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Hi all hope you can help.

I've installed Mavericks on my Mac Pro 1 1 using batman's guide from page 2... Works perfectly.

Now I want to dual boot windows 7, but after reading and re-reading posts from all of the internet... I'm confused.

My set up is:
Mac Pro 1 1 with GTX 570 (non efi)
HDD 1 Lion
HDD 2 Mavericks
HDD 3 Chameleon

I still have the original 7300gt graphics card so I can put this back in if I need to see the efi boot screen.

My intention is to install Windows 7 64bit onto a separate partition on HDD 3.

Is it just a case of installing from the Windows disk?

Can I still use chameleon to select which OS to boot?

Some instruction would be great!
Weird - but I simply cannot get this to work. I copied over the boot.efi files in /System/Library/Core Services and /usr/standalone/i386, set the permissions manually (also ran repair permissions just to be safe), no dice.

Blessed the drive, nope.

Unblessed chameleon, nada.

Even tried pulling out all my other drives and just left the drive containing the mavericks install - "No bootable device found".

I expected this to be a piece of cake. Especially when it seems to have been effortless for everyone else. Nothing has worked - not even close. Back to Chameleon for now unless I can figure out what's wrong.

Is your drive pluged into a PCI-USB/FW-card? -> Try a stock USB/FW port.
Is your drive formatted GUID and JHFS+? -> reformat - actually not essential but may fix it
Else use another drive.

Just to be sure: You are booting with the alt key pressed and see the efi drive selector? (grey screen, with stock OS X HD/USB/FW-drive icons)
Is your drive pluged into a PCI-USB/FW-card? -> Try a stock USB/FW port.

No, it's an internal SATA disk in one of the slots - the same one I've used to boot dozens of versions of OS X before. Does it have to be external or something?

Just to be sure: You are booting with the alt key pressed and see the efi drive selector? (grey screen, with stock OS X HD/USB/FW-drive icons)

Nope - I blessed it, booted into a spare Lion disk and changed the start-up disk in system prefs. - I can't use the alt screen because I have a flashed PC GPU.
IMHO, the most convenient way is to install Mavericks using a supported machine. afterwards replace the two boot.efi files and put the disk in the MacPro. done!
IMHO, the most convenient way is to install Mavericks using a supported machine. afterwards replace the two boot.efi files and put the disk in the MacPro. done!

Presumably I could install via target disk mode, replace the files and then reboot.
Gonna give TD mode a try, see how that goes. If no joy I'll get back to you. Downloading Mavericks installer now.
Gonna give TD mode a try, see how that goes. If no joy I'll get back to you. Downloading Mavericks installer now.

Did you make sure to lock the file in core services after you replaced it?

I took my mavericks install that is on my chameleon/mavericks/win7 drive and cloned it using Carbon Copy Cloner to another drive. Replaced the boot.efi files on the new drive. Shutdown and pulled all drives but the new mavericks one. Boot and reset the NVRAM and it worked. The first boot after resetting the NVRAM takes a bit longer.


Hi all hope you can help.

I've installed Mavericks on my Mac Pro 1 1 using batman's guide from page 2... Works perfectly.

Now I want to dual boot windows 7, but after reading and re-reading posts from all of the internet... I'm confused.

My set up is:
Mac Pro 1 1 with GTX 570 (non efi)
HDD 1 Lion
HDD 2 Mavericks
HDD 3 Chameleon

I still have the original 7300gt graphics card so I can put this back in if I need to see the efi boot screen.

My intention is to install Windows 7 64bit onto a separate partition on HDD 3.

Is it just a case of installing from the Windows disk?

Can I still use chameleon to select which OS to boot?

Some instruction would be great!

It will work fine. The Windows MBR will take over and you need to use the CMD prompt to use Diskpart to set OSX as the active partition. And yes you can still use chameleon to choose the OS you want to boot. After you install windows from the disk boot back to the disk and use the CMD prompt there under repair.

I have chameleon, mavericks, and windows 7 all on one drive with a manually created hybrid GUID/MBR partition map.
Did you make sure to lock the file in core services after you replaced it?

