This display is not perfect, but I think I can live with it. It's probably not quite as good as the second one. I knew I should have kept that.
I am seriously considering determining what type of cable is used from display to logic board. If ribbon cable, could use standard cables and jump across to see what the display looks like with potentially higher grade (awg) cables. But maybe it's absolutely impossible, as I don't really know what I am talking about. I haven't tore it open and looked at it.
I will say that with the 2.2 setting, it really looks good until I get close enough or see a grayish/brown/gold background which really sets it off (like the background on opening create your account page when starting for first time). I could see the lines instantly on all three before even getting to actual desktop. I knew with all three that I had 9C90 before getting to display. From having a 9C9A, it's obvious when I see a 9C90. So, I don't know if it's a power issue, why the 9C90 is so very obvious to me.
Anyways, I may try one more after waiting a few days to see if anyone gets a different display model. Or, I may return it and use a 13" MBP. But until I do the review, I don't see any way I would take that huge brick over this tiny Air. This thing still looks incredible with videos, darks look like a black hole, and angled views are great. The colors are amazing, BUT not nearly as nice as the 13" MBP! I do appreciate the silver bezel and no glass though.
Please keep me updated with all of the display models that you all get in your new MBAs. Also, best wishes in getting a line free display, like a few of you have reported.