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Mac Mini 2,1 Mavericks

Mavericks running on Mac Mini 1,1 with C2D & Firmware 2,1 Upgrade.

Wifi will not work with encryption. Open wifi ONLY!

I've gone back to 10.8.4. So hopefully someone can build upon this work.

Credits are in text file in link.
Sweet! I may load 10.9 on an external firewire (so I can keep 10.8.4 ), and play with it some more now. Now that I can get it back online, I can work on the QE/CI issue of "no display" rather than using sneakernet with a external hard drive.

If your comfortable doing so, I would look in the direction of editing the Mavericks Open GL/CL framework file folders as a possible solution in resolving the graphics issues that exist.
iWork not updating after installing Maverick

I installed Maverick in my Mac Pro 1,1 using the advise of the members of this site. However, although the App Store says that the updates to my iWork apps are available, it won't allow me to install them. Has anybody had a similar experience and what did you do to solved it? Thank you.
Using the .app “Kext Wizzard” and with your Mountain Lion drive/partition mounted on the desktop, select the appropriate mounted mountain lion drive/partition in the pull down tab, and install the following kexts:

*VoodooHDA .pkg 2.8.4 (While installing the default OS X 10.7.5 Lion AppleHDA.kext will enable audio in OS X 10.8.4, my findings were that it does not work in OS X 10.8.5). Also and once the VoodooHDA.kext is installed, you will need to delete the supplied AppleHDA.kext in order for the system to instead load/use the VoodooHDA.kext.

Also and again while having the Mountain Lion drive/partition mounted, open the following folders in this sequence: System/Library/Frameworks and locate both the OpenGL & OpenCL folders and move them both to the trash and delete them. Once deleted, copy both patched versions of the same namesake into the same System/Library/Frameworks folder.

That basically should get anyone with an unsupported Mac possessing ATI X1600 graphics a “non MLPF” OS X 10.8.4 64 bit OS system that I have estimated @ 99.8% full functionality.

To update that to OS X 10.8.5, head on over to: AND ON page 139 of that forum refer to the following specific post and dialogue between myself and Rastafabi # 3456, 3457, & 3459 to update your OS X 10.8.4 to OS X 10.8.5. Done.

Hi gpatpandp where do I need to get the kexts and Open gl/cl from? That's the bit I'm stuck on.... do I have to extract from mlpf 0.3 installer or something? Thanks on advance.
I installed Maverick in my Mac Pro 1,1 using the advise of the members of this site. However, although the App Store says that the updates to my iWork apps are available, it won't allow me to install them. Has anybody had a similar experience and what did you do to solved it? Thank you.

Yes and I have and a friend of mine did as well. Tried several methods and nothing worked. I ended up just buying the new ones.
Hi gpatpandp where do I need to get the kexts and Open gl/cl from? That's the bit I'm stuck on.... do I have to extract from mlpf 0.3 installer or something? Thanks on advance.

I recall having difficulty extracting those specific framework folder files from the actual MLPF v0.3 .pkg itself. Version v0.22 did not present a problem however if you can find it. As I mentioned you may need to actually install MLPF to acquire the needed frameworks The kexts files can be acquired in the same manner or alternatively from a OS X 10.7.5 Lion install.
Hi gpatpandp where do I need to get the kexts and Open gl/cl from? That's the bit I'm stuck on.... do I have to extract from mlpf 0.3 installer or something? Thanks on advance.

It should be possible to extract the files from the OS X Lion Combo-Update 10.7.5 (1.91 GB). Mount the 'MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.5.dmg' and extract the 'MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.5.pkg' (4 GB) with Pacifist.
Mini C2D Update

I have Mav running on external drive now just to get the bugs worked out. Here is the status on GMA 950 QE/CI, and I need some help. I changed the display drivers over to the x64 ones from 10.7.2, and have noticed a performance increase. Also I have taken the liberty of replacing the following: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/libCGXCoreImage.A.dylib, as well as it's link, libCGXCoreImage.dylib, and the 88k WindowServer binary with the ones from 10.8.4. I now get an identified monitor instead of the "no usable display" bull. The next logical step is to replace libCGXType.A.dylib, HOWEVER, when I do this, I get a repeating crash from WindowServer. So I removed it, and behold, here is the log.

