The problem is not the battery.
Did you do this with the battery only or did you plug in MagSafe?
If the AMD kexts have been loaded correctly, then the battery life time increases.
For example, with AMD GPU being the main GPU, then the battery lasts 3 hours.
With the Intel GPU being the main GPU, then the battery lasts for 5 to 8 hours.
Do you use which application to measure the temperature?
The problem is that with nvram gpu-power-prefs for Intel GPU does not turn off the AMD GPU.
Then you have to load these kexts during the boot (AMD6000Controller.kext, AMDLegacySupport.kext and AMDLegacyFramebuffer.kext) to activate some AMD GPU settings.
After login you load AMDRadeonX3000.kext to lower the AMD GPU temperature. It does not turn off completely (standby mode).
This simulates the normal procedure when you enable System Preferences -> Energy Saver -> Automatic Graphics Switching -> Intel GPU as the primary GPU -> battery saving.
To completely turn off AMD GPU, you must use GRUB SOLUTIOIN. Except the High Sierra that has problems with this method (without control of brightness, etc).
The temperature in idle should be between 40 degrees Celsius. But that depends on the temperature of your weather.
Now i open only Active Monitor, Terminal and Safari (3 tabs) -> system temperarute 48-50 degrees Celsius - GPU die Analog 15 degrees Celsius - fans 2000 RPM - Istat Menu.