This thread has been going on for a good ten pages now. Please refrain from any negative or critical posts, including the "oh, scary" or "what do you need those for" comments. Any of those should really be said in the political forum thread. I don't want this thread to get derailed.
I tend to agree. Aside from reasonable questions or comments regarding the actual guns shown its best to leave this forum, as I believe iCheese set it up, as a place to display ones personal firearms to the layman and fellow enthusiast.
I will say one thing though. The most astonished replies seem to come mostly from outside the US. The US has a high murder rate with guns. And by knives, clubs, fists... you name it, that's just the way we are. Weapons are only enablers for the murderously inclined, or for legitimate self defense. But one of the things I'm proud of to be American for is that out of all the firearm collections one sees here, and the countless others not seen here, it's only on the rarest of occasions that the people who have them misuse them. In other words, isn't it a great thing to say about people that they can walk around 99% of the time unafraid of their neighbors, even when some of those neighbors are armed to the teeth? It shows that people for the most part are pretty decent overall even when they have power over life and death. That's good news, no?