Thanks a lot for your honest answer.
What would be your best solution for a late 2006 iMac c2duo (6,1 I think)?
I am dying to install mavericks!
Thx again
While this refers to OS X 10.8.5 and NOT OS X 10.9 Mavericks (and I cannot confirm this will positively work for your nVidia 7300GT inboard graphics as it proven tested to work on an iMac (5,1) with ATI X1600 graphics), this should enable your iMac (6,1) to run Mountain Lion (Simply substitute the appropriate nVidia graphic kexts in your case):
First and foremost in constructing/compiling your system, remember that google is your friend. Given that this is a Mavericks forum and while not wanting to "step on any toes, I will provide a brief outline though I highly recommend that anyone performing this procedure head over to the original 10.8 forum for answers to questions, file acquisition etc.
While admittedly a somewhat redundant step, installing MLPF initially will provide you all the files needed in order to complete this successfully. Otherwise, I believe there are active links abound in the original forum where you can acquire the necessary files (specifically/importantly the patched Open GL/CL framework file folders). Use the app Kext Wizzard or the appropriate terminal commands for installing additional/needed kext files. It is also necessary to have another bootable OS system (Snow Leopard/Lion) so that you can mount your Mountain Lion system on it and have access to it while building it. I would recommend OS X 10.7.5 Lion as all the kexts files needed (except VoodooHDA.kext) are contained in that OS X system and therefore one would be "killing two birds with one stone" in that respect.
Starting with using the full OS X 10.8.4 (app store).app follow this excellent guide by dead.xx
in creating your installer:
Once created, install OS X 10.8.4. Once completed (remember that when using the patched EFI, the install will always announce that it failed at the very end
this is normal), restart though restart to your supported OS system and not your Mountain Lion drive/partition at this point.
Using the .app Kext Wizzard and with your Mountain Lion drive/partition mounted on the desktop, select the appropriate mounted mountain lion drive/partition in the pull down tab, and install the following kexts:
*VoodooHDA .pkg 2.8.4 (While installing the default OS X 10.7.5 Lion AppleHDA.kext will enable audio in OS X 10.8.4, my findings were that it does not work in OS X 10.8.5). Also and once the VoodooHDA.kext is installed, you will need to delete the supplied AppleHDA.kext in order for the system to instead load/use the VoodooHDA.kext.
Also and again while having the Mountain Lion drive/partition mounted, open the following folders in this sequence: System/Library/Frameworks and locate both the OpenGL & OpenCL folders and move them both to the trash and delete them. Once deleted, copy both patched versions of the same namesake into the same System/Library/Frameworks folder.
That basically should get anyone with an unsupported Mac possessing ATI X1600 graphics a non MLPF OS X 10.8.4 64 bit OS system that I have estimated @ 99.8% full functionality.
To update that to OS X 10.8.5, head on over to: AND ON page 139 of that forum refer to the following specific post and dialogue between myself and Rastafabi # 3456, 3457, & 3459 to update your OS X 10.8.4 to OS X 10.8.5. Done.