Yeah, still no luck. "No bootable device found". There must be some quirk of my setup that's not working for it. It even shows as locked in target disk mode.

Gonna try the TD install as soon as this painfully slow installer download finishes.

Edit: Crap - something went seriously awry with the target disk install. Everything went smoothly installing onto the Mac Pro's SSD, but now when I restart my laptop, it just boots into OS X Utilities. Any ideas? Can't get back to the desktop even in safe mode. Repair, verify - nothing works. Looks like I may have to reinstall the laptop as well.
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64bit kernel boot.efi

well wen i saw the new boot.efi that was reported to still work with the nvram my Jaw went sideways eny way i thort ill try it on my main MLpostfactor install on my imac at frist i had issuses removing the locked boot.efi file in core serivices but it removed wen i ran this in terminel
sudo rm -rf /System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi
that removed it then i coped the new boot.efi over and it works im on the old DP1 kernel but i am booting in 64bit mode and graphics still works i havent tryde it on mavricks yet as i fuged up my mavricks install messing with kexts (and almost fuged this install up by trying to copie the new kernel from os x 10.8.4 it resolted in a boot loop as i call it it wood panic and restart and panic again etc) like i sed every thing works a treat face time imessige i cloud all just works as apple wood say :p
Yeah, still no luck. "No bootable device found". There must be some quirk of my setup that's not working for it. It even shows as locked in target disk mode.

Gonna try the TD install as soon as this painfully slow installer download finishes.

I suspect you downloaded the wrong replacements. You must use the one linked in this post. The boot.efi should be 461,312 bytes in size.
I tried making the installer on a USB drive like that post in the other thread suggest. It booted but I got an error that something was wrong with the installer. I suppose it was something when I modified the OSInstall.mpkg.

Is it better to just remove the checks for the board ID or to add the board ID to the list? You can disable the checks by changing the last return on the check from "false" to "true". I added the ID and removed the check to be extra sure but something went wrong.
The new boot.efi method worked great for me also on my MacPro 1,1 (with 2,1 rom upgrade and apple certified HD5770). I simply went into Terminal, did an sudo su to get into root. Removed the old boot.efi from both locations...copied the new version...fix permissions...and rebooted. I kind of like verbose mode, reminds me of restarting a Sun workstation from my programming days.

I am going to remove my Cham install in a few days. I am also going to see if I can run this new method on top of a Raid 0 also.

This is just getting better and better.
I suspect you downloaded the wrong replacements. You must use the one linked in this post. The boot.efi should be 461,312 bytes in size.

No luck unfortunately. That's the same file I downloaded. Tried it twice just to be sure.

Could be the SSD, could be something else. For whatever reason, that I may never get to the bottom of, my MP 1,1 simply won't work with it. Back to Chameleon I think.

Never had a problem before. Mountain Lion worked, Mavericks with Chameleon worked. Upgraded processors, flashed my own card, upgraded the firmware. First time I've ever hit a stumbling block with this machine. I'm totally baffled.
No luck unfortunately. That's the same file I downloaded. Tried it twice just to be sure.

Could be the SSD, could be something else. For whatever reason, that I may never get to the bottom of, my MP 1,1 simply won't work with it. Back to Chameleon I think.

Never had a problem before. Mountain Lion worked, Mavericks with Chameleon worked. Upgraded processors, flashed my own card, upgraded the firmware. First time I've ever hit a stumbling block with this machine. I'm totally baffled.

For ***** and giggles post a screenshot of your Terminal output when running a diskutil list command.
Will do when I get back home. It's my home machine but I'm at work for about another 6-7 hours.

Edit: OK.

