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Hi guys,

I'm trying to install 10.8.5 on my white 24 iMac. It has a 7600gt nvidia card. So far I have managed to get everything working properly with tiamo's boot.efi except the video which is very slow and jerky. I would like to transfer the kexts from lion 10.7.5 to the 10.8.5 install to see if that helps. however, I have no idea what kexts I need to move over. Can anyone help? Thanks.

Without having that same iMac, I can only suggest however I would install/replace any existing kext you find in the OS X 10.7.5 extension folder beginning with either GeForce and/or NVDA with the same namesake in your OS X 10.8.5 folder using Kext Wizzard. I would also hop on over to the nVidia site and download/install the latest "CUDA" kext for OS X (v5.5.28).
Without having that same iMac, I can only suggest however I would install/replace any existing kext you find in the OS X 10.7.5 extension folder beginning with either GeForce and/or NVDA with the same namesake in your OS X 10.8.5 folder using Kext Wizzard. I would also hop on over to the nVidia site and download/install the latest "CUDA" kext for OS X (v5.5.28).

Thanks gpatpandp, I did try that however it didn't work… as soon as I should be going into the desktop, the iMac restarts… if you leave it, it just tries to start up again, get's to a certain point and resters…. it stays on a permanent restart cycle… very odd behaviour
Thanks gpatpandp, I did try that however it didn't work… as soon as I should be going into the desktop, the iMac restarts… if you leave it, it just tries to start up again, get's to a certain point and resters…. it stays on a permanent restart cycle… very odd behaviour

That behavior would insinuate that the OS X 10.8.5 system cannot load the kext. By chance did you start with OS X 10.8.5 right from the "get-go" ? You might want to try beginning with OS X 10.8.4 and see if you have better success with the next OS version down. Then if that works, install the OS X 10.8.5 combo followed by the OS X 10.8.5 supplemental update. If that does not work, then your only option would be to use MLPF in order to run 10.8 on that machine (which in my humble opinion is rather pointless as I do not conform to the belief that a MLPF 32 bit 10.8 system runs any better then a supported OS X 10.7.5 32 bit system coupled with the fact that you lose functionality using MLPF).

And just an F.Y.I, a while ago when experimenting with my MacBook Pro, I tested this theory and I can confirm that OS X 10.8.5 will run without issue when the extension folder is replaced with THE ENTIRE extension folder from OS X 10.8.4.
Last edited:
Has anybody tried this with the NEW 9.1 mavericks installer?
I have download it from apple and cannot get the stick to boot the installer on my MP1,1
Hennesie2000, I'm up and running. Thanks.

That should be it. If there isn't another drive with an OS installed then you don't need to select the default partition it will just find the first boot.efi and boot that automatically.

I got Mavs 10.9.0 running ok, and I now see that others are updating to 10.9.1 with no issues. So I will attempt that next. Going to Mavs even corrected a glitch I was having with my MIDI communication from my (supposed) class compliant controller keyboard :mad:, as I had hoped it would. :D

I can't believe that running Mavs on my machine merely meant replacing the boot.efi file in both places, and blessing the Mavs drive. And the fact that NO ONE on here has experienced any issues thus far is rather mind blowing when you think about it.

Thanks again for your patient replies to my posts. This may have extended the life of my old 1,1 -> 2,1 for possibly another year, while I scrape up the $$ to get the 2nd iteration of the new R2D2 MP. I have 2 SSDs + 4 7200 SATA, and 32GB of ram in my old unit, so it's worth wrenching on as a last ditch effort.

Thanks again. Your willingness to field some questions really helped, and the guide worked for me, as did the non-verbose version of the boot.efi.

Special thanks also to the author of the simplified native Mavs Guide.
Okay. I have not rechecked whether my original guide still works for me. Apple may have blocked it, although I can't believe Apple even took notice and blocked the faked ID used to fool the AppStore.
However here you are! I've just created an alternative way for downloading Mavericks. I could not test it yet, but I expect it to be working. Please report back.

Only download if you have a 1,1 / 2,1 Mac Pro or an Intel Xserve. It may work on other machines, too, but it's NOT SUPPORTED.

this is huge ! I was wondering how to do that (but didn't think of this trick approch you did at all with clover)

I tested it today on the MacPro1,1 (10.7.5) and got the installer downloaded.
Total success.
It worked on the MacMini2,1 too. (10.7) I did not had a warning alert and the button turned green to download... - didn't download the installer "again"but I think it is ok on the Mini too.

