can I reuse my current smbios.plist and org.chameleon.boot.plist files?
Yes, you can. In addition, contrary to the advice you've received from another forum member, you do NOT need to change the GraphicsEnabler key in org.chameleon.Boot.plist. "Yes" is fine, at least for a Mac Pro 1,1 with an ATI Radeon HD 5770. It's fine both for running the installer partition and Mavericks itself.
EDIT: By the way, you DON'T have to change the ID of your default partition even for launching the Mavericks install partition. It's always better to leave the full name of the OS X partition (which means the volume from which it runs, such as "Macintosh HD"). So, don't write anything like "Installer" in org. chameleon.Boot.plist. Simply "Macintosh HD", "Mavericks", "Tom" or whatever (without the quotation marks). When you need to launch the installer, simply hit any key (such as Option) when Chameleon has started booting; you'll be presented a menu. Choose "Installer" (or whatever you named your Mavericks installer partition). When it does its thing, the computer will automatically boot, guess what, to the newly installed Mavericks volume. And that's all there is to it.
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