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Hi The Rominator!

Here it is

Okey doke there sport.

And keep in mind, the actual wizardry behind this is Netkas' who cobbled together the EFI from an iMac EFI. So, if anything goes wrong...BLAME HIM !!!!

Seriously, I think this is right but as we are at the very forefront of 5870 modding/flashing, who knows?

But this absolutely should function exactly as before in Windows.

Be sure that you have installed the ATI parts of "iMac Mid 2010 10.6.4 update" or the "Snow Leopard Graphics Update".

Keep in mind that you will NOT see anything on display until desktop pops up.

It may be possible to use some combo of matching displays to properly trigger EDID to get boot screens, I will try this out soon.

Please post results.

I hope that you have access to an actual PC in case this buggers up your card.

Good luck !!! You will have 2nd flashed & working Mac 5870 if it works out !!!


    86 KB · Views: 336
let's wait to hear what roykosan has to say first.

You may as well dump and attach it.

I think it will also be necessary to add the device id a couple of places in those new ATI kexts.

So best to wait for report on the Sapphire, or Netkas.
let's wait to hear what roykosan has to say first.

You may as well dump and attach it.

I think it will also be necessary to add the device id a couple of places in those new ATI kexts.

So best to wait for report on the Sapphire, or Netkas.

*rubs hands together while hunched over and cackling*

I've got macroysan's exact card - the Sapphire Vapor-X.... can't wait to see if it works. I'm too much of a wimp to try it out myself. Gogo Macroysan!

Also, I've been having the hardest time trying to find how to get the ATI kexts/drivers out of the iMac Mid 2010 10.6.4 update... is there some trick, link, or file that I'm missing? I can't seem to find the Snow Leopard Graphics update anywhere on the ADC.
Any speculation whether DVI-to-VGA will work on flashed 57/5870s? As I recall, it was next to impossible with previous flashing efforts.
not going to mess with 5970 in anytime soon, it's pain in the ass even on hackint0shes.
Question, that might be a little off-topic, but I figured it would fit anyways:

Say I buy one of the windows cards (sapphire or something) and put it into my Mac Pro next to the Apple Radeon 4870... Mac OS would probably not see the card, but would Windows (Bootcamp)?
Can anyone with a 2008 mac pro confirm if a flashed / hacked 5870 will work in the 2008 in osx?

I am worried why the apple 5870 is only for the 2009+. If the 5870 is not fully supported by Apple in the 2008, will it then underperform heavily as it won't be optimized?

If it won't work or underperform there should be a class action lawsuit! :mad:
Just bought it...downloading now.

115fps on 5770 @ 1600x1000. I think my 2.26 Ghz is killing me here.

All maxed ex text which is on "high"

btw, path for me was:

/Volumes/2 T/Users/Me/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/Rominator/counter-strike source/cstrike

ill drop in the 5870, see if i can make up for Apple's little 2.26 joke.

As a comparison I have a 2009 Mac pro Quad Core 2.93ghz 3gb Ram and Radeon 4870 with 512mb VRAM. I installed the ATI drivers from the 2010 iMac update and the open Gl Framework.

Using this Cs:Source timedemo at 1920x1080 max everything

FPS = 126.67 fps with 18.559fps variability.
Okey doke there sport.

And keep in mind, the actual wizardry behind this is Netkas' who cobbled together the EFI from an iMac EFI. So, if anything goes wrong...BLAME HIM !!!!

Seriously, I think this is right but as we are at the very forefront of 5870 modding/flashing, who knows?

But this absolutely should function exactly as before in Windows.

Be sure that you have installed the ATI parts of "iMac Mid 2010 10.6.4 update" or the "Snow Leopard Graphics Update".

Keep in mind that you will NOT see anything on display until desktop pops up.

It may be possible to use some combo of matching displays to properly trigger EDID to get boot screens, I will try this out soon.

Please post results.

I hope that you have access to an actual PC in case this buggers up your card.

Good luck !!! You will have 2nd flashed & working Mac 5870 if it works out !!!

Would he need a PC or just another usable video card in the Mac?
I will probably go with the Mac version of the card, as with my work discount it is only a tad bit higher than a PC version. (Just have to wait till it is released

Wow - with my EPP discount the 5870 is "only" $404. That is downright competitive with the PC version. Cheaper than a lot of the models, in fact. It is even better when, as Cindori mentions, you consider the included power cables.

Still, that is a lot of money for a video card by my standards... Even if it is a pretty good deal.
Wow - with my EPP discount the 5870 is "only" $404. That is downright competitive with the PC version. Cheaper than a lot of the models, in fact. It is even better when, as Cindori mentions, you consider the included power cables.

Still, that is a lot of money for a video card by my standards... Even if it is a pretty good deal.

In the UK the 5870 with the higher education discount is £329. The cheapest I've seen a 5870 in the UK is £294 from a brand I've never heard of. Most decent brands are currently selling at £320. To be honest, even if I were buying a 5870 for PC only use right now, I'd probably go for the Mac version. Simply because it will hold it's value *far* better than any PC equivalent. Genuine 4870 Mac cards currently sell for about £200 in the UK compared with about £75 tops for a PC 512MB 4870 card.
Request for iMac 5750 rom

Hi all,

First of all, thanks for all of the work being done here, I have followed these threads for years, and I have a couple of flashed cards myself, back from the 4870/4890 threads. I'd like to help out if I could, and I'd like to get the full video rom image BIOS from the mid 2010 iMac 27 with the 5750 video card. Thanks very much in advance for this. You can PM me at the MacRumors ID, or send an email to: pcb355 at gmail dot com.
Hey everyone,
Been looking on the Apple website since I'm another '08 owner looking at the 5870's.

