02 ... so seems I do not have the f20 driver? Didn't see any install error messages so don't know why.
Opencl issue would seem to be 10.8.2 related - I'll try what you suggest BB. My card is <2GB VRAM so I expected opencl capability without any hex editing.
GTX 580 runs fine - GTX 680 does not

Hey, wanted to confirm that 10.7.5 GM still works great with the EFI cards and the non-Efi Nvidia cards.

Hmmm… the EVGA GTX 580 1,5GB runs fine in ORIGINAL MacPro 1,1 (2,1) under 10.7.5 and 10.8.1 (update: and 10.8.2) - with CUDA and CL out of the box.
But the EVGA GTX 680 2 GB does not.
Not in 10.7.5 (EFI or Legacy Mode) and not in 10.8.1 (update: and 10.8.2) (Legacy Mode).

In Legacy Mode the GTX 680 initialized (VESA?) so i can see the Chameleon Bootloader and the black screen with OSX System messages from start (-v).
But just before the window server is finally starting up i got a kernel panic in 10.7.5. Unless i run in safe mode (-x) then i got no kernel panic but no window server also.

The system itself runs in the back (the last status messages are further on screen) so i can connect via screen sharing to see the system profiler messages. The card was recognized correct as EVGA GTX 680 but the graphics memory indicates "0 MB" instead of 2048 MB.
In 10.8.1 the system starts without kernel panic but the window server isnt start also. If i connect via screen sharing the card was correct recognized as EVGA GTX 680 but the graphics memory indicates "0 MB" instead of 2048 MB also.

The problem persist if i change the smbios.plist to MacPro 3,1/4,1/5,1 or change some settings in chameleon.Boot.plist.

In order to exclude a really graphics memory problem on the GTX 680 i put this card in a windows pc where the card was recognized correct with full graphics memory.

But it is this a problem with Mac OSX 10.7.5 or 10.8.1? Maybe not.
When i put this card in a hackintosh and starting up with THE SAME MacPro System Disks (like above) - the card runs fine under 10.7.5 and 10.8.1 (update: an 10.8.2) with full memory.

What is the problem? Any Idea to solve it?
Sure, the GTX 580 runs fine in my MacPro but the GTX 680 has a smaller power requirement (better for running in MacPro) and maybe a better rendering/calculating speed in future (NVidia Driver Update?)
(Galaxies Benchmark today: 1140 GigaFlops with GTX 680, 754 with GTX 580)

Thank your for help.
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try with 10.8.2
It should contain updated (fixed) gtx670/680/690 support.
Please report back!
Do you have an apple gt120 to boot from and then check opencl and cuda on the gtx680 in non-gui mode?
GTX 680 didnt work on MacPRo 2,1 :-(


the problem persist in 10.8.2 :-(

i have tried the following in this Configurations:
10.7.5 EFI 32 bit, 10.7.5 legacy 32 bit and 64 bit, 10.8.2 legacy (sure 64bit)
> with and without ATYinit - problem persist
> i updatet the chameleon bootloader from r1819 to r2034, r2063 and newest r2064. - problem persist

i have seen now that the graphic memory in the boot process of macosx is shown a negative amount!?: "-1096810496MB"

These 1,1 and 2,1 issues would be better addressed in one of the Magic Nvidia driver threads, since this thread is about EFI cards in 3,1 and later.

That being said....if I had to guess why people are reporting issues in 1,1 and 2,1 with 670/680 it MAY have something to do with signed vs unsigned integers and how the 32 bit kernel deals with them compared to how 64 bit kernel does.

The way to find out if this is in fact the case would be to find a GTX6xx card with LESS than 2 GB of RAM. Ideally you would have a GTX655 with 1 GB and a GTX655 with 2GB and try them both. This is in effect how I figured out what the OpenCl issue was with cards with more than 2GB. In that instance Apple had intentionally done something to exclude high RAM cards.

But in the past, OS 10.6.4 and before (IIRC) had no means to deal with GPUs of 2GB. The RAM quantity would show up as some weird negative number like that.

