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The script is patching an Apple kext:

# Subroutine L: New IOPCITunnelled Patch 10.13.6+ ##############################################################################################################
## Subroutine L1: Global variables

NVIDIA does not control what Apple puts into IOGraphicsFamily, and it's up to Apple to officially flip the switch and enable IOPCITunneled for NVIDIA GPUs (i.e. what the eGPU hack script is doing).

That's what I mean. First Nvidia has to support Metal v2 without bugs and then Apple will help with flipping the switch for eGPU and Mojave support.
The Sierra drivers from nVidia have a sleep-wake problem. The computer is not stable for nearly a minute after waking up. There are mouse problems. Upgrading to High Sierra solved this.
is this why my cMP takes so long to wake up when left sleeping? I assumed it was waiting for HDs to spin up. I am presently running the larest drivers and the slow wake is still happening.
They didn't announce that and would never talk about behind scenes work.

h9826790 or someone else posted the link to Apple's PDF that showed Geforce is missing several Metal v2 features.

Okay, so that's your assumption as to why Apple hasn't enabled eGPU on NVIDIA, despite the fact that when people hack the kexts to enable it, it works. Right?
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Just as long as you understand how much CPU performance you're giving up by sticking with a cMP, then sure, do whatever works best for you. Low CPU performance can also mean low GPU performance, as your decade-old CPU simply cannot feed work quickly enough to a modern high-end GPU to keep it busy.
OK, maybe there's a better forum for section for this, but again you guys are my expert go-to peeps! Taking "Hackintosh" to another level, would it be possible to gut a cMP and use it to build a better working computer? i.e. Using the shell of the Iron Giant as a case only and Putting a new motherboard in; possibly salvaging other parts, such as fans, power supply etc. Has this been done? (I'll do a search for this, but I'd love to hear your collective thoughts on this)
OK, maybe there's a better forum for section for this, but again you guys are my expert go-to peeps! Taking "Hackintosh" to another level, would it be possible to gut a cMP and use it to build a better working computer? i.e. Using the shell of the Iron Giant as a case only and Putting a new motherboard in; possibly salvaging other parts, such as fans, power supply etc. Has this been done? (I'll do a search for this, but I'd love to hear your collective thoughts on this)
The Power Mac G5 has proven the most popular Apple tower to gut and make in to a Windows PC/Hackintosh. As with anything Hackintosh, tonymacx86 is going to be the best place to field these sort of questions.
^^^^I've had zero issues with it, and using it allows me to update to the latest security update on day one without having to wait for the dot release from Nvidia. My wish now is that Apple/Nvidia bury there hatchet and get on with the business of issuing the Web Driver for Mojave.

Okay, so that's your assumption as to why Apple hasn't enabled eGPU on NVIDIA, despite the fact that when people hack the kexts to enable it, it works. Right?

It’s not just about egpu. It’s about approving the drivers for Mojave and Metal support. This is the problem with you. For 4-5 years you just want to fight on this forum and you don’t want to listen about official support and bugs. I reported dozens of bugs and you just kept recommending cards which resulted in unhappy customers.

Nvidia hasn’t released an official Mac product since Kepler and every gen since doesn’t support all of Metal v2 feature set. That means bugs and errors arise in Metal apps and games.

No way in a billion years should Apple and game/app developers tolerate Nvidia GFX owners contacting them for support because of Nvidia’s fault. That costs too much time and money.

Would you green light such a driver? Of course not. Only someone someone who is an irrational person, or a paid shill marketer, or trying to sell cards to Mac owners would want to see such a driver released.

Nvidia must ensure full Metal v2 support. No serious bugs. No problems for developers. Then they will get a green light. Then they can show ‘macOS’ support on Maxwell, Turing and Pascal products. Then they can get access to tunnelling over Thunderbolt 3 without a hack.
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It’s not just about egpu. It’s about approving the drivers for Mojave and Metal support. This is the problem with you. For 4-5 years you just want to fight on this forum and you don’t want to listen about official support and bugs. I reported dozens of bugs and you just kept recommending cards which resulted in unhappy customers.

Nvidia hasn’t released an official Mac product since Kepler and every gen since doesn’t support all of Metal v2 feature set. That means bugs and errors arise in Metal apps and games.

No way in a billion years should Apple and game/app developers tolerate Nvidia GFX owners contacting them for support because of Nvidia’s fault. That costs too much time and money.

Would you green light such a driver? Of course not. Only someone someone who is an irrational person, or a paid shill marketer, or trying to sell cards to Mac owners would want to see such a driver released.

