2nd attempt at HDR using multiple copies of single stock image. Each copies exposure manipulated off camera

Also work on the fringing. The bulldozer has a bit of blue fringing on the edges but nice all around. I need to get back into working on more HDRs lol
eh. does anyone else think these images look like videogames? Not that there's anything wrong with videogames, but they just seem so unnatural to me. And muddy.
I don't mean to bash the style, but I thought I'd share my opinion.
Here's one I did a while ago while dabbling in HDR. 3 exposures with Photomatix. I tried to keep it subtle.
Wow, valdore, those are SPECTACULAR!!! I love the lights streaking across the frame on the first one...they're very subtle, but add a lot to the photo. Also, in the second one, the jacket of the guy with the loudspeaker looks really cool, almost like a computer render. I guess some people don't like that look; I think it looks fantastic.
What city is that from?
Dude, your stuff is freaking amazing.
Here's a pano I shot recently. I usually shoot 4 sets of exposures and use layer masks in Ps to bring them together.
I really love these pics, how you have done this? I am sure that you had used some graphics softwares for this.....What is that software? Really cool and attractive ones,.... If you can have such a talent, you can setup some ARTS exhibition and earn more man.... best of luck....Some pretty good-looking HDRs in here lately I think.
I'll drop in a couple of my recents here (hotlinked from my photoblog site) --
Following two shots are HDR via tone mapping in Photomatix Pro:
And this shot is HDR via exposure blending, in Photomatix Pro:
I had wanted a more natural look on this mounted horse photo, and in the original RAW, that light reflection off the skyscraper in the background caused some serious shadows and contrast issues. I found the blending method more helpful here than the tone mapping method at getting a more optimal dynamic range.
It is Highlands Ranch corner of university and highlands ranch parkwayThat's Colorado! I'd recognize that mountain anywhere. Judging by the angle...look like somewhere north of Golden? Although the sprawl makes it look more like Broomfield or something...