I have an early 2008 Mac Pro (3,1). For a couple of years I've been running with a flashed Radeon 5870 so I'm familiar with logging in without a boot screen.
I recently upgraded to 10.10.3 with the supplemental update (14D136) and I just purchased an EVGA GTX 750 TI FTW to replace the 5870. I still have my original 8800GT (that came with the mac pro) that I used for setting up the 750TI.
The short of it: if I boot the system with just the 750 TI, it does not boot; I hear the chime but I'm not able to login using the expected login key sequence. If I boot the system with both the 750 TI and the 8800GT with the DVI cable plugged into the 750TI, I'm able to boot the machine albeit logging in with the black screen. I'm trying to figure out why the system works with both cards, but not with just the 750TI. In both cases the DVI cable for my monitor is plugged into the 750TI.
This was my setup procedure:
* With just the 8800GT installed, I downloaded and installed the 343.02.02f02 Nvidia Graphics Driver.
* I ensured the nvidia driver manager was set to "Nvidia Web Driver" and not the OSX default graphics driver.
* I rebooted the box and ensured that when it came back up it was still set to the Nvidia Web Driver.
* I confirmed with 'nvram -p' that nvda_drv=1 is included in the boot args.
* I powered the box down, removed the 8800GT, and installed the 750 TI in slot 1.
* I tried many attempts to login to the machine without success. I heard the chime, waited 20 seconds just to be sure, then tried the usual key sequence (down, up, <enter>, pause 5 seconds, <password>, enter). I knew when this worked with my 5870 because the LED on my mouse would flash and the hard drive would briefly click when it started to login. I didn't get either of those feedback events with just the 750 TI.
* I installed the 8800GT in slot 3 and left the 750 TI in slot 1. I booted the machine, heard the chime, waited 20 seconds, entered the login key sequence, and about 20-30 seconds later I was at an OSX desktop. The Nvidia driver config utility confirms that the system has both a 750 TI and an 8800GT and that the display is happening through the 750 TI.
* For just the 750TI, I've tried booting the machine in both PCI slot 1 and PCI slot 3, I get the same non-functional behavior in both slots.
* For using both the 8800GT and the 750TI, I get the same functional behavior with 8800GT in slot 3 and 750TI in slot 1, and vice versa.
As it is now, my machine is usable.. I have the 750TI in slot 1 with the DVI cable plugged into that, the 8800GT sits in slot 3 with no monitor connected. The machine boots fine, I login at the black screen. However, ideally I'd like to be able to run the system without the 8800GT installed since it's just wasting power to be plugged in and not doing anything.
I've tried to do my homework; I've read these forums, read the FAQ, read the blog at macvidcards.. at this point I'm stumped and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!