Nvidia must ensure full Metal v2 support. No serious bugs. No problems for developers. Then they will get a green light. Then they can show ‘macOS’ support on Maxwell, Turing and Pascal products. Then they can get access to tunnelling over Thunderbolt 3 without a hack.

I guess you haven't actually been reading my posts, especially for the last few years, or you just have me confused with someone else. If you check the FAQ, you'll see that I do not recommend anyone buy an NVIDIA GPU for macOS at this point, at least until the driver quality improves and releases happen in a timely manner.

The thing I continue to object to is people like you posting your opinions or theories as if they are fact. You (and I) do not know why NVIDIA hasn't released a driver for Mojave, or why Apple hasn't enabled eGPU support for any NVIDIA GPU. I still maintain that Metal 2 has absolutely nothing to do with eGPU support, but we can agree to disagree. You are welcome to your opinion of course. Apple could've allowed NVIDIA GPUs to work with eGPU for High Sierra, before the Mojave debacle, but they chose not to. Could this be they were unhappy with NVIDIA's driver quality? Absolutely. However, they could've also enabled it for the cards that are supported by the stock drivers, even if they were not happy with Maxwell/Pascal.

No matter what, we are all just guessing as to what's going on between Apple and NVIDIA. I'd just prefer if you stopped posting your theories as fact, especially in my FAQ thread.
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I'm NVDA shareholder but I'm not that type of person who lies to professional users and customers.

We have same stories for 4 years from Nvidia salesboys. Just giving bad spending advice to PROFESSIONAL users who regretted their purchase and complained about:

1 No good tech support for these beta drivers. BETA DRIVERS that shills argued many times were not beta even when Nvidia said they were beta and never came out with official end of beta support for Maxwell and Pascal.

2 No 10 bit color output on Geforce so no good for pro users working with HDR and colours. Reported 100s of times by users. Always brushed under the carpet by Nvidia shills. Not even Windows has this 10 bit support unless upgrading to Quadra.

3 No GPU decode and encode support for certain codecs in web drivers. Therefore web driver didn't even support the full hardware specs for Maxwell and Pascal.

4 OpenCL and Metal bugs causing crashes in Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere.

5. Doesn't support the full Metal v2 spec.

But still professional shillers online still shilling and blaming Apple. Shills won't listen to reason.

Apple has NO REASON AND ZERO REASON to incur tech support costs because Nvidia's terrible drivers, perpetual beta drivers, no tech support on these beta drivers, and no official Mac products released. It's a very simply financial decision on Apple's part. Only someone crazy or corrupt would disagree.
I'm NVDA shareholder but I'm not that type of person who lies to professional users and customers.

We have same stories for 4 years from Nvidia salesboys. Just giving bad spending advice to PROFESSIONAL users who regretted their purchase and complained about:

1 No good tech support for these beta drivers. BETA DRIVERS that shills argued many times were not beta even when Nvidia said they were beta and never came out with official end of beta support for Maxwell and Pascal.

2 No 10 bit color output on Geforce so no good for pro users working with HDR and colours. Reported 100s of times by users. Always brushed under the carpet by Nvidia shills. Not even Windows has this 10 bit support unless upgrading to Quadra.

3 No GPU decode and encode support for certain codecs in web drivers. Therefore web driver didn't even support the full hardware specs for Maxwell and Pascal.

4 OpenCL and Metal bugs causing crashes in Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere.

5. Doesn't support the full Metal v2 spec.

But still professional shillers online still shilling and blaming Apple. Shills won't listen to reason.

Apple has NO REASON AND ZERO REASON to incur tech support costs because Nvidia's terrible drivers, perpetual beta drivers, no tech support on these beta drivers, and no official Mac products released. It's a very simply financial decision on Apple's part. Only someone crazy or corrupt would disagree.

I'd respectfully ask that you keep this stuff out of the FAQ thread, as it serves no purpose and does not help people who have chosen (against my current advice) to buy an NVIDIA GPU and need help to get it to work. I also really think you have me confused with someone else, I'm not sure the fact I started this FAQ thread makes me an "NVIDIA salesboy" or "shill".

1) I've made it very clear that the drivers had beta support (at best) for Maxwell and Pascal GPUs. There's even a whole FAQ entry on this (#7) where I explicitly say that PC cards are not officially supported, and you're mostly on your own if you decide to use one.

2) Dude, get over it. This is a feature. If you don't like it, buy an AMD card. I've been saying this for years, NVIDIA has chosen to make desktop 10-bit color a Quadro-only feature, and if you're in the market for a cheap consumer-level graphics card that supports 10-bit color for your professional work, then buy AMD.

3) No argument there, though one could extend this to all kinds of modern hardware features that Apple does not expose through OpenGL, OpenCL or Metal.

