Mini C2D GMA 950 update
Ok, I have eliminated the _CGXGLDisplayContextForDisplayDevice error by removing the 10.7.2 GMA950 kexts, and entering 0x27A28086 into AppleIntelHD3000Graphics.kext/Contents/Info.plist, thus linking the 10.8.4 WindowServer & CGX library into a modern Mavericks native driver/kext.
Oddly enough the AppleIntelHD3000Graphics DOES see the card as a GMA950, and turns it on. Still no QE/CI/GL, but it has eliminated certain applications crashing during UI updates (animations), and lag is reduced by leaps & bounds. Its actually faster than 10.8.4 w/QE/CI on UI updates in some contexts & programs such as Firefox.
I'm still looking, and researching.
Here is the NEW log for informational purposes.
I'll keep you guys updated on what (little) progress I am making,
But I would appreciate ALL suggestions.
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Server is starting up
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 apsd[61]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1102)
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 systemkeychain[89]: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleYukon2]: Link up on en0, 100-Megabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,6d0c,0de1,0200,45e1,4000]
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600[12]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211Family.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortAtheros.kext - no code for running kernel's architecture.
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600[12]: Load failed; removing personalities from kernel.
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 kernel[0]: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key BEMB (kSMCKeyNotFound)
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 3988 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted OS on device disk0s2
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 mDNSResponder[40]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-522.1.11 (Aug 24 2013 23:49:34) starting OSXVers 13
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Atheros: mac 10.3 phy 6.1 radio 10.2
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete(): adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 airportd[63]: _initInterface: Unable to initialize unified temp logger
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 airportd[63]: _createAndRegisterReadStream: CFReadStreamOpen failed for /dev/io8logtemp (No such file or directory).
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 airportd[63]: _initInterface: Unable to initialize unified temporary logger
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 airportd[63]: airportdProcessDLILEvent: en1 attached (up)
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted SERV on device disk0s3
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 3988 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:24 -0600 configd[17]: network changed: v4(en0+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
2013-11-23 19:43:29 -0600 configd[17]: network changed.
2013-11-23 19:43:29 -0600 mDNSResponder[40]: D2D_IPC: Loaded
2013-11-23 19:43:29 -0600 configd[17]: network changed: v4(en0: DNS* Proxy SMB
2013-11-23 19:43:29 -0600 mDNSResponder[40]: D2DInitialize succeeded
2013-11-23 19:43:29 -0600 mDNSResponder[40]: 4: Listening for incoming Unix Domain Socket client requests
2013-11-23 19:43:30 -0600 stackshot[29]: Timed out waiting for IOKit to finish matching.
2013-11-23 19:43:35 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 19:43:35 -0600 networkd[117]: networkd.117 built Aug 24 2013 22:08:46
2013-11-23 19:43:35 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 19:43:37 -0600 awacsd[59]: Exiting
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: InterfaceNamer: timed out waiting for IOKit to quiesce
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: Busy services :
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: Macmini2,1 [1, 105102 ms]
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: Macmini2,1/AppleACPIPlatformExpert [1, 56956 ms]
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: Macmini2,1/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0 [1, 56924 ms]
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: Macmini2,1/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI [1, 56913 ms]
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: Macmini2,1/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/GFX0@2 [1, 26880 ms]
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 apsd[61]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1102)
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600[1]: Exited with code: 1
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 locationd[45]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 locationd[45]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 ntpd[121]: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
2013-11-23 19:43:50 -0600 kernel[0]: SNB Framebuffer did not show up, unload
2013-11-23 19:44:05 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 kernel[0]: SNB Framebuffer did not show up, unload
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Session 256 released (1 references)
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 warmd[25]: [warmctl_evt_timer_bc_activation_timeout:287] BC activation bcstop timer fired!
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 WindowServer[88]: init_page_flip: page flip mode is on
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 kernel[0]: display: Not usable
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Found 34 modes for display 0x00000000 [28, 6]
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: mux_initialize: Couldn't find any matches
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Found 34 modes for display 0x00000000 [28, 6]
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: update_gl_acceleration: device (0x7f854041d5f0) is unsuitable for gl - disabling OpenGL
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: WSMachineUsesNewStyleMirroring: false
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1080], 34 modes available
Main, Active, on-line, enabled, boot, Vendor 22f0, Model 2907, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0x6cb1981e127b045d83c2ee3774727a18
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: update_gl_acceleration: device (0x7f854041d5f0) is unsuitable for gl - disabling OpenGL
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1080], 34 modes available
Main, Active, on-line, enabled, boot, Vendor 22f0, Model 2907, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0x6cb1981e127b045d83c2ee3774727a18
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: CGXPerformInitialDisplayConfiguration
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: Unit 0; Vendor 0x22f0 Model 0x2907 S/N 0 Dimensions 20.04 x 11.26; online enabled, Bounds (0,0)[1920 x 1080], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: initialize_display_context: dev counts are zero (0, 0) - disabling OpenGL
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: GLCompositor enabled for tile size [256 x 256]
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: CGXGLInitMipMap: mip map mode is on
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 loginwindow[43]: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "HP S2331"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
2013-11-23 19:44:23 -0600 WindowServer[88]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
2013-11-23 19:44:23 -0600 launchctl[137]: Already loaded
2013-11-23 19:44:23 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "HP S2331"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
2013-11-23 19:44:23 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "HP S2331"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
2013-11-23 19:44:23 -0600[14]: Session 100005 created
2013-11-23 19:44:23 -0600 loginwindow[43]: Login Window Started Security Agent
2013-11-23 19:44:24 -0600 SecurityAgent[147]: This is the first run
2013-11-23 19:44:24 -0600 SecurityAgent[147]: MacBuddy was run = 0
2013-11-23 19:44:24 -0600 UserEventAgent[142]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
2013-11-23 19:44:24 -0600 SecurityAgent[147]: User info context values set for jd
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 loginwindow[43]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 loginwindow[43]: USER_PROCESS: 43 console
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600[151]: Background: Aqua: Registering new GUI session.
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600[151]: Ignored this key: UserName
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600[151]: Unknown key: seatbelt-profiles
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600[151]: Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 launchctl[153]: Already loaded
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 launchctl[153]: Already loaded
2013-11-23 19:44:26 -0600 distnoted[155]: # distnote server agent absolute time: 143.894482978 civil time: Sat Nov 23 19:44:26 2013 pid: 155 uid: 501 root: no
2013-11-23 19:44:26 -0600[14]: Session 100006 created
2013-11-23 19:44:26 -0600 mds[39]: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputerIndexed"
2013-11-23 19:44:26 -0600 WindowServer[88]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
2013-11-23 19:44:27 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "HP S2331"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)