Someone has commented that the Mac 5870 may not physically fit in the 08's:

"I think its down to the length of the card, but, and its a big but, you may be able to take away the plastic fan casing thats in the way and thus, install it. There could be power supply issues but, Apple should have cleared this up by now mi thinks! "

Can anyone confirm that this is incorrect? I thought the case design and layout inside was pretty much the same for the 08, 09 and 10 models.

I'm debating whether to try and hunt down a reference 5870 (seems quite hard to do ATM) or to wait for the Apple version to ship. I found this one which is the nearest so far:

Problem is the power pins are 1 x 8 pin and 1 x 6 pin which I imagine would require at least some tinkering. I know the Mac cards aren't out yet, but anyone have some advice about which is the better thing to do....Wait for Apple or track down a reference card in the UK?

Seems to be a lot of confusion and differing of opinions right now.

Hey everyone,
Been looking on the Apple website since I'm another '08 owner looking at the 5870's.

Someone has commented that the Mac 5870 may not physically fit in the 08's:

"I think its down to the length of the card, but, and its a big but, you may be able to take away the plastic fan casing thats in the way and thus, install it. There could be power supply issues but, Apple should have cleared this up by now mi thinks! "

Can anyone confirm that this is incorrect? I thought the case design and layout inside was pretty much the same for the 08, 09 and 10 models.

I'm debating whether to try and hunt down a reference 5870 (seems quite hard to do ATM) or to wait for the Apple version to ship. I found this one which is the nearest so far:

Problem is the power pins are 1 x 8 pin and 1 x 6 pin which I imagine would require at least some tinkering. I know the Mac cards aren't out yet, but anyone have some advice about which is the better thing to do....Wait for Apple or track down a reference card in the UK?

Seems to be a lot of confusion and differing of opinions right now.


If they don't fit then Apple has artificially made them so long that they don't fit. A 5970 (which is much longer than standard 5870s) fits into a 2006 Mac Pro case which has the same space as a 2008 Mac Pro. Trust me, I've got one in mine. So the worst case scenario is that Apple has made the plastic handle on the back of their 5870 so long that it breaks standard graphics card sizes purposefully so as to stop 2008 Mac Pro users buying one. I really don't think they've done that though. Looking at their product photos it looks like their 5870 only has a small plastic handle.

Apple's 5770 and 5870 cards:


PC 5970, 5870 and 5850 cards:


It's pretty easy to guesstimate by looking at those pictures that Apple's 5870 with daft handle bit is a little bit shorter than the maximum length of the PC 5970 card. The 5970 physically fits into a pre-Nehalem case.

Edit: Proof that a 5970 can fit into a 2006 Mac Pro case:

With regards to the 5770, does it also need a power connector from the power supply to the video card? If so, is this hard to do? I have a gt 120 and don't see any cable from the power supply.

It's pretty easy to guesstimate by looking at those pictures that Apple's 5870 with daft handle bit is a little bit shorter than the maximum length of the PC 5970 card. The 5970 physically fits into a pre-Nehalem case.

Edit: Proof that a 5970 can fit into a 2006 Mac Pro case:

Thanks for the answers Spanky, Nice to know the card should at least fit.

Sounds like Apple reps are telling anyone with a Mac Pro older than 2009 that they're out of luck....Apparently the "chipset on the motherboard isn't compatible" but I think this is all BS.

Wish I knew whether to try tracking down a reference design card or to hold out for when the Apple version becomes available. My main concern is the number of pins on the card....Would I be shafted if I buy one with a 6 and 8 pin set? What are the options? Is it possible to acquire cables that will connect the Mac Pro Motherboard to both 8 and 6 pin power connectors?
ATI HD 5870 Success

Okey doke there sport.

And keep in mind, the actual wizardry behind this is Netkas' who cobbled together the EFI from an iMac EFI. So, if anything goes wrong...BLAME HIM !!!!

Seriously, I think this is right but as we are at the very forefront of 5870 modding/flashing, who knows?

But this absolutely should function exactly as before in Windows.

Be sure that you have installed the ATI parts of "iMac Mid 2010 10.6.4 update" or the "Snow Leopard Graphics Update".

Keep in mind that you will NOT see anything on display until desktop pops up.

It may be possible to use some combo of matching displays to properly trigger EDID to get boot screens, I will try this out soon.

Please post results.

I hope that you have access to an actual PC in case this buggers up your card.

Good luck !!! You will have 2nd flashed & working Mac 5870 if it works out !!!

Hi Rominator!

Thanks a lot for the ROM i`t works very well, and i have done some test with Open GL 3.30 without the graphic files that you mention, because i don't have them fore the moment. But you can see the result here ...
ATI HD 5870 Success

Hi Rominator!

Thanks a lot for the ROM i`t works very well, and i have done some test with Open GL 3.30 without the graphic files that you mention (Snow Leopard Graphics Update) because i don't have them fore the moment. But you can see the result here ...
I vill also thank you netcas for you`re great work.
The next step is to grab the ROM from the original ATI HD 5870 card to get full access to the Graphic card.

I forgot to attached the images here it is


  • Open GL 1 Test ATI 5870.jpg
    Open GL 1 Test ATI 5870.jpg
    98 KB · Views: 202
  • Open GL Screen.jpg
    Open GL Screen.jpg
    62.9 KB · Views: 189
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