Look at the last error from this log, and you will see the reason why I replaced the CGX libraries. Log from start to stop, notice how it tries to turn on QE/CI then kills itself.

What is the next logical step to try guys? I am stumped.

2013-11-23 18:37:02 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Server is starting up
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 awacsd[59]: Starting awacsd connectivity_executables-97 (Aug 24 2013 23:49:23)
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 awacsd[59]: InnerStore CopyAllZones: no info in Dynamic Store
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600[12]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211Family.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortAtheros.kext - no code for running kernel's architecture.
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600[12]: Load failed; removing personalities from kernel.
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 kernel[0]: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key BEMB (kSMCKeyNotFound)
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 3988 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleYukon2]: Link up on en0, 100-Megabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,6d0c,0de1,0200,45e1,4000]
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 systemkeychain[90]: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted OS on device disk0s2
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 kernel[0]: Atheros: mac 10.3 phy 6.1 radio 10.2
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete(): adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Session 256 released (1 references)
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 kernel[0]: display: Not usable
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 WindowServer[88]: init_page_flip: page flip mode is on
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600[1]: Exited with code: 1
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600[1]: System: ??⁄??[51] disappeared out from under us (UID: 0 EUID: 0)
2013-11-23 18:37:03 -0600 mDNSResponder[39]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-522.1.11 (Aug 24 2013 23:49:34) starting OSXVers 13
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 configd[17]: network changed.
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 configd[17]: network changed: DNS*
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 mDNSResponder[39]: D2D_IPC: Loaded
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 mDNSResponder[39]: D2DInitialize succeeded
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 mDNSResponder[39]: 4: Listening for incoming Unix Domain Socket client requests
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 3988 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 networkd[118]: networkd.118 built Aug 24 2013 22:08:46
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted SERV on device disk0s3
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 airportd[63]: _initInterface: Unable to initialize unified temp logger
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 airportd[63]: _createAndRegisterReadStream: CFReadStreamOpen failed for /dev/io8logtemp (No such file or directory).
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 airportd[63]: _initInterface: Unable to initialize unified temporary logger
2013-11-23 18:37:04 -0600 airportd[63]: airportdProcessDLILEvent: en1 attached (up)
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 locationd[44]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 locationd[44]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Found 34 modes for display 0x00000000 [28, 6]
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 WindowServer[88]: mux_initialize: Couldn't find any matches
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Found 34 modes for display 0x00000000 [28, 6]
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 WindowServer[88]: WSMachineUsesNewStyleMirroring: false
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1080], 34 modes available
Main, Active, on-line, enabled, boot, Vendor 22f0, Model 2907, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0x6cb1981e127b045d83c2ee3774727a18
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 kernel[0]: Intel915Device: IOUserClient inputCount count mismatch
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1080], 34 modes available
Main, Active, on-line, enabled, boot, Vendor 22f0, Model 2907, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0x6cb1981e127b045d83c2ee3774727a18
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 WindowServer[88]: CGXPerformInitialDisplayConfiguration
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: Unit 0; Vendor 0x22f0 Model 0x2907 S/N 0 Dimensions 20.04 x 11.26; online enabled, Bounds (0,0)[1920 x 1080], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 configd[17]: network changed: v4(en0+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 WindowServer[88]: initialize_display_context: gl initialization failed - disabling OpenGL
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 WindowServer[88]: GLCompositor enabled for tile size [256 x 256]
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 WindowServer[88]: CGXGLInitMipMap: mip map mode is on
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 loginwindow[42]: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "HP S2331"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600 launchctl[134]: Already loaded
2013-11-23 18:37:05 -0600[14]: Session 100005 created
2013-11-23 18:37:06 -0600 loginwindow[42]: Login Window Started Security Agent
2013-11-23 18:37:06 -0600 SecurityAgent[143]: This is the first run
2013-11-23 18:37:06 -0600 SecurityAgent[143]: MacBuddy was run = 0
2013-11-23 18:37:06 -0600 WindowServer[88]: _CGXGLDisplayContextForDisplayDevice: No matching context for device (0x7fcf60518790) - disabling OpenGL
Mini C2D GMA 950 update


Ok, I have eliminated the _CGXGLDisplayContextForDisplayDevice error by removing the 10.7.2 GMA950 kexts, and entering 0x27A28086 into AppleIntelHD3000Graphics.kext/Contents/Info.plist, thus linking the 10.8.4 WindowServer & CGX library into a modern Mavericks native driver/kext.

