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I'm a little confused. Is a guide on how to install 10.9 buried somewhere on this thread or is hackerwayne still working on it?

There are several methods discussed here. On page 24 I have posted a link for installing Mavericks on a Mac Pro 1,1 or 2,1 using Chameleon on a GUID partition table HDD. Another method is using Chameleon on a second hard drive (typically a 8GB SSD hidden under the optical drives) formatted as a MBR. Third is the MacPostFactor method but that hasn't been released yet.
Hi Hennesie,

do you mean try an other version?, i have installed chameleon several times the one you provided but theres a newer version can i try it? how can i see that Startup Disk is the active partition ?
thanks for your advices anyway, i will report soon my progress :)
There are several methods discussed here. On page 24 I have posted a link for installing Mavericks on a Mac Pro 1,1 or 2,1 using Chameleon on a GUID partition table HDD. Another method is using Chameleon on a second hard drive (typically a 8GB SSD hidden under the optical drives) formatted as a MBR. Third is the MacPostFactor method but that hasn't been released yet.

Looks like I have to wait until the MlPostFactor comes out since I don't have a MBP or an SSD in my laptop.
ok did a repair on my lion drive, (one partition no bootcamp), reinstalled chameleon, bless thing and no success always antislash with a blinking underscore
googled "chameleon active partition" and didn't understand anything so stuck here :confused:
Looks like I have to wait until the MlPostFactor comes out since I don't have a MBP or an SSD in my laptop.

What laptop do you have?


ok did a repair on my lion drive, (one partition no bootcamp), reinstalled chameleon, bless thing and no success always antislash with a blinking underscore
googled "chameleon active partition" and didn't understand anything so stuck here :confused:

Please tell me your exact setup. How many HDDs and what partitions you have.
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Anyone know of a work around to enable airplay mirroring? It seems that OS X checks for integrated graphics to enable the option even though the discreet GPU should be more then powerful enough to handle the task. I know there is Air Parrot but was trying to just use the native option.
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with pleasure :
diskutil list
0: GUID_partition_scheme *500.1 GB disk0
1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 499.2 GB disk0s2
3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s3
0: GUID_partition_scheme *1.0 TB disk1
1: EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1
2: Apple_HFS Startup Disk 1.1 GB disk1s2
3: Apple_HFS Installer 8.0 GB disk1s3
4: Apple_HFS Mavericks 990.5 GB disk1s4
I believe you can just create a bootable installer on an internal HDD from the Install OS X app. Then boot up the installer using chameleon (as a 3,1 Mac). Then proceed with the upgrade as usual.

Hi Hennesie:

So gave this a quick try. I made a bootable Drive from the App Store OS X Mavericks download, redirected Chameleon to boot up the Mavericks installer.

However, on bootup, I get the dreaded "Can't find mach kernel"

Any thoughts?
Hi Hennesie:

So gave this a quick try. I made a bootable Drive from the App Store OS X Mavericks download, redirected Chameleon to boot up the Mavericks installer.

However, on bootup, I get the dreaded "Can't find mach kernel"

Any thoughts?

Follow Batmans guide (link on page 2 or 3). If Chameleon and the Mavericks installer are on the same drive then there shouldn't be an issue but you may get that error if they are not on the same drive.
:) One step closer to Beta.


- 32-bit method will be retained, similar to how MLPFv0.3 works. (For GMA 950 and 7300gt)
- 64-bit method will be included (For X1600, upgraded graphics on Mac Pro, this is based on Clover or Chameleon)
- All in one application process is similar to MLPFv0.3.

Wait .....
Wanna try on MacBook White Mid2007
Hi Hennesie2000. Did you post a direct link to a download of Chameleon 2.2rev2247? If not, should we get that from Batman's link on page 2 or 3 of the thread? Thanks.

There are links in the PDf for everything you will need. But you could also get it from Batman's links.
I have an iMac 5,1 - Late 2006 with 3GB of ram, and was wanting to get Mavericks on it, and I see that the OP has done so. Where is the guide?
Surprise Surprise

For all the ones having a Mac Pro and disliking legacy boot loaders.
If you can't wait, here you are!

KEEP IN MIND, that hackerwaynes/MLforAlls release will include this AND it will be automated and more advanced!
I just made some basic file modifications, while they will even support updating.
And here you are: Mavericks Install Tools.

!!! I forgot to mention in the included guide, that you (may) need to delete "/System/Library/Caches/"

It's designed for Mac Pros with upgraded, Mavericks compatible graphic cards.
It will work on other platforms but you won't have graphic acceleration.
If it's supposed to run as a server OS or for testing purpose your good to go.

You won't have iMessage/FaceTime.

The reason I released it is, that it will bypass the need of an legacy boot loader (Chameleon/Chimera/CloverBIOS).

This is outdated - search for Tiamo's boot.efi!
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For all the ones having a Mac Pro and disliking legacy boot loaders.
If you can't wait, here you are!

KEEP IN MIND, that hackerwaynes/MLforAlls release will include this AND it will be automated and more advanced!
I just made some basic file modifications, while they will even support updating.
And here you are: Mavericks Install Tools.

Will it work with my iMac 5,1 from Late 2006?
Will it work with my iMac 5,1 from Late 2006?

