Yes, you can reenable SIP, but you will have to disable it every time your macOS updates, to bless grub again.
Pretty much like the plain EFI fix without the hooks and scripts then (fine by me
It can do low level stuff like port output (outb). The outb commands on the menu entry switches to the integrated graphics and disables the AMD gpu.
So does GRUB outb permanently disable the AMD GPU? I mean, definitively, in a way the MBP won't even know it's there?
Cause AFAIK sleep/ wake-up hangs are related to loading/ reloading attempts of the now infamous X3000 kext.
I haven't upgrade to High Sierra yet. I have heard that APFS is backyards compatible with HFS+, but I'm not sure. If you already updated, you can try with the rescue thumb drive and then if it works, you can proceed to the permanent solution
Same here, Sierra 10.12.6 running fine with all the hooks, bells and whistles.
Curious to know how it goes on High Sierra too so I can fresh start with the GRUB method!