Oddly enough the AppleIntelHD3000Graphics DOES see the card as a GMA950, and turns it on. Still no QE/CI/GL, but it has eliminated certain applications crashing during UI updates (animations), and lag is reduced by leaps & bounds. Its actually faster than 10.8.4 w/QE/CI on UI updates in some contexts & programs such as Firefox.

I'm still looking, and researching.
Here is the NEW log for informational purposes.

I'll keep you guys updated on what (little) progress I am making,
But I would appreciate ALL suggestions.

2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Server is starting up
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 apsd[61]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1102)
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 systemkeychain[89]: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleYukon2]: Link up on en0, 100-Megabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,6d0c,0de1,0200,45e1,4000]
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600[12]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211Family.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortAtheros.kext - no code for running kernel's architecture.
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600[12]: Load failed; removing personalities from kernel.
2013-11-23 19:43:22 -0600 kernel[0]: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key BEMB (kSMCKeyNotFound)
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 3988 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted OS on device disk0s2
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 mDNSResponder[40]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-522.1.11 (Aug 24 2013 23:49:34) starting OSXVers 13
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Atheros: mac 10.3 phy 6.1 radio 10.2
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete(): adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 airportd[63]: _initInterface: Unable to initialize unified temp logger
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 airportd[63]: _createAndRegisterReadStream: CFReadStreamOpen failed for /dev/io8logtemp (No such file or directory).
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 airportd[63]: _initInterface: Unable to initialize unified temporary logger
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 airportd[63]: airportdProcessDLILEvent: en1 attached (up)
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted SERV on device disk0s3
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 3988 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:23 -0600 kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 == entry" failed in AppleHDAEngine at line 4021 goto Exit
2013-11-23 19:43:24 -0600 configd[17]: network changed: v4(en0+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
2013-11-23 19:43:29 -0600 configd[17]: network changed.
2013-11-23 19:43:29 -0600 mDNSResponder[40]: D2D_IPC: Loaded
2013-11-23 19:43:29 -0600 configd[17]: network changed: v4(en0: DNS* Proxy SMB
2013-11-23 19:43:29 -0600 mDNSResponder[40]: D2DInitialize succeeded
2013-11-23 19:43:29 -0600 mDNSResponder[40]: 4: Listening for incoming Unix Domain Socket client requests
2013-11-23 19:43:30 -0600 stackshot[29]: Timed out waiting for IOKit to finish matching.
2013-11-23 19:43:35 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 19:43:35 -0600 networkd[117]: networkd.117 built Aug 24 2013 22:08:46
2013-11-23 19:43:35 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 19:43:37 -0600 awacsd[59]: Exiting
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: InterfaceNamer: timed out waiting for IOKit to quiesce
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: Busy services :
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: Macmini2,1 [1, 105102 ms]
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: Macmini2,1/AppleACPIPlatformExpert [1, 56956 ms]
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: Macmini2,1/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0 [1, 56924 ms]
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: Macmini2,1/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI [1, 56913 ms]
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 configd[17]: Macmini2,1/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/GFX0@2 [1, 26880 ms]
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 apsd[61]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1102)
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600[1]: Exited with code: 1
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 locationd[45]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 locationd[45]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
2013-11-23 19:43:48 -0600 ntpd[121]: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
2013-11-23 19:43:50 -0600 kernel[0]: SNB Framebuffer did not show up, unload
2013-11-23 19:44:05 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 kernel[0]: SNB Framebuffer did not show up, unload
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Session 256 released (1 references)
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 warmd[25]: [warmctl_evt_timer_bc_activation_timeout:287] BC activation bcstop timer fired!
