It's a Mac EFI ROM, but ident itself as D700, not 280X.
I tried to flash the file you sent, straight to my card. Not working either (does not boot). So I set it back to my original bios. (handy that dual bios switch!)
I know how to change the identified name in a Hex Editor.
But I already had the Mac EFI rom from a 7970 card, wanted to combine that with my original Bios.
How do I remove the EFI part of my original file than, so I can combine it?
I thought it would overwrite the EFI part with a new one.
In the below part EFI.rom is the 7970 EFI rom I got, myrom.rom is the original bios.
I was using the following code to try to combine it, while having the Netkas files in my home folder:
./ --efifile=EFI.rom --romfile=efiromheader.rom --originalrom=myrom.rom --devid=6798
I get this:
running on EFI.rom, efiromheader.rom with devid 6798
Patching files EFI.rom, efiromheader.rom for device-id 0x6978
Successfully patched efi file
Successfully patched efi rom file
Orig Size = 131072
Comp Size = 89746
89746+0 records in
89746+0 records out
89746 bytes transferred in 0.215622 secs (416219 bytes/sec)
EFI part is ready at 6798.efipart.rom
orig size - 65536
90098+0 records in
90098+0 records out
90098 bytes transferred in 0.176421 secs (510699 bytes/sec)
OpRom (size=65536, indicator_offset=0x245, indicator=0x0, checksum=0x0)
OpRom (size=48128, indicator_offset=0x31, indicator=0x80, checksum=0x43)
RawData (size=148480)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 110, in <module>
File "", line 90, in fix[-1] = chr(0x100 - sum)
ValueError: chr() arg not in range(256)
the rom is ready at myrom.rom.efi.rom
So if all I need to do is remove the EFI part of my original file first (before running the script), how do I do that?
Thanks a lot.
If I change the name of the file myron.rom.efi.rom back to myrom.rom, and than run this:
python myrom.rom myrom.rom
Than I get this:
OpRom (size=65536, indicator_offset=0x245, indicator=0x0, checksum=0x0)
OpRom (size=48128, indicator_offset=0x31, indicator=0x80, checksum=0x43)
RawData (size=148480)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 110, in <module>
File "", line 90, in fix[-1] = chr(0x100 - sum)
ValueError: chr() arg not in range(256)
So thats not helping either.
I also tried to flash the file you sent, straight to my card. Not working either (does not boot). So I set it back to my original bios. (handy that dual bios switch!)