4) The last time I remember discussing this with you, you kept pointing out bugs that had long been fixed in the most recent web drivers (at the time). I've politely asked you for more information about what the current set of known issues are, but you just reply calling me a "shill" or simply ignore me.

5) Metal 2 is new with Mojave, right? I haven't really been following this lately, as I haven't used macOS in a few years now. Given the complete lack of Mojave drivers, are you really surprised that NVIDIA hasn't implemented all of the Metal 2 spec? Again, this ties in with my theory of what one of the underlying issues is: Apple has stopped providing the necessary information (private headers for the Frameworks and KEXTs) and NVIDIA is thus unable to produce a driver for Mojave or implement all the new features. I could be completely wrong of course, but this is my theory as to what might be part of the road block.

Where did I say NVIDIA is blameless in all of this? Astute readers will note that I did not say that, nor have I been saying that. All I'm suggesting is that there is blame on both sides here, and there are simply things that NVIDIA has literally no control over, such as Apple enabling eGPU support on their GPUs. NVIDIA could release a perfect bug-free driver that correctly flips all the switches on their side, but Apple would still have to ship an OS that actually flips the switches on their side too in order for it to work out of the box.

Back when I started this thread (has it really been 6+ years?) the NVIDIA drivers were in a good place. Over the last few years, the driver quality has deteriorated at a similar rate to the relationship between the two companies. It's sad, but I'm also not surprised by the current state of affairs. It's pretty clear that NVIDIA's investment in macOS is far less than it used to be, which is why I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE BUY AN NVIDIA GPU FOR USE UNDER MACOS at this time. Is that clear enough for you? I don't even use macOS myself anymore, gaming has always been my focus and I simply gave up and switched to Windows so I don't have to worry about any of this.

But sure, just fall back to the ad hominem attacks and ignore what I'm actually saying, and have been saying for a long time now.
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A friend of mine sent me this:

Not sure if this has been referenced here already or not, but it seems this issue is getting a little more media attention now. As far as I’m concerned, the more media attention, the better, until Apple cooperates with NVIDIA again so we get our drivers.

I just sent my second feedback form regarding this issue to Apple, this time fairly more strongly-worded than the first one.
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I am glad at least to find such a discussion here, my problem is and was to use at least 2gfx in cMPs and to work with GPU stuff in MacOS , and after I bought 5.1 I was happy to use PC Cards in Sierra until Drivers become ...
You all know ...
The discussion above is very interesting for me because , I didn't know that GeForce Drivers had a lack of features, I thought at least Apple NV-Drivers would support full set of features.

And I did not know that Apple cares about quality.
After Jobs is gone It scares the **** out of me on every Apple Device when an update is released Will my device survive, IS there more functions I will lose, Will it be STILL compatible with my older Apple devices.

I never could imagine This fantastic company to stop giving information to Nvidia because of the quality of their drivers.
Especially still there are Macs out there being supported by Apple with Nvidia hardware beyond cMP

Very interesting ...
Thanks at least I found a place on earth to share the madness I expierience with cMP and Graphic Cards as I chose not to build or buy PC for one decade a private person...

PS my first graphic card
oem trident 512kb 640x480x16c did not have NEC Multisync yet
2nd. Diamond Speedstar Tseng ET4000 800x600x32768c & Hauppauge winTV
3rd. ATi Rage Pro 128 & ATiTV 16,7 mil colors hardware alpha channel (win95,linux,openStep)
since then only Nvidia I never returned to ATi/AMD again.
started with NV fx5200 with Fast Screenmachine II
then NV quadro4 & Pinnacle DC30+ never returned to PC/Dell again
>DC30+ still in Friend's G4
until I jumped on mac with eyeTV every mac has nvidia hardware I own/ed.
at work jumped from Avid to AJA always on quadros
FireGL drivers or Radeon SSG you are kidding me...

in last 20 years I had only driver nightmares with S3,Ati/AMD and intel but never with Nvidia on all platorms until now on mac
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No 10 bit color output on Geforce so no good for pro users working with HDR and colours. Reported 100s of times by users. Always brushed under the carpet by Nvidia shills. Not even Windows has this 10 bit support unless upgrading to Quadra.

Highend Geforce cards have 10bit support in Windows since years...

GPU decode and encode support

This Problem exist until now , you are right ! after Divix bought MainActor ... even in Windows 10 especially encoding with windows onboard utilities...

OpenCL and Metal bugs causing crashes in Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere.

OpenCL causes pain on Radeons too, ask developers of LuxMark, version 4 not for macs...
CUDA acceleration works in Adobe (cc2018)even with Maxwell with Optix SDK workaround on High Sierra
much better then any metal acceleration on Radeon. see BareFacts for details Adobe and Davinci Resolve...

