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MacDaddy951 said:
ok now i understand what ur saying. it says the airport is connected to the network ********. you are connected to the internet via airport.
back here in the good old days he was connected to the router, it accepted his IP, and even claimed to be connected to the internet (altho, what exactly this message means by it i'm not sure) - given this situation, if he can't get to web pages thru safari it sounds like its a router config issue - some kind of firewall setting, or web restriction rather than any particular problem with the mac setup - i would have thought it it was a preamble issue he wouldn't even be able to connect to it. No network expert tho :eek:
I can't stand mysteries.
grapes911 said:
Since I last checked this thread, a lot of info was added and it's all over the place. Forgive me if this was already discussed.

This doesn't happen do be a D-Link router, is it? There is this thing called a preamble. Don't worry what it is, just know that there are two versions: Long preambles and short preambles. I couldn't connected to my girlfriends D-Link because the default was to use a Short Preamble. Everything connected to the router except my iBook. When I changed the setting to Long Preamble, everything worked including my iBook. (Or I may have changed it from Short to Long, I can't remember)

If this is a D-Link, log into the router and select Advanced then Performance. Look for the preamble settings. Change it to the opposite of what it is.

If the preamble settings aren't there, or this isn't a D-Link, check the manual to see if you can change the preamble.

I hope this is your problem so you can get up and running.

It didn't work :( o well
MacDaddy951 said:
Ok here i go... so i try to go into safari and it says that "you are not connected to the internet" so under that it says "netowrk diagnostics can help you solve network connection problems" so i click on network diagnostics...

than it asks if i ever got this computer successfully on the net and i hit yes. Than AirPort. than i select Airport network...than it asks if i use a PPPoE or DHCP... i choose DHCP. than it asks if i have a DSL or cable modem i hit yes. than it asks to restart the device... i've done that several times this is where i am stuck. If anyone knows what the hell i'm talkin about some help would be greatly appreciated! :eek: sorry for the confusion.

can you humour me with one last attempt?

Hopefully this will get you back to where we were with the entry for Net Prefs > Show: Network Status > Airport showing a green light and saying "currently active, you have an Ip etc" (if it's saying that already, then don't bother with this step)
Under System Prefs > Network, choose "assist me", run through the steps already given here - "connect via Airport" etc - if it asks you for IP numbers and so on, use the ones we've given you IP, Subnet, Router, DNS

Presumably, even when you have the green light, Safari is still not getting thru to the web - i think this may be because when you went thru the diagnostics you mentioned above, you told it you were using a modem, which it's trying to access directly (and can't, because the router is already using the modem) rather than telling it to access the Local Network (LAN) connection (the router)
- so try running the diagnostics again, choose Airport, DHCP, LAN (NOT modem)
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