(BTW, I don't think there is a GTX655, I am just using that as an example, pont being that the best way to figure out is to use 2 @ 6 series or 2 @ 5 series cards, one with more and one with less than 2 GB and try them in 1,1. I will try eventually on my 1,1 if nobody else does. I don't have many 6 series cards but can try with 5 series, but that isn't a full answer.

thank your for intervention.
These 1,1 and 2,1 issues would be better addressed in one of the Magic Nvidia driver threads, since this thread is about EFI cards in 3,1 and later.
that may be but I wanted to take reference to this:
Hey, wanted to confirm that 10.7.5 GM still works great with the EFI cards and the non-Efi Nvidia cards.
"and non-Efi Nvidia cards…" - but not for my macpro 2,1. I thought that would be helpful information for other users and maybe for you.

That being MAY have something to do with signed vs unsigned integers and how the 32 bit kernel deals with them compared to how 64 bit kernel does.
the problem persists in LP64 kernel mode also (legacy boot - no EFI boot). But if i put the same card in a "real" hackintosh the card runs fine without problems with the SAME OSX System (same Harddisks).
Maybe (i think) it is rather an problem with the MacPro Firmware or so and how the cards would be initialized from Mac (EFI32 is still there). I think you know much more of this things…
If this the reason that would be good to know. If that the cause it will probably give not solution for. Then i could stop to look up for my fault or a solution.
I had hoped it would have something to do with the chameleon bootloader or the boot options. So i post my experiences in this thread - up to now.
If other people successful use the gtx 680 ("Hey, wanted to confirm that 10.7.5 GM still works great with the EFI cards and the non-Efi Nvidia cards.") they have maybe a solution for my problem.

greetings yummiweb

I think i should test BootCamp and install WinXP. If WinXP detects the card and his memory correct then the card must run in legacy boot mode also under osx 10.7.5
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nVidias 10.8.2 drivers are out since yesterday. Work great so far, performance of GTX680 isn't much better (if at all) than with 10.8.1 drivers. BUT...

With a Mac Pro and a PC GTX680 you are now capable of using the PCIe 2.0 x16 performance boost with the new driver. Not sure it was there on 10.8.1 with nVidia drivers, but it now definately is. Did a fresh 10.8.2 install, latest cuda and gpu driver and voila. everything worked out of the box.

Unless you really need the boot screen, just grab a PC card and you'll be happy. 680's have highest single precision FLOPS, so that's a very simple upgrade.

However, i'm not sure if a 4GB card still requires the OpenCL patch.
@MacVidCard and @ anyone who knows the answer to this:

About two weeks ago I bought the GTX 570 with 2.5GB vram from macvidcars ebay store. Card works great except it breaks display sleep when using nvidia retail drivers and found the following.

After putting my old apple GT 120 inside:

1. GT 120 + apple drivers = display sleep works
2. GT 120 + nvidia drivers = display sleep works.
3. GTX 570 + apple drivers = display sleep works, slow graphics performance
4. GTX 570 + nvidia drivers = display sleep broken, better graphics performance.

Currently I'm using a display port to miniDisplay Port to connect my 24 Apple Cinema Display. So two options, either the adapter or the card itself. I cannot rule out the adapter as I don't have a dvi display to test it out. My card has the handwritten A on the bottom meaning it has the new chip code that doesn't need AGPM kext to be removed. Any help will be greatly appreciated as my mac pro runs basically 24/7

my 680 with 4gb causes an error in the pci list in system profiler, anyone had this issue?

I have the exact same issue with the 4gb 680. However considering how happy I am with the cards performance I think it's a very small issue that will probably be rectified.

2010 - 5,1
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my 680 with 4gb causes an error in the pci list in system profiler, anyone had this issue?

As far as I can tell, it's an app "feature" where it gets confused by cards that do not have an EFI on them. Nothing much we can do about it, and highly unlikely Apple will fix the app to handle these cases.
I have the exact same issue with the 4gb 680. However considering how happy I am with the cards performance I think it's a very small issue that will probably be rectified.

2010 - 5,1

As far as I can tell, it's an app "feature" where it gets confused by cards that do not have an EFI on them. Nothing much we can do about it, and highly unlikely Apple will fix the app to handle these cases.

thanks is the opencl patch necessary since the card has more than 2gb?
I hope this is an easy one. The system i am running is mpb17' mid 2011 with thunderbolt. On the thunderbolt port i have a th05 from bplus and inside the pice slot is a gtx 580 3gb. Software wise i am running 10.8.1 with native as well as 10.7.4 drivers.