But still professional shillers online still shilling and blaming Apple. Shills won't listen to reason.

Yes I blame Apple for destroying entire DCC market after selling Pixar and not further developing Shake or FCP, cross platform Quicktime64bit successor or cutting video functions from quartz composer... at the end please name one Apple Product which supports Metal-Api and is not part of MacOS ...(do not try to mention the only one plug in for FCP X even last Motion or Compressor do not know about Metal)


  • Faster Optical Flow analysis using Metal 2

fantastic metal was intruduced with ElCapitan .... buggy MercuryTransmit and poor Davinci Resolve and of course AMD Radeon Render which is faster in Windows too (openCL 2.0)

Yes You can play tomb raider, world of warcraft and f1 2017 in metal , but these are not Apple developed games... maybe chess is ported to metal ? -right it is not a separate product
metal is so fantastic in safari webpages are broken plugins too and we have to use chrome...
There was an Announcement Autodesk wanted to support Metal-Api in the end Alias will not be Updated on Mac anymore and I should not blame Apple ...
Go Apple CPU Render Yourself!

Edit ;Finally since today there is a second Metal usage in a Apple Application
It is not all over all codecs functional but after so many years for the first time Voila the second usage of Metal-Api in Apples Pro App:

New in Compressor 4.4.3
Released December 13, 2018
Well Matal-API is used not generally for Video acceleration on decoding on GPU but in this case on encoding for RAW-formats only, NOT for h264 NOT for HEVC there still OpenCL which works under the hood.
It still makes me wonder why Apple did not intruduce any Metal-Api functions in Compressor or FCP-X since ElCapitan.

And now German newspaper MacLife speculates OpenCL and GL are abandoned in Mojave because of new transition to come with PowerVR/A12 in new Macs2019. The thesis is, the libraries of OpenCL and -GL, which are to heavy to run on this chip, have no place in 10.15 so the transition from intel to Apples' in-house chips can be completed. This might be another cause not to develop any Graphic Drivers further, and not giving information to Nvidia which might become a competitor in future macs with Apples' own PowerVR graphic cores.
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5. Doesn't support the full Metal v2 spec.
How important is the difference between Feature Set 1_V4 and MacOS GPU_Family2_V1?
the list of Family2_V1 is here

Intel Iris Graphics 5xx
Intel Iris Plus Graphics 6xx
Intel HD Graphics 5xx
Intel HD Graphics 6xx

AMD FirePro Dxxx
AMD Radeon R9 M2xx
AMD Radeon R9 M3xx
AMD Radeon Pro 4xx
AMD Radeon Pro 5xx
AMD Radeon Pro Vega

Is Intel HD Graphics 5xx capable of sth Nvidia's Kepler cannot do ?
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Has anyone recently submitted a bug report to Apple regarding Mojave NVIDIA Web Drivers (and/or CUDA) for officially licensed products (such as GTX 680 Mac Edition or GT 750M), then had the ticket closed, referencing another open case number? Unsure if this is a new development, or if it's been this way for awhile.
Has anyone recently submitted a bug report to Apple regarding Mojave NVIDIA Web Drivers (and/or CUDA) for officially licensed products (such as GTX 680 Mac Edition or GT 750M), then had the ticket closed, referencing another open case number? Unsure if this is a new development, or if it's been this way for awhile.
Please sent me a link I will do,
RED-Meterial editing in realtime with cuda and Adobe is so important on Apple in future ...
2) single 8pin FEMALE -> 3x6pin (if can't find such cable, then start with dual 6pin, and then further spilt one 6pin to dual 6pin).

Is this the right way ???


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    42 KB · Views: 218
Guys, I've asked all over the internet but have never resolved the ongoing Kernel Panics with my 4,1 flashed 5,1 with GTX1080ti. Any help with this would be really greatly appreciated.

Are the Mac Nvidia drivers known to cause kernel panics/freezes? Ever since I had the 1080 installed I get regular KPs that always look like this:

Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.nvidia.web.NVDAResmanWeb(10.3.3)[92230D7F-69C4-34B2-9B37-2BA3E8131CE1]@0xffffff7f96b91000

I'm totally at the end of my rope with this machine. Are the KPs just something that Mac users on Nvidia cards endure, or is there any way to solve the crashes? I'm on 10.13.6 (17G3025), 387., CUDA 410.130. I have one GPU installed, a GTX1080ti, and two Apple Cinema Displays connected to the card.

If anyone can suggest a fix I will happily paypal you the money for a decent bottle of wine or whatever your poison is. Thanks.
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