It isn’t a resource fork. These are DS_Store (Desktop Services Store) files, the macOS version of Windows's desktop.ini files, which are automatically created by Finder on local internal & external disks or remote filesystems mounted from servers to store a folder's custom view.You are copying files from the Apple OS to Windows and the Apple files are composed of what's called a ' resource fork'- that is in fact there are 2 files.
indeed.You don't see the ones with the '-' when you use the ipad or Mac but windows sees them. You can just delete those and there's a program I found somewhere that deletes them automatically.
On MacOS you can turn the creation of DS_Store files for external media off using e.g. Onyx or via terminal:I think there might be a setting somewhere about using Windows friendly format or something but I don't know much about this and others can give you way more info or you can look up 'resource fork'.
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE
Sadly, this is probably not the main cause on iPadOS.In my experience and corrupted transfer data, it always turns out to be the cable.
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