I explained to my doctor at my annual physical that I was putting in a lot of effort, but not being rewarded with weight loss. I realize that calorie intake is the culprit, but he confirmed that metabolism wise that 4 small intakes of food during the day, the first at breakfast might make a difference, so I am trying this. I had been trying to skip breakfast as a method to reduce calorie intake, but it was pointed out in this thread previously that that was a mistake. 😐
My wife was diagnosed as borderline diabetic (runs in the family) so she is busy altering her diet. We usually eat pork bacon once a week, and she suggested turkey bacon, but this article indicates that Turkey bacon is only marginally better than pork.
Calorie- and fat-conscious eaters may opt for turkey bacon as a healthier alternative to the traditional kind. But this substitute is also high in fat and sodium and offers few other benefits.
I started doing a larger, but sane, breakfast, and a light lunch and dinner, and have lost weight, and seem to be doing much better. I don't worry about carbs and such as much during the day, and ride my bike at least an hour every day.
But on the bacon, I'd recommend staying FAR away from processed meats. I find that after a 'continental breakfast, where the only protein is eggs and bacon, I feel like total crap. The nitrates and nitrites and the grease, even in turkey bacon, is just one thing that I (and many others I'm sure) just can't take. Even occasionally. I do, if I really get a 'got to have' lust for that flavor (or smell), get the fat free real bacon bits, and dump a teaspoon on a salad, or drop some in something else sane for dinner.
My big dietary sin is salami, and other meats of that type. Now, I occasionally buy the high priced cut meats, like Olli, and some others, and have a single slice every day or two. It scratches the itch, and I'm not going face down in the hog trough blowing up my diet, and my body. I can go months without that craving. For a kid that grew up on hams, hamburger, bacon, eggs, Lebanon baloney, and whole milk, I'm surprised I've lived as long as I have. I grew up on Hamburger Helper, and Tuna Helper too. (🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮)
But whatever you do, don't feel guilty about it. That's the worst thing I can think of. I used to feel I had to hide my salami fetish/lust, and it sure didn't work well. I just had to confront it, and accept it I guess. Sounds funny, but it seems to work for me.
Well, that and looking at the old sci-fi series, where everyone is so damn skinny. That was before lobbying groups distracted the politicians and started poisoning America. For profit! High Fructos Corn Syrup, as an example, is a cheap sweetener because it's largely tax payer subsidized. It's cheaper than 'real' sugar... We are literally poisoning ourselves to death at a profit for someone... Ahh, Capitalism. Love it, or hate it, but in the end, *someone* is profiting from everything that we read, see, eat, drink, or die from. Some of the rest of the world is wise to it. To have Scotland declare Subway 'bread' isn't bread because of the high sugar content should be embarrassing for Americans, but we, by and large, seem to be too busy, heads in the trough, to notice.