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Re: Re: GarageBand made to be easy.

Originally posted by Torajima
I don't think you understand just what it is I'm asking for. I'm not asking to control external midi devices with Garageband. I just want to be able to save (export) and open (import) plain old midi sequences. This does NOT require a midi out device, mixer, or seperate speakers. And people who don't need it never have to use it.

Garage Band 2.0?

It may happen. In the meantime, enjoy iLife4 :)
Originally posted by Mr. Anderson
One thing to consider is that this is the first version of the software. It will evolve over time, especially with feedback from the users. I wouldn't go bashing something you haven't used yourself yet, just wait and see.

Yeah, and at $50 an upgrade, by the time GB finally does everything you want, you will have invested the same amount of money that pro level software costs now! ;)
Originally posted by ipoddin
Yeah, and at $50 an upgrade, by the time GB finally does everything you want, you will have invested the same amount of money that pro level software costs now! ;)
One of the reasons I haven't update to Panther.. Jaguar works, so why bother... Features aren't that enticing.
Originally posted by ipoddin
Yeah, and at $50 an upgrade, by the time GB finally does everything you want, you will have invested the same amount of money that pro level software costs now! ;)

But by the time it gets there, hopefully it will have dragged me up to some sort of proficiency. Or at least people won't hate what I make.

I've just realised that you can make minor stuff ups in videos and people watching won't care too much as long as the overall idea works, but screw up a music piece and people will put their hands over their ears and never listen again.

Hmm, this could be tough.
One of the reasons I haven't update to Panther.. Jaguar works, so why bother... Features aren't that enticing.

especially if youre into making music... expose is THE feature to upgrade to panther for... its so nice not having to click around between mix windows, softsynths, this that and the other thing... ya know... well it always pissed me off and i cant afford dual 23 cinema displays...
Originally posted by pgwalsh
One of the reasons I haven't update to Panther.. Jaguar works, so why bother... Features aren't that enticing.

If you're a power user, Expose alone is worth the cost of the upgrade.

The ability to run X11 Unix apps is another plus... I'm currently trying out OpenOffice and Gimp, and if they meet my needs Panther will have saved me over $1000 in software (no Microsoft Office or Photoshop for me).

Heh, anyone know of a free X11 Pagemaker and Illustrator replacement?
Re: Re: GarageBand made to be easy.

Originally posted by Torajima
I don't think you understand just what it is I'm asking for. I'm not asking to control external midi devices with Garageband. I just want to be able to save (export) and open (import) plain old midi sequences. This does NOT require a midi out device, mixer, or seperate speakers. And people who don't need it never have to use it.

You're right. I don't understand.

What exactly do you want to export to midi?

a) The whole song
b) Sequence tracks (Software instruments)
c) Audio tracks (inbuilt loops)
d) Audio tracks (recorded - eg guitar)

If anything, I would expect only (b) to be available as audio to midi conversions would/should only be in high end apps.

Maybe you can copy and paste the sequence tracks to other apps?

But if it is the audio tracks you want to convert to midi, i think it is quite a cheek to expect GB to do something your highend apps obviously can't do (import audio and convert to midi) or else you wouldn't be expecting GB to do it.

If it is only the sequence tracks you want... why? why not record them in you highend app in the first place? Why would you only want part of the song?
Re: Re: Re: GarageBand made to be easy.

Originally posted by ChrisH3677
You're right. I don't understand.

What exactly do you want to export to midi?

a) The whole song
b) Sequence tracks (Software instruments)
c) Audio tracks (inbuilt loops)
d) Audio tracks (recorded - eg guitar)

B. Sequence tracks, since they are already midi.

But it would be nice to be able to export individual tracks regardless (audio tracks as aif, sequences as midi).

If it is only the sequence tracks you want... why? why not record them in you highend app in the first place? Why would you only want part of the song?

Already covered why I don't want to begin with highend apps... IMO, they tend to be counterproductive to the creative process.

And why would I only want to save part of the song? Well, as a synth player, the midi sequences are the most important part of the song to me. And, in my experience, a complex midi sequence is far more difficult to duplicate from memory than a few guitar chords or a drum loop.
Now I get it. However I think it would be safe to say that GB is designed as an end-to-end app. It was never conceived to be a link in the chain. At most, it's meant to work with the other iLife apps.

The reason iMovie and FCE/FCP can work with each other is because they all speak Quicktime. Maybe if Apple's sound engineers thought in the same way as their video/multimedia engineers, you would have your wish.

In time, perhaps. After all we are up to QT6 and it's taken a decade. Maybe by 2014 you'll be using GB 9.0 and all will be well.
Torajima, Ah! Ok thanks.

I reckon if it's not already there, copy and paste of the sequence tracks to other apps will be out before version 2 and that export the sequence tracks to midi would appear in version 2.0
I know this isn't a very intuitive way of doing it, but here's an idea:

GarageBand of course does the SoftSynth instruments with MIDI. This is obvious by the way it's edited and recorded and the fact that it uses MIDI input to control the Software Instruments.

This means that it has to save the MIDI files for each MIDI track somewhere, and knowing Apple, it'll be buried deep within the GarageBand save file, which'll really be a package that you can browse around in.

So, technically, one could dig around and find the MIDI files and drag 'em out using the Finder and the "Show Package Contents" option.