Theoretically yes…
...but you won't have advanced graphic acceleration. (Nor iMessage/FaceTime)

For ATI X1600 that means, that if you install the OS X Lion drivers you will be able to watch low res html videos on youtube, but that's everything you will get. GUI issues and slow downs so that's no joy at all. However, if you want it to install as a sever environment your good to go.
The reason I released it is, that it will bypass the need of an legacy boot loader (Chameleon/Chimera/CloverBIOS).

From reading the included guide I don't see how it's bypassing the need for EFI64 to boot the 64 bit kernel. How does this route negate the need for things like Chameleon on 2006/2007 Mac Pros?
From reading the included guide I don't see how it's bypassing the need for EFI64 to boot the 64 bit kernel. How does this route negate the need for things like Chameleon on 2006/2007 Mac Pros?

1st: it uses a patched efi file, which allows a 32bit efi to load a 64Bit kernel (you will find guides there for out there in the web)

2nd: the modified files make the installer think, that it's a compatible mac/will allow installation

!It will also allow the nativ use of a FusionDrive if you creat it using Terminal beforehand.
From reading the included guide I don't see how it's bypassing the need for EFI64 to boot the 64 bit kernel. How does this route negate the need for things like Chameleon on 2006/2007 Mac Pros?

If you already have a supported GPU it makes much more sense to go the chameleon route so you get iMessage and FaceTime.
If you already have a supported GPU it makes much more sense to go the chameleon route so you get iMessage and FaceTime.

Not that Chameleon itself doesn't require some tweaking for iMessage/FaceTime functionality but what exactly about the PostFactor route precludes said features? Personally I never bothered with Mountain Lion so I have no familiarity with how MLPF works. Assuming iMessage/FaceTime can be made to work, or the user doesn't care about them, I would argue that the patched EFI method is the better option to take over Chameleon. That way you don't have to worry about keeping a copy of Lion around for blessing purposes, those with Windows installed or 4k sectors won't need to clear extra hurdles and the headache that Chameleon itself can be is completely avoided.
Anyone know of a work around to enable airplay mirroring? It seems that OS X checks for integrated graphics to enable the option even though the discreet GPU should be more then powerful enough to handle the task. I know there is Air Parrot but was trying to just use the native option.

Airplay Mirroring doesn't use the GPU. It uses an Intell feature called QuickSync. It's a h264 hardware encoder that is only present on supported 10.8+ machines. The GPU cannot be used instead of the QuickSync encoder.
1st: it uses a patched efi file, which allows a 32bit efi to load a 64Bit kernel (you will find guides there for out there in the web)

This sounds very interesting. Would you know off hand if it is possible to restore a working copy of Mavericks to a fresh drive and simply make the EFI modifications there? I have some spare drives available so I'd be willing to test it out.

After giving the guide another once over it seems the scenario I described is quite doable. When I find some time later this week I'll give it a try and post my findings.
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Airplay Mirroring doesn't use the GPU. It uses an Intell feature called QuickSync. It's a h264 hardware encoder that is only present on supported 10.8+ machines. The GPU cannot be used instead of the QuickSync encoder.

Yea already I learned that after digging around some more. AirParrot is the solution.


Not that Chameleon itself doesn't require some tweaking for iMessage/FaceTime functionality but what exactly about the PostFactor route precludes said features? Personally I never bothered with Mountain Lion so I have no familiarity with how MLPF works. Assuming iMessage/FaceTime can be made to work, or the user doesn't care about them, I would argue that the patched EFI method is the better option to take over Chameleon. That way you don't have to worry about keeping a copy of Lion around for blessing purposes, those with Windows installed or 4k sectors won't need to clear extra hurdles and the headache that Chameleon itself can be is completely avoided.

From what had been said by Hackerwayne is that the 64bit version of MPF will be based off Chameleon. The biggest issue with MLPF and the reason I never bothered with it, besides testing, was that you couldn't update OS X. If you were on 10.8.3 and wanted to go to 10.8.4 then you had to do a fresh install.

From what had been said by Hackerwayne is that the 64bit version of MPF will be based off Chameleon. The biggest issue with MLPF and the reason I never bothered with it, besides testing, was that you couldn't update OS X. If you were on 10.8.3 and wanted to go to 10.8.4 then you had to do a fresh install.

You can/could update. Although being inoffical (and not recommended) you could just update using the offical ComboUpdate.dmg by Apple and install it via Terminal/Pacifist. Then you had to reboot into the MLPF installer and reapply the patch.

If you installed Mavericks using the EFI method (which is not at all like MLPF v0.3) you can update using a delta/combo update (not the AppStore) but before reboot you need to re-replace the PlatformSupport.plist and the boot.efi files with the modified ones.

If you already have a supported GPU it makes much more sense to go the chameleon route so you get iMessage and FaceTime.

It's just a point of view and depends on your needs. Also it's way easier and hardware support will be better although most things can be fixed using a DSDT.aml.
I personally have both methods - efi for daily use and CloverBIOS just in case, which both boot the same partition.
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It's just a point of view and depends on your needs. Also it's way easier and hardware support will be better although most things can be fixed using a DSDT.aml.
I personally have both methods - efi for daily use and CloverBIOS just in case, which both boot the same partition.

I guess the best thing is to just have several options. Only negative for me is I have to keep my Lion install around just in case something goes wrong. I'll have to play around with the EFI method some. Maybe setup a backup Mavericks drive instead.
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