And it was much faster than the 2 minutes booting (like very fast or usual booting time for me on both)

I'm currently working on getting a Recovery HD on the Installed system but the modified BaseSytem.dmg is screwing me because of SHA1 check. I'using shadow dmg in my current tests...

Anyway that would be nice to add this "Enabler of yours" as an Option in the future to the script like:
for those who can't have the installer with an Alternative way (other computer or friend, etc... as not everybody has got 2 Macs), make an extra partition with your Enabler, then download it, reboot, then make the key...

I'll play with asr and diskutil a bit before ....

10.9.2 13C32 update overwrites both boot.efi, so have a backup ready to boot and replace new ones with Tiamo's file.
2006 MAC 1,1 no dice

I tried the automated script and it did not work for me.

The script ran without any issues on my 16Gig Flash drive. I rebooted to the USB and then the Maverick installer appeared I clicked on install and it said something like, Can not install on this machine, recover from time machine or cancel.

I have 10.6.8 installed on my mac pro. I downloaded Mavericks yesterday and its in the applications folder on my boot drive.

Let me know what information you need and figure out what the heck I am doing wrong.


10.9.2 13C32 update overwrites both boot.efi, so have a backup ready to boot and replace new ones with Tiamo's file.

Good to know and good thing I still have chameleon installed because I can just use that to the replacement without having to get out my Lion hdd.


I tried the automated script and it did not work for me.

The script ran without any issues on my 16Gig Flash drive. I rebooted to the USB and then the Maverick installer appeared I clicked on install and it said something like, Can not install on this machine, recover from time machine or cancel.

I have 10.6.8 installed on my mac pro. I downloaded Mavericks yesterday and its in the applications folder on my boot drive.

Let me know what information you need and figure out what the heck I am doing wrong.


Sounds like the installer wasn't patched properly to disable the check for board id.
Guys, please, this is a thread about Mavericks; discuss ML in the appropriate section, no matter the common installation method.

While true, in all honesty aside from those chiming in needing assistance with there respective Mac Pro installation there really isn't much to discuss on this thread regarding creating methods for getting unsupported Macs to run OS X 10.9 Mavericks any longer. Let's face it, it will not get any better nor easier for unsupported Mac Pro owners to run OS X 10.9. And the more time goes on and as logic dictates it is becoming more and more apparent that the remaining lot of unsupported Mac owners are quite frankly out of luck. Think about it; MLPF had to run in 32 bit mode in order to run those unsupported graphic kexts with any measure of stability whatsoever. And there is no Mavericks developer preview release this time that possesses any file that contains cross compatibility functionality wise as Mountain Lion did in which to draw from. Every project has a beginning and an end. Unfortunately I believe the proverbial hand writing is on the wall.
here is my log