The only stumbling block here would be if Apple did not save the MIDI tracks in standard format... Doubt it, but it's possible.

So this could be a way to export the MIDI tracks. I know it's not as easy and a simple MIDI export option would be, and it totally doesn't serve as an excuse, but if push comes to shove, I'm sure you could do it to get your precious MIDI tracks out of GarageBand.
Hack the midi?

Maybe some smart person can make a hack to export the midi from the GB data file?
Originally posted by tjwett
It is a toy for playing with at home. It is not for doing real work with. That is, unless you plan to release an album of AAC quality tunes that are built around a bunch of bundled loops and synth presets.

Have you actually heard Top-40 radio in the last 10 years?
Originally posted by ChrisH3677
hey seion - great thinking!!! :D

*shrugs* I just followed Apple's tendencies to make packages and keep individual files within them.

Originally posted by jfg@forum
Maybe some smart person can make a hack to export the midi from the GB data file?

Hrm, once the save package is examined, I don't believe it'd be very hard to make an Applescript that will do it for you...

I might take it upon myself to make one to add to the global Applescript menu so that the functionality could be added to GarageBand...

Of course, this assumes that I'll have time with all the messing around with GB that I'm going to be doing :D
Originally posted by Torajima
The iMovie and FCE comparison simply doesn't hold water. I can start a project in iMovie and finish it in Final Cut Express or any other "Pro" video app.

But once you've created something in Garageband, that's it. You're done. Because, unlike iMovie, YOU CAN NOT EXPORT GARAGEBAND PROJECTS TO OTHER APPLICATIONS.

The ability to import and export midi and audio tracks is a rather stupid omission, even for an application aimed at "novices".

Your logic is a little off. Yes, I can output a DV stream from iMovie and import in into FCP but if I used any FX or transitions I will not be able to manipulate those FX/tansitions in FCP. If, for example, I want to change the length of a dissolve I have to go back to iMovie and make that change. iMovie can only export a finished product. Same as all the other iApps. If I do some touching up to a photo in iPhoto I can only export it as a jpeg. A flat image. I cannot export it as a Photoshop docutment w/a bunch of layers reflecting each change I made. I cannot export an iDVD menu and import it into DVD SP. GB is no different. It will export a "finished" product the same as the rest of the iApps.

Originally posted by tjwett: It is a toy for playing with at home. It is not for doing real work with. That is, unless you plan to release an album of AAC quality tunes that are built around a bunch of bundled loops and synth presets.
Originally posted by IndyGopher
Have you actually heard Top-40 radio in the last 10 years?

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

(BTW, it's AIFF-quality)
Originally posted by martin
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

(BTW, it's AIFF-quality)
Apparently he didn't realize that all original material has been used up and now all new music are loops and all restaurants are Taco Bell.
Export to AIFF

Unless I am wrong, you can convert to AIFF with Sound Studio. We'll see Friday, when we all get ouro ands on GB
a $49 APP?

Hey, iLife 04 ain't Bias, but it is a whole lot of functionality that works for a Shareware price!

I have a buddy who does voiceovers for companies you would recognize. Based on the Garage Band specs, he'll be trading in a $250 K studio for GB on his eMac G4.

Yes, there are more complete and more powerful music/mixing apps out there. So buy one, but quit griping about an app you haven't even seen that provides far more value than its cost!
Re: a $49 APP?

Originally posted by gloftis
...I have a buddy who does voiceovers for companies you would recognize. Based on the Garage Band specs, he'll be trading in a $250 K studio for GB on his eMac G4...

I've worked extensively in both music production, and audio post production for t.v., radio, even video games and I can't imagine doing a full days work and completing a job with nothing but GarageBand, even a 10 second radio spot. There is a lot more to it than pressing record and putting it in an ad. There has to be, at the very least, compression, wave form editing, normalizing, good EQ, etc. Oh man, and most important of all, a good set of monitors (speakers). I really hope he isn't planning to monitor and mix on his built-in eMac speakers. I could see POSSIBLY laying down a vanilla backing bed of music with GarageBand but what happens when I need to export, and need to give the work to others? Surely the guys in the post house running Pro Tools aren't going to be able to open up my GarageBand document. And someone always wants hard copies of the mix and master on DAT, ADAT, etc. Surely they aren't going to log and AAC file, or an AAC file converted to aiff. What exactly is this guy getting rid of in his 250k dollar rig? I can see eliminating things like a 48 channel Neve desk or a few hardware synths but there are too many studio essentials that are absolute must have workhorses to go without. And if this guy is having a garage sale, I'd really like to know!:)
Re: Re: a $49 APP?

Originally posted by tjwett
And if this guy is having a garage sale, I'd really like to know!:)
Of course he's having a Garage sale. After all, where would the Band go...:rolleyes:

Thank you, thankyou all very much. You've been a wonderful audience.:D
a $49 APP?

…I've worked extensively in both music production, and audio post production for t.v., radio, even video games and I can't imagine…

If you woould read what I said and thought, you wouldn't reach absurd conclusions.

OF course there is a lot to voiceovers, but I said "based on the specs." because nnone of us really knonws what GB will do until tomorrow.

We are going to wring GB out and find the holes, perhaps it won't do the job, but it is a precursor of moreeconomical software on the horizon that does to the ProTools of the world what they did to analog.

As for the garage sale, watch eBay! He is keeping a set of speakers, a select few mics, and his board.
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