DMG (30.9MB) is still corrupted

Any idea if this card -
The EVGA GTX 285 just bit the dust, and my temp (an old ATI 3870) can't really deal with FPC, AE, etc.
Interested if would fly un-flashed.
Thanks for any knowledge.
Should be plug-and-play, no worries at all. You won't get a boot screen as discussed in the OP, but that shouldn't be an issue.
Cuda 6.0.54 is available here. But, don't know for how long. I've installed it and it works:
Nvidia cards need to be flashed to fix this. Each model has required a different mod to turn it on.
Is there a guide on how to do this somewhere? Also, How do you tell what speed or protocol (PCIe 1 vs 2) a card is running at?
Say I buy a GTX 760. It would work out of the box at PCIe 2 on 10.9.4 out of the box, but it would need to be flashed to get PCIe 2 under windows, right?
I've also had difficulty in figuring out the power cable needed. The photo on amazon shows a 8 pin to two 6 pin connectors. I'm not sure what I need here. Can I hook this up straight to two six pin connectors in the Mac or do I need a low profile adapter? Or, does this card need an external power source? That would be bad.
I hope to buy a card in the next few days, I appreciate any help.
I should mention that I have been looking at EVGA GeForce GTX760 at Amazon and it is from photos of the box contents that had me wondering about the correct power cable.
Also, yes on the PCIe speeds in Mac vs. windows
I'm considering to finally upgrade from Snow Leopard to ML and to get a GTX 650 2Gb on my MP 3.1. Just some questions for you:
- For some software I need Rosetta so I'll install Parallels or Virtualbox to emulate Snow Leopard server, does the GTX 650 card work for emulation?
- emulating Windows under Parallels or Virtualbox too?
- sometimes I need to use Final Cut, does the GTX 650 card work for it?
- Is it better a 1 Gb 650 Ti or a 2 Gb not Ti?
1)3) Hmm... I would think the 2GB not Ti would be a better choice. You can get a 2GB Ti for about the same price anyway.
After a few days of usage I'm quite disappointed of Gtx 650 Ti 2 gb performance on my Mac Pro 3.1 (2x2.8 Ghz with 10 Gb Ram, 250 Gb SSD, OsX 10.8.5).
CUDA Driver Version: 6.0.54
GPU driver Version 8.16.78 310.40.00.20f04
With the old Ati 5450 I never had a lag with InDesign CS 6, now every time I move an image o resize a window I must wait for redraw.
Watching a Flash low definition video in Chrome, fun starts after a few seconds (with 5450 it never happened).
I must use this card because I need to use now Mac Os X 10.8.x (the 5450 doens't work with it). I'm not happy at all