Dec 21 18:20:56 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: opendirectoryd (build 339.1.4) launched - installer mode
Dec 21 18:20:56 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Logging level limit changed to 'notice'
Dec 21 18:20:56 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Initialize trigger support
Dec 21 18:20:56 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: created endpoint for mach service ''
Dec 21 18:20:56 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: set default handler for RPC 'reset_cache'
Dec 21 18:20:56 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: set default handler for RPC 'reset_statistics'
Dec 21 18:20:56 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: set default handler for RPC 'show'
Dec 21 18:20:56 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: starting endpoint for service ''
Dec 21 18:20:56 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: no dynamic data found at '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/DynamicData/Configure.plist'
Dec 21 18:20:56 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Registered node with name '/Configure' as hidden
Dec 21 18:20:56 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: no dynamic data found at '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/DynamicData/Local.plist'
Dec 21 18:20:56 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Registered node with name '/Local' as hidden
Dec 21 18:21:03 localhost Unknown[364]: kern.boottime: { sec = 1387678852, usec = 0 } Sat Dec 21 18:20:52 2013
Dec 21 18:21:03 localhost Unknown[374]: Launching the Language Chooser for an OS Install
Dec 21 18:21:27 localhost configd[113]: subnet_route_if_index: can't get interface name
Dec 21 18:21:50 pro Language Chooser[375]: LCA+BT2: failed to get BT host controller after 30 seconds
Dec 21 18:21:50 pro Language Chooser[375]: LCA+BT2: BT host controller appeared after 30 seconds
Dec 21 18:21:50 pro Unknown[376]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16899.
Dec 21 18:21:50 pro Unknown[376]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16899 has been replaced with -28673.
Dec 21 18:21:50 pro Unknown[376]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16900.
Dec 21 18:21:50 pro Unknown[376]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16900 has been replaced with -28674.
Dec 21 18:21:50 pro Language Chooser[375]: Set keyboard to id: 0
Dec 21 18:21:50 pro Unknown[376]: Setting boot completed.
Dec 21 18:21:50 pro Language Chooser[375]: Found primary language hint "en"
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro Language Chooser[375]: Could not write to /var/log/CDIS.custom
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro Language Chooser[375]: Launching the Installer using language code "en"
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: LSExceptions [0x7f9e596012b0] loaded
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: OS X Installer application started
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: 1 display(s) found.
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: Display[1] is NOT using OpenGL acceleration.
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: @(#)PROGRAM:Install PROJECT:Install-846
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: @(#)PROGRAM:OS X Installer PROJECT:OSInstaller-524
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: Hardware: MacPro1,1 @ 2.66 GHz (x 4), 6144 MB RAM
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: Running OS Build: Mac OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: Env: __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x0:0:0
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: Env: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: Env: PWD=/
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: Env: SHLVL=1
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: Env: __OSINSTALL_ENVIRONMENT=1
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: Env: CI_DEFAULT_OPENCL_USAGE=0
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: Env: OS_INSTALL=1
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: Env: _=/System/Library/CoreServices/Language Chooser
Dec 21 18:21:51 pro OSInstaller[389]: Env: __CHECKFIX1436934=1
Dec 21 18:21:52 pro OSInstaller[389]: Using product PKSecureNetEnabledProduct <file:///Volumes/Mac%20Pro/OS%20X%20Install%20Data/> at distance 5
Dec 21 18:21:52 pro OSInstaller[389]: Opening OSInstall package '/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg'.
Dec 21 18:21:52 pro OSInstaller[389]: Using product <OSInstallRootProduct> at distance 5
Dec 21 18:21:53 pro OSInstaller[389]: Installation checks failed.
Dec 21 18:21:53 pro OSInstaller[389]: Installation check failures: OS X Mavericks cannot be installed on this computer.
Dec 21 18:22:01 pro OSInstaller[389]: LSExceptions [0x7f9e596012b0] unloaded
Dec 21 18:22:04 pro Unknown[376]: objc[389]: Class SleepTimerCallback is implemented in both /System/Installation/CDIS/OS X X Installer and /System/Installation/CDIS/OS X One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 21 18:22:04 pro Unknown[376]: 2013-12-21 18:22:04.547 OS X Installer[389:303] *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:eek:peration:fraction:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:eek:peration:fraction:] instead.
Dec 21 18:22:04 pro Unknown[376]: 2013-12-21 18:22:04.548 OS X Installer[389:303] *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:fromRect:eek:peration:fraction:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:eek:peration:fraction:] instead.
Dec 21 18:22:04 pro OSInstaller[389]: V /Volumes/Mac Pro: DSDB found.
Dec 21 18:22:04 pro OSInstaller[389]: X /Volumes/Storage: Missing CoreServices.
Dec 21 18:22:04 pro OSInstaller[389]: X /Volumes/monster: Missing CoreServices.
Dec 21 18:22:18 pro Language Chooser[375]: Child process exited 0
Dec 21 18:22:22 pro Unknown[394]: Launching the Installer Crash Log Viewer
Dec 21 18:22:22 pro Viewer[395]: LSExceptions [0x109720320] loaded
Dec 21 18:22:33 pro Viewer[395]: LSExceptions [0x109720320] unloaded
Dec 21 18:23:20 pro Viewer[395]: Connection to sharingd became invalid
Dec 21 18:23:20 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (docs) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:22 pro Viewer[395]: CoreServices logging is enabled,
Dec 21 18:23:22 pro Viewer[395]: SFL Favorites initialized.
Dec 21 18:23:25 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:25 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro Viewer[395]: Connection to sharingd became invalid
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro Viewer[395]: Connection to sharingd became invalid
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.1 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.1 - ODNodeCreateWithNameAndOptions request, SessionID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, Name: /Local/Default, Options: 0x0
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.1 - loading configuration for '/Local' from '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Configurations/Local.plist'
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/PlistFile.bundle'
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.1 - unable to find authentication module 'AppleID'
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.1 - unable to find authentication module 'ConfigurationProfiles'
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.1 - unable to find service discovery callback for module 'PlistFile'
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: Registering for network changes
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: Registered subnode with name '/Local/Default'
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: failed to open local node for internal record copy
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.1.2 - Block: nodestate '/Local/Default'
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.1.2, Module: PlistFile - Node is 10.7 or later
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: Registering for power changes
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.1.2 - nodestate - flagging '/Local/Default' online
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.1.2 - Block completed
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: Registering for network power changes
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.1, Node: /Local/Default - node assigned UUID - 792EE034-4417-4822-9C3A-B42C728FF1C5
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.1, Node: /Local/Default - ODNodeCreateWithNameAndOptions completed
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.3 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.3 - ODQueryCreateWithNode request, NodeID: 792EE034-4417-4822-9C3A-B42C728FF1C5, RecordType(s): dsRecTypeNative:config, Attribute: dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName, MatchType: EqualTo, Equality: CaseExact, Value(s): SharePoints, Requested Attributes: dsAttributesAll, Max Results: 1
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.3, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using a native record type 'config' which is not portable
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.3, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using a native record type 'config' which is not portable
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.3, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - ODQueryCreateWithNode completed
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.4 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.4 - ODNodeCreateRecord request, NodeID: 792EE034-4417-4822-9C3A-B42C728FF1C5, RecordType: dsRecTypeNative:config, RecordName: SharePoints, Attributes: <none>
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.4, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using a native record type 'config' which is not portable
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.4, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - ODNodeCreateRecord completed, delivered 1 result
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.5 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.5 - ODQueryCreateWithNode request, NodeID: 792EE034-4417-4822-9C3A-B42C728FF1C5, RecordType(s): dsRecTypeNative:config/SharePoints, Attribute: dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName, MatchType: Any, Equality: CaseExact, Value(s): dsRecordsAll, Requested Attributes: dsAttrTypeStandard:GeneratedUID,dsAttrTypeNative:ftp_guestaccess,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_name,dsAttrTypeNative:sharepoint_account_uuid,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_createmask,dsAttrTypeNative:sharepoint_version,dsAttrTypeStandard:AppleMetaNodeLocation,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_guestaccess,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_shared,dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordType,dsAttrTypeNative:ftp_shared,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_name,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_oplocks,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_use_parent_owner,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_directorymask,dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_use_parent_privs,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_guestaccess,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_inherit_permissions,dsAttrTypeStandard:AppleMetaRecordName,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_shared,dsAttrTypeNative:directory_path,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_strictlocking,dsAttrTypeNative:sharepoint_group_id,dsAttrTypeNative:ftp_name, Max Results: 2147483647
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.5, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using an old record type 'dsRecTypeNative:config/SharePoints' should be using kODRecordTypeSharePoints
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.5, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using an old record type 'dsRecTypeNative:config/SharePoints' should be using kODRecordTypeSharePoints
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.5, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - flushing record '/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/config/SharePoints'
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.5, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - ___index_record_block_invoke: sqlite3_prepare_v2: 21
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.5, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - ___index_record_block_invoke: sqlite3_prepare_v2: 21
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro opendirectoryd[101]: 241.5, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - ODQueryCreateWithNode completed
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:26 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:31 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:31 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:34 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:34 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:36 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:36 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:37 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:37 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:44 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:49 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
Dec 21 18:23:52 pro Viewer[395]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (down) while running as uid 0
mate, I've got a macbook 2,1 so I'm in agony. tried all the steps to get it going via USB and other means but i'm doomed unless hackerwayne saves us. unlikely though but i'm happy im running mountain lion on my 7 year old macbook. :):)