The problem i have is that when i click in system profiler on pci cards it says that it can not read the info from the card.

What am i doing wrong? Many thanks for your help!
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I hope this is an easy one. The system i am running is mpb17' mid 2011 with thunderbolt. On the thunderbolt port i have a th05 from bplus and inside the pice slot is a gtx 580 3gb. Software wise i am running 10.8.1 with native as well as 10.7.4 drivers.

The problem i have is that when i click in system profiler on pci cards it says that it can not read the info from the card.

What am i doing wrong? Many thanks for your help!

PCI card info cannot be read if the card doesn't have an efi chip.
PCI card info cannot be read if the card doesn't have an efi chip.

Many thanks for coming back! Cuda-z and gpusniffer also shows no cuda cards available. I am not sure what i am doing wrong.
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Hi Guys,

Just wanted to chime and say hello, and thank you! I acquired a early 2009 Mac Pro from work and was interested in upgrading it. This thread has been invaluable in helping me do exactly that.

So far I have upgraded the hard drive to an OWC PCIe SSD, the video card to an EVGA Nvidia GeForce GTX 570 HD 2.5Gb (by recommendation of this thread, it was plug and play easy with 10.8.2!), and next plan on upgrading my processor to the 3.33 Ghz Xeon HexCore (Different thread, i know ;) ).

I was able to do a clean install of ML 10.8.2 on the SSD, started up the system and the GTX 570 just worked (No EFI Boot screen, but I have a GT 120 as backup), updated CUDA drivers and confirmed it worked in CUDA-Z, edited the list of accepted CS6 video cards to get them working in adobe Premiere and After Effects, and updated the OpenCL framework file according to (It was not that difficult, and I am only moderately computer savvy).

MacVidCards, thanks for the simple explanation earlier on page 18 (Post 427), it was helpful, but there is one small error in your instructions that people performing the OpenCL fix should approach differently... Not sure it affects everyone but worth mentioning:

Hey, wanted to confirm that 10.7.5 GM still works great with the EFI cards and the non-Efi Nvidia cards.

OpenCl still requires same exact fix as before

*7. delete original from frameworks folder


(Not yelling, just making it big for the benefit of other would be-OpenCL fix seekers)

#7 should NOT instruct people to delete the original system file - it should instruct people to copy the duplicated file they have edited and "replace" the original in the system folder, then finish with Repairing Disk Permissions.

In my and others experience, if you deleted the file instead of replacing it with the edited one, it immediately caused the Finder to crash unrecoverably, so you have no way of fixing the file and thus are disabled until you either target the drive from another computer and replace the file with a backup, or recover the OS from a back-up or reinstall from scratch. Luckily I had just backed up to time machine and it only took me 30 minutes to get back to where I was. I'm not sure if you can edit that line but it would be a good idea to update it if you can for future attempt'ees, thanks.

Also, Even after reading this whole thread twice I still have some Noob questions...

1. Are these cards now PCIe 2.0 instead of 1.0 under ML 10.8.2 or do you still have to have an EFI flashed card for that?

2. Do you still need to put the card in slot 2? if so why? (I currently have mine in slot 1, ...seems ok)

3. I installed the CUDA drivers, is this "THE" driver for my card (As in the only one I need)? Or is there a separate nVidia driver in addition to the CUDA driver specific to my card that has better performace than the "vanilla" Mac one? Something in a previous post led me to believe there might be an nVidia driver seperate from the CUDA one. I assume this overwrites the OSX 10.8.2 drivers?

4. I noticed a lot of people using Bootcamp to run Windows and play games, Why not use parallels? I thought that ran WinOS natively (or close to it) like bootcamp? Sorry, confused. :confused:

5. How much of a performance gain would I see retaining the GT 120 for GUI, and reserving the GTX 570 for CUDA?

Thanks again guys! :D
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Hey all,

I'm desperately trying to get iStat working correctly with my EFI-flashed GTX570 2560MB from MVC.

What I get now is attached below, it says Memory Usage 0%. Impossible.
I also don't get any temps, that would be very interesting as well.
I tried a Nvidia-kext for hackintoshes and stuff, but I don't get any improvements. Running 10.8.2, newest nVidia drivers & CUDA drivers installed.

Anyone able to help?


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