Apple needs to investigate this ASAP.
It is starting to look really bad...
they are.. they most definitely are.
(speculation mode follows)
however, if there's a problem with the 8 that Apple knows about, i highly doubt they're going to publicly recognize it until after the X is out for a while.. if ever.. (unless, of course, so many explode that they don't have to publicly recognize it because the public will recognize it on their own)
exploding 8 will be very bad news towards potential X buyers..
literally millions of buyers will re-consider buying an X if the latest iPhone 8 is an exploder.
it sucks to be a consumer in this position.. you can pretty much know Apple will need to keep this under wraps if at all possible.. or, you can't 100% trust Apple to come out tomorrow and recall the 8, even if there were a problem.
they could, i suppose, stop production and recall all the yet to be sold phones.. make the production fix.. and keep going..
without us knowing about it. (which, to me, is an ok solution btw assuming an explosion with the existing phones is found to be extremely unlikely.. i wouldn't be surprised at all if something similar has happened with other past products)
but at the same time, there's sooo much money at stake regarding iphoneX sales and competing products.. like- billions of dollars.. that it would be entirely worth it for a shady competitor to try to sabotage Apple in this way.
there's no way any of us know the truth about any of this.. we can speculate all we like but it's simply speculation.. (well, an incredibly keen forum detective may show up soon and give a bit more insight one way or the other.. but for now, speculation
idk, i hate to be country_ist but, until i see an iPhone 8 explode in Nancy Jones' suburbia American kitchen, i'm going to lean towards taking this explosion report very lightly.