Ok, I think I'm getting it. So as an example the original perl command is saying;10de is Nvidia's Vendor ID. AMD is 1002 (as per in your screen capture).
Therefore, device ID of your card's audio part should be 0210f0aa inside the kext file.
Replace the string de101a0e with de10abcd, whilst mine would say, replace the string 0210xxxx with 0210f0aa.
Thing is where does that de101a0e actually come from? That's what I can't get my head around. I'm assuming that the command won't work if it can't locate the string to be replaced?
Yeah thanks for that. I'll have a look see. I don't mind trying some stuff out.Please note that the fix is for Nvidia cards. I cannot confirm that it works for AMD cards. Try it with the right device ID (as mentioned by h98) and let us now. If it doesn't work, have a look at the WhateverGreen Lilu plugin.
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