How was you able to do this and is everything working?
copy packages

Ahh, for some reason i though the steps were..

get an install of mavericks on you HD, in applications
Create a USB patch key

But is that not the case?
Ahh, for some reason i though the steps were..

get an install of mavericks on you HD, in applications
Create a USB patch key

But is that not the case?

You need to follow the steps to create a USB installer for Macericks and then patch that installer with the boot.efi file and edit the appropriate files for your board id.
Success! Just installed 10.9.1 onto my MacPro 1,1, GPU is a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB.

I used the SFOTT tool to prepare my drive but instead of using USB keys I just made a Mavricks Partition on my local HD and used that to install Mavricks. In the process of reinstalling some prepress software now but all seems great so far!
this is huge ! I was wondering how to do that (but didn't think of this trick approch you did at all with clover)

I tested it today on the MacPro1,1 (10.7.5) and got the installer downloaded.
Total success.
It worked on the MacMini2,1 too. (10.7) I did not had a warning alert and the button turned green to download... - didn't download the installer "again"but I think it is ok on the Mini too.

And it was much faster than the 2 minutes booting (like very fast or usual booting time for me on both)

I'm currently working on getting a Recovery HD on the Installed system but the modified BaseSytem.dmg is screwing me because of SHA1 check. I'using shadow dmg in my current tests...

