I'm NVDA shareholder but I'm not that type of person who lies to professional users and customers.
We have same stories for 4 years from Nvidia salesboys. Just giving bad spending advice to PROFESSIONAL users who regretted their purchase and complained about:
1 No good tech support for these beta drivers. BETA DRIVERS that shills argued many times were not beta even when Nvidia said they were beta and never came out with official end of beta support for Maxwell and Pascal.
2 No 10 bit color output on Geforce so no good for pro users working with HDR and colours. Reported 100s of times by users. Always brushed under the carpet by Nvidia shills. Not even Windows has this 10 bit support unless upgrading to Quadra.
3 No GPU decode and encode support for certain codecs in web drivers. Therefore web driver didn't even support the full hardware specs for Maxwell and Pascal.
4 OpenCL and Metal bugs causing crashes in Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere.
5. Doesn't support the full Metal v2 spec.
But still professional shillers online still shilling and blaming Apple. Shills won't listen to reason.
Apple has NO REASON AND ZERO REASON to incur tech support costs because Nvidia's terrible drivers, perpetual beta drivers, no tech support on these beta drivers, and no official Mac products released. It's a very simply financial decision on Apple's part. Only someone crazy or corrupt would disagree.
I'd respectfully ask that you keep this stuff out of the FAQ thread, as it serves no purpose and does not help people who have chosen (against my current advice) to buy an NVIDIA GPU and need help to get it to work. I also really think you have me confused with someone else, I'm not sure the fact I started this FAQ thread makes me an "NVIDIA salesboy" or "shill".
1) I've made it very clear that the drivers had beta support (at best) for Maxwell and Pascal GPUs. There's even a whole FAQ entry on this (#7) where I explicitly say that PC cards are not officially supported, and you're mostly on your own if you decide to use one.
2) Dude, get over it. This is a feature. If you don't like it, buy an AMD card. I've been saying this for years, NVIDIA has chosen to make desktop 10-bit color a Quadro-only feature, and if you're in the market for a cheap consumer-level graphics card that supports 10-bit color for your professional work, then buy AMD.
3) No argument there, though one could extend this to all kinds of modern hardware features that Apple does not expose through OpenGL, OpenCL or Metal.
4) The last time I remember discussing this with you, you kept pointing out bugs that had long been fixed in the most recent web drivers (at the time). I've politely asked you for more information about what the current set of known issues are, but you just reply calling me a "shill" or simply ignore me.
5) Metal 2 is new with Mojave, right? I haven't really been following this lately, as I haven't used macOS in a few years now. Given the complete lack of Mojave drivers, are you really surprised that NVIDIA hasn't implemented all of the Metal 2 spec? Again, this ties in with my
theory of what one of the underlying issues is: Apple has stopped providing the necessary information (private headers for the Frameworks and KEXTs) and NVIDIA is thus unable to produce a driver for Mojave or implement all the new features. I could be completely wrong of course, but this is my
theory as to what might be part of the road block.
Where did I say NVIDIA is blameless in all of this? Astute readers will note that I did not say that, nor have I been saying that. All I'm suggesting is that there is blame on both sides here, and there are simply things that NVIDIA has literally no control over, such as Apple enabling eGPU support on their GPUs. NVIDIA could release a perfect bug-free driver that correctly flips all the switches on their side, but Apple would still have to ship an OS that actually flips the switches on their side too in order for it to work out of the box.
Back when I started this thread (has it really been 6+ years?) the NVIDIA drivers were in a good place. Over the last few years, the driver quality has deteriorated at a similar rate to the relationship between the two companies. It's sad, but I'm also not surprised by the current state of affairs. It's pretty clear that NVIDIA's investment in macOS is far less than it used to be, which is why
I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE BUY AN NVIDIA GPU FOR USE UNDER MACOS at this time. Is that clear enough for you? I don't even use macOS myself anymore, gaming has always been my focus and I simply gave up and switched to Windows so I don't have to worry about any of this.
But sure, just fall back to the ad hominem attacks and ignore what I'm actually saying, and have been saying for a long time now.