   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *128.0 GB   disk0
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
   2:                  Apple_HFS Mac OS X                127.7 GB   disk0s2
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *500.1 GB   disk1
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk1s1
   2:                  Apple_HFS Mac 3                   338.1 GB   disk1s2
   3:                  Apple_HFS Backup                  161.5 GB   disk1s3
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *500.1 GB   disk2
   1:                  Apple_HFS BOOT                    1.1 GB     disk2s1
   2:                  Apple_HFS OS X Install            499.0 GB   disk2s2
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *250.1 GB   disk3
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk3s1
   2:                  Apple_HFS Mac 1                   249.2 GB   disk3s2
   3:                 Apple_Boot Recovery HD             650.0 MB   disk3s3

Disk0 is 128gig SSD (my OS/applications drive)
Disk 1 is an OS X 10.7 Lion install in case of emergency
Disk 2 is my Chameleon boot and Mavericks installer
Disk 3 is a spare disk for file storage

When I reboot with startup disk set to 1, I get a white screen for about 10 seconds, then Chameleon loads. I can't see any errors because I have a flashed GPU.
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When I reboot with startup disk set to 1, I get a white screen for about 10 seconds, then Chameleon loads. I can't see any errors because I have a flashed GPU.

Your printout looks fine but, as silly as this sounds, change the name of your Mavericks partition to one single word. I doubt that's the cause but it's not outside the realm of possibility. When you have a chance run the bless -info command on your Mavericks volume and also list the steps you took to replace your boot.efi.
Your printout looks fine but, as silly as this sounds, change the name of your Mavericks partition to one single word. I doubt that's the cause but it's not outside the realm of possibility. When you have a chance run the bless -info command on your Mavericks volume and also list the steps you took to replace your boot.efi.

Changed the partition name to OS - didn't work. Here's bless -info:

$ bless -info /Volumes/OS
finderinfo[0]:     45 => Blessed System Folder is /System/Library/CoreServices
finderinfo[1]: 408406 => Blessed System File is /System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi
finderinfo[2]:      0 => Open-folder linked list empty
finderinfo[3]:      0 => No alternate OS blessed file/folder
finderinfo[4]:      0 => Unused field unset
finderinfo[5]:     45 => OS X blessed folder is /System/Library/CoreServices
64-bit VSDB volume id:  0x5FDBC16442C2FA36


1. Downloaded boot.efi from the link in the forum
2. sudo su
3. /System/Library/CoreServices
4. rm boot.efi
5. cp ~/Downloads/boot.efi .
6. chmod 644 boot.efi
7. chflags uchg
8. same procedure for /usr/standalone/i386

I'm beginning to think it's either the graphics card or the SSD.
Managed to convert my chameleon bootable Mavericks on my MacPro 1.1 to tiamo's fantastic EFI boot. Here are some rough steps I followed:

  • Cloned my Mavericks boot drive onto another seperate disk that had a GUID partition map. Partitioned the disk first and then used Carbon Copy to clone my Chameleon Mavericks partition to the new partition on the new GUID disk.
  • Copied the boot.efi to System/Library/CoreServices/ folder and usr/standalone/i386/
  • Repaired the disk under Disk Utility (just incase)
  • Shutdown the MacPro
  • Removed the Chameleon boot drive
  • Started up the Mac, held down alt and selected my cloned drive
  • Booted up fine
  • Went to System Preferences and then chose my new cloned system drive as my Startup Disk

Now boots natively, all the time.
I am also going to see if I can run this new method on top of a Raid 0 also.

I just installed Mavericks onto a RAID-0 volume (using the MacPro3,1). replaced boot.efi and put the disks back into the MacPro2,1 and all is well. Mavericks boots, no problems so far :D

1. Downloaded boot.efi from the link in the forum
2. sudo su
3. /System/Library/CoreServices
4. rm boot.efi
5. cp ~/Downloads/boot.efi .
6. chmod 644 boot.efi
7. chflags uchg
8. same procedure for /usr/standalone/i386

I'm beginning to think it's either the graphics card or the SSD.

You don't need to lock the one in /u/s/i. If you've flashed a PC card with a Mac ROM or used a tool like Zeus to add EFI to it then it will act exactly like an Apple made card. What you need to do is either edit the PlatformSupport.plist to add your Mac model and board or just delete it. Since we both have a 1,1 you can use the file I've attached below.


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