Anyway that would be nice to add this "Enabler of yours" as an Option in the future to the script like:
for those who can't have the installer with an Alternative way (other computer or friend, etc... as not everybody has got 2 Macs), make an extra partition with your Enabler, then download it, reboot, then make the key...

I'll play with asr and diskutil a bit before ....

It would be greate if you would do so! - that's would simplifie everything for everybody even more. You do not even need an additional partition to do that! You might just use the efi partition. Then you would need to bless the partition via terminal, but that's everything.
Hi all,

I'm sorry for the delay but my WAF has seriously decreased lately ; )

OK so for those that want Moutain Lion I did tests it went good but I did not add it as I have to change some stuffs in the script.
for the courageous they could edit the script and see at the begining they could edit it to hardcode Mountain Lion on two Variables...

I'm currently working on the Recovery Partition step, I had success with 1 method but I want a try another one. based on dmg shadow file, I'm confident this will be a good solution and a faster one.

I have many if else to deal like do I create the partition from and on the Newly system booted or from the booted sfott key for example and if so is the Installer on the System or on another partition and will I want to add the whole packages to this recovery or point it to the SFOTT key - as Packages are already there.
Most fucntion are quite ready and when ready I think ML could be choosed too in the meantime.

So it deals with many question again to solve before proposing it in the program.

Right now I'm going in my step familly for christmass so coding will kinda be paused, but hopefully my WAF will get points back again.

I really hope to propose the Recovery Option soon.

I've many times thanks Tiamo for this enormous job on the boot.efi and now also Rastafabi and it's Maverick Download enabler. here :
I'm much impressed .... and feels like a little player compared to those boot.efi works they both did. LOL as I'm writing this Rastafabi responded to the post. Ok I have his approval to include (try I'll say) this on the key. as all this is quite new to me I will have to make tests to understand what underneath. I'll do that just after the recovery menu for sure.

So if you only have one mac and unsupported then
Rastafabi download enabler is the starting point, then having a system with the Tiamo boot.efi (Sfott key will help getting a patched key to get a patched system with the Tiamo boot .efi) and hopefully it will be all good.

To laststandstudio I've sent you an email but basically it says most of what I'm posting here....

cheers going to sleep now as I've got long road to do tomorow.

Merry christmass et Joyeux Noel ;)
You stated, that you already could enable the Recovery HD, but are still exploring another way. Although you've already come that far you might still be interested in this elderly post by me on the 10.8 thread.

¡Merry Christmas y feliz navidad!

hey just passing by,

I've read your post, I'll dig deeper into it when back Home.

actually the method I used is simple, I first make a dmg of the SFOTT key as it is a basesystem patched with all needed. I then choose this dmg as source to create the recovery and using the dmtest provided by Apple.

it works fine, but I haven't checked if it is ok for the filevault etc.... as it is the installer screen and not the Utility screen that appears.
so the second method is create a shadow of the basesystem.dmg patch like a sfott key would be, then apply ti and get a new basesystem disc.

among the choice I'm willing to provided is:
either make a symlink to the sfott key packages so it is a tiny recovery HD or have all packages on the recovery thuss make it bigger (wich is happening when making a dmg from the key itself as it has all the pkg inside already)

this is quite ok, what I really want it to get the utility screen when booting from the recovery and not the installer screen. I know how to do thta in theory but until now it did not happen.
as I'm psychorigid I want to provide a almost quite perfect solution.

in any case I'll have to test if the recovery I have for now DOES work for Filevault and if so I'll provide it as a first solution to have a start.

BUT if so, I'll have to check the recovery HD Update like for Update systems.

Concerning the 10.9.2 that seems to wipe out the boot.efi
I will have to put earlier that expected, the ability I wanted to do : patch a System. as of now I don't think we can as I've put conditions so we CAN NOT choose the system as a target (security reason).
I may either make a new menu or simply allow the system to be choosed.

I have to say I did not fully tested the sfott script from the booted key itself as many binaries are not in the base system. even if I've included copy of some of the ones that should be needed.
I'll test when back to home, so in this case that would be easier to choose the target system and patch it back like a key (to copy back the boot.efi and plist)

some work in perspective... I wonder if I ever will have a chance to go to cocoa App...

chears to all
MacBook Air 1.1

I have a macbook air 1.1 and like others I have the intel GMA X3100 card that is not supported. Cant we do something like it was done in ML 10.8. and use the modified Intel GMA X3100 kexts with QE/CI and 64-bit support.

So the link to the kexts can be found here: (Thanks to Kylegray)
And the tutorial can be found here:

If it worked under ML would it not work under Maverick?

My issue is that I created the install partition but I get the gray no install sign. Any ideas on getting passed this?
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