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 WindowServer[88]: init_page_flip: page flip mode is on
2013-11-23 19:44:20 -0600 kernel[0]: display: Not usable
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Found 34 modes for display 0x00000000 [28, 6]
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: mux_initialize: Couldn't find any matches
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Found 34 modes for display 0x00000000 [28, 6]
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: update_gl_acceleration: device (0x7f854041d5f0) is unsuitable for gl - disabling OpenGL
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: WSMachineUsesNewStyleMirroring: false
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1080], 34 modes available
Main, Active, on-line, enabled, boot, Vendor 22f0, Model 2907, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0x6cb1981e127b045d83c2ee3774727a18
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: update_gl_acceleration: device (0x7f854041d5f0) is unsuitable for gl - disabling OpenGL
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1080], 34 modes available
Main, Active, on-line, enabled, boot, Vendor 22f0, Model 2907, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0x6cb1981e127b045d83c2ee3774727a18
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: CGXPerformInitialDisplayConfiguration
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: Unit 0; Vendor 0x22f0 Model 0x2907 S/N 0 Dimensions 20.04 x 11.26; online enabled, Bounds (0,0)[1920 x 1080], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: initialize_display_context: dev counts are zero (0, 0) - disabling OpenGL
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: GLCompositor enabled for tile size [256 x 256]
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: CGXGLInitMipMap: mip map mode is on
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 loginwindow[43]: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
2013-11-23 19:44:21 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "HP S2331"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
2013-11-23 19:44:23 -0600 WindowServer[88]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
2013-11-23 19:44:23 -0600 launchctl[137]: Already loaded
2013-11-23 19:44:23 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "HP S2331"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
2013-11-23 19:44:23 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "HP S2331"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
2013-11-23 19:44:23 -0600[14]: Session 100005 created
2013-11-23 19:44:23 -0600 loginwindow[43]: Login Window Started Security Agent
2013-11-23 19:44:24 -0600 SecurityAgent[147]: This is the first run
2013-11-23 19:44:24 -0600 SecurityAgent[147]: MacBuddy was run = 0
2013-11-23 19:44:24 -0600 UserEventAgent[142]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
2013-11-23 19:44:24 -0600 SecurityAgent[147]: User info context values set for jd
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 loginwindow[43]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 loginwindow[43]: USER_PROCESS: 43 console
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 7): flushing fs disk buffer returned 0x5
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600[151]: Background: Aqua: Registering new GUI session.
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600[151]: Ignored this key: UserName
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600[151]: Unknown key: seatbelt-profiles
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600[151]: Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 launchctl[153]: Already loaded
2013-11-23 19:44:25 -0600 launchctl[153]: Already loaded
2013-11-23 19:44:26 -0600 distnoted[155]: # distnote server agent absolute time: 143.894482978 civil time: Sat Nov 23 19:44:26 2013 pid: 155 uid: 501 root: no
2013-11-23 19:44:26 -0600[14]: Session 100006 created
2013-11-23 19:44:26 -0600 mds[39]: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputerIndexed"
2013-11-23 19:44:26 -0600 WindowServer[88]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
2013-11-23 19:44:27 -0600 WindowServer[88]: Display 0x3c0a41c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "HP S2331"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
I wonder if you can add the boot.efi to an existing install...

exactly what I did: installed Mavericks to an empty SSD using my MacPro3,1. I then pulled the drive, mounted in on the Mac mini using a USB-SATA adpapter and replaced both "boot.efi" files with the one from forum-member tiamo. afterwards I put the SSD back in the MacPro2,1 (which actually is a MacPro1,1 with upgraded CPUs and firmware). done, it just works! AWESOME!
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exactly what I did: installed Mavericks to an empty SSD using my MacPro3,1. I then pulled the drive, mounted in on the Mac mini using a USB-SATA adpapter and replaced both "boot.efi" files with the one from forum-member tiamo. afterwards I put the SSD back in the MacPro2,1 (which actually is a MacPro1,1 with upgraded CPUs und firmware). done, it just works! AWESOME!

