Hi Guys,
Just wanted to chime and say hello, and thank you! I acquired a early 2009 Mac Pro from work and was interested in upgrading it. This thread has been invaluable in helping me do exactly that.
So far I have upgraded the hard drive to an OWC PCIe SSD, the video card to an EVGA Nvidia GeForce GTX 570 HD 2.5Gb (by recommendation of this thread, it was plug and play easy with 10.8.2!), and next plan on upgrading my processor to the 3.33 Ghz Xeon HexCore (Different thread, i know

I was able to do a clean install of ML 10.8.2 on the SSD, started up the system and the GTX 570 just worked (No EFI Boot screen, but I have a GT 120 as backup), updated CUDA drivers and confirmed it worked in CUDA-Z, edited the list of accepted CS6 video cards to get them working in adobe Premiere and After Effects, and updated the OpenCL framework file according to netkas.org (It was not that difficult, and I am only moderately computer savvy).
MacVidCards, thanks for the simple explanation earlier on page 18 (Post 427), it was helpful, but there is one small error in your instructions that people performing the OpenCL fix should approach differently... Not sure it affects everyone but worth mentioning:
Hey, wanted to confirm that 10.7.5 GM still works great with the EFI cards and the non-Efi Nvidia cards.
OpenCl still requires same exact fix as before
*7. delete original from frameworks folder
(Not yelling, just making it big for the benefit of other would be-OpenCL fix seekers)
#7 should NOT instruct people to delete the original system file - it should instruct people to copy the duplicated file they have edited and "replace" the original in the system folder, then finish with Repairing Disk Permissions.
In my and others experience, if you deleted the file instead of replacing it with the edited one, it immediately caused the Finder to crash unrecoverably, so you have no way of fixing the file and thus are disabled until you either target the drive from another computer and replace the file with a backup, or recover the OS from a back-up or reinstall from scratch. Luckily I had just backed up to time machine and it only took me 30 minutes to get back to where I was. I'm not sure if you can edit that line but it would be a good idea to update it if you can for future attempt'ees, thanks.
Also, Even after reading this whole thread twice I still have some Noob questions...
1. Are these cards now PCIe 2.0 instead of 1.0 under ML 10.8.2 or do you still have to have an EFI flashed card for that?
2. Do you still need to put the card in slot 2? if so why? (I currently have mine in slot 1, ...seems ok)
3. I installed the CUDA drivers, is this "THE" driver for my card (As in the only one I need)? Or is there a separate nVidia driver in addition to the CUDA driver specific to my card that has better performace than the "vanilla" Mac one? Something in a previous post led me to believe there might be an nVidia driver seperate from the CUDA one. I assume this overwrites the OSX 10.8.2 drivers?
4. I noticed a lot of people using Bootcamp to run Windows and play games, Why not use parallels? I thought that ran WinOS natively (or close to it) like bootcamp? Sorry, confused.
5. How much of a performance gain would I see retaining the GT 120 for GUI, and reserving the GTX 570 for CUDA?
Thanks again guys!