Hello everybody,
I just updated my install guide.
Thanks to Tiamo you will now get a 100% working Mavericks Installation on your Mac Pro/Xserve. (Now you'll have iMessage/Facetime/Dictation due to nvram support.)
Thanks to some other posters I corrected the guide to not run into the "Still waiting for root device" error. (Sorry did not find you in the thread.)
I now included the Mavericks download enabler to create a more comfortable way to download the installer from the AppStore in case you don't have a compatible Mac.
The guide will work on ANY* 32bit EFI Mac having a 64bit CPU, but only on MacPros (and Xserve?) you will get working graphics (if you have a newer generation GPU installed).
*You may face problems with incompatible hardware such as WIFI cards (and of course GPU)
EDIT: Updating the Mac may not be possible through the AppStore, when upgrading (maybe using a ComboUpdate/DeltaUpdate.dmg) you need to restore the included boot.efi and your SupportedMachine.plist BEFORE rebooting!