Cloning my current mavericks install now to another HDD. Going to give it a try.
exactly what I did: installed Mavericks to an empty SSD using my MacPro3,1. I then pulled the drive, mounted in on the Mac mini using a USB-SATA adpapter and replaced both "boot.efi" files with the one from forum-member tiamo. afterwards I put the SSD back in the MacPro2,1 (which actually is a MacPro1,1 with upgraded CPUs und firmware). done, it just works! AWESOME!

Haven't tried it on my Mac Pro yet as I am less inclined to replace one boot loader method for another while also not being entirely certain if this EFI possesses the inherent RAM limitation that previous versions did.

I am/was more interested in this new arrival on a 2006 iMac w/ ATI X1600 graphics. In a nutshell, I can report that it does indeed boot Mavericks. Unfortunately, as was my assessment several days ago, still none of the graphics kext load in OS X 10.9. I have tried a variety of different inclusions and none have worked any better in Mavericks then the original patched boot efi did. I will say that there does appear to be promise as in OS X 10.8.5, this new efi does load the kexts and iMessages now works.

I believe the Open GL/CL frameworks are still the major culprit in Mavericks. When installing the patched versions that work in Mountain Lion, Mavericks crashes.
while also not being entirely certain if this EFI possesses the inherent RAM limitation that previous versions did.

there are 12 GB of RAM in my MacPro2,1 and so far everything's working just fine. I tried it a few days ago with the other boot.efi file and Mavericks immediately crashed while booting.
there are 12 GB of RAM in my MacPro2,1 and so far everything's working just fine. I tried it a few days ago with the other boot.efi file and Mavericks immediately crashed while booting.

Thanks for the heads up. Albeit a pleasant one, the fact that the unsupported Mac Pro hack is reaching near perfection actually comes as no surprise to myself anyway. I just do not know at this point how to interpret my findings concerning the unsupported iMac w/ ATI X1600 graphics. While this efi works great when installed in OS X 10.8.5, no matter what configuration I have tried, Mavericks just won't load the dag gone kexts.
Thanks for the heads up. Albeit a pleasant one, the fact that the unsupported Mac Pro hack is reaching near perfection actually comes as no surprise to myself anyway. I just do not know at this point how to interpret my findings concerning the unsupported iMac w/ ATI X1600 graphics. While this efi works great when installed in OS X 10.8.5, no matter what configuration I have tried, Mavericks just won't load the dag gone kexts.

You need to delete the AMDSupport.kext as your ATISupport.kext won't load as long it's available due to some coincidence. Still you won't get OpenGL. If you use the latest hacked frameworks (from hackerwayne/MLforAll) you will get OpenGL, but the windowserver keeps crashing and you won't even see the login window.
You need to delete the AMDSupport.kext as your ATISupport.kext won't load as long it's available due to some coincidence. Still you won't get OpenGL. If you use the latest hacked frameworks (from hackerwayne/MLforAll) you will get OpenGL, but the windowserver keeps crashing and you won't even see the login window.

While this new efi does serve a purpose in advancing unsupported ATI X1600 inboard graphic Macs another step (nvram allowing iMessages etc.) in Mountain Lion OS X 10.8.5, this efi set up is exactly what I had envisioned previously as being the "tell all" when looking at OS X 10.9 as a viable option for these machines. Quite unfortunately it is not looking very good at all.
While this new efi does serve a purpose in advancing unsupported ATI X1600 inboard graphic Macs another step (nvram allowing iMessages etc.) in Mountain Lion OS X 10.8.5, this efi set up is exactly what I had envisioned previously as being the "tell all" when looking at OS X 10.9 as a viable option for these machines. Quite unfortunately it is not looking very good at all.

Probably I misunderstood you, but this file is not supposed to enhance/fix the graphics on x1600 in any way. Therefor we need to find another solution (patching graphic frameworks and windowserver/patching ATIRadeonX1000GLDriver.bundle or something similar)…

But easiest of course will be waiting for MacPostFactor, no matter how long it takes for the developers to finish it, as they already stated to have finished work on the x1600.
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