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Original poster
Sep 5, 2016
Hey guys,

I'm not going to be downloading anything illegal or breaking any laws so there's no need to be concerned.

The longer I wait to figure this problem out the more videos are deleted from websites and that means I'm unable to see them ever again... 😢 😥 😓

Thank you so much for any advice!


Original poster
Sep 5, 2016
browser plugins are the key
Thank you for your reply BlankStar!

Which browser plugins are you referring to?

What website? Despite the name being focused on YT, YouTube-dl can download from a few different sites.

It's a bunch of different websites not just one. Is there something you can recommend that I can trust as being safe/genuine software that doesn't contain malicious software like trojans or backdoors to the Internet?


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Video downloader in and out of itself isn’t something that is “malicious” by any means, but a clean one is kinda hard to find.

For screen recording, OBS is a nice reputable choice. You just need to spend some time recording those videos one by one.

If the site is popular, online downloader website can help, though they often have “fair use” policies and can’t be used too frequently.


macrumors 601
Apr 26, 2013
Internet Download Manager, the best website video downloader I have ever used. It is well worth paying for because it is THAT good.


Original poster
Sep 5, 2016
Thank you for your replies Shirasaki and Laptech!

Video downloader in and out of itself isn’t something that is “malicious” by any means, but a clean one is kinda hard to find.

For screen recording, OBS is a nice reputable choice. You just need to spend some time recording those videos one by one.

If the site is popular, online downloader website can help, though they often have “fair use” policies and can’t be used too frequently.
Can you please link me to the App you're referring to?
Internet Download Manager, the best website video downloader I have ever used. It is well worth paying for because it is THAT good.
Can you please link me to Internet Download Manager?


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Thank you for your replies Shirasaki and Laptech!

Can you please link me to the App you're referring to?

Can you please link me to Internet Download Manager?
This one is OBS.

This one is Internet Download Manager.

I will throw another downloader I sometimes use as well: Jdownloader.


Original poster
Sep 5, 2016
This one is Internet Download Manager.

I will throw another downloader I sometimes use as well: Jdownloader.

Thank you very much for your replies Shirasaki! I'm looking at the links now.

What about "Video Downloader" you mentioned earlier?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Post one or two URLs as examples of videos you're trying to download.
That will help us "point you towards the solution".
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macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Thank you very much for your replies Shirasaki! I'm looking at the links now.

What about "Video Downloader" you mentioned earlier?
It’s just software that provides video downloading feature. Not specific for one particular. Jdownloader is one of those software.
There are also paid video downloader.


Original poster
Sep 5, 2016
It’s just software that provides video downloading feature. Not specific for one particular. Jdownloader is one of those software.
There are also paid video downloader.
Thank you for your reply Shirasaki!

What do you mean by "there are also paid video downloader"?


macrumors 6502a
Mar 16, 2011
Safari does have an inbuilt way too.
1. In preferences/advanced - enable show develop menu
2. Option + Command + A and you'll see an area pop up at the bottom that has a whole lot of html.
On the left, you'll seen an option for 'by type' or 'by path', select 'by type' and if the page has videos, there will be a videos folder, open it, and then double click on the name, it will open a window, then simply right click and select 'download as'.
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macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Thank you for your reply Shirasaki!

What do you mean by "there are also paid video downloader"?
Just like the one mentioned below ur post, there are video downloaders that you need to pay a fee to use their full features. Sometimes they have some “proprietary” system built in that can improve video downloading success rate (such as some obscure links), or provide extra features such as converting the video you downloaded to another format, extract audio etc.


macrumors 68000
Mar 12, 2019
Sadly, every video downloading GUI app I've ever used feels scummy. The gold standard is youtube-dl, but it's a command line app.

If you open up a Terminal and type:
sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo curl -JL | tar --directory /usr/local/bin/ -xvf- -o ffmpeg && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg

Now, whenever you want to download a video, open a Terminal again and enter youtube-dl followed by a space and then the url of the video you want to download. Press enter, and it will appear in your home folder (or whatever your working directory is).

I actually set up a service in Automator to automatically get a video from my web browser and download it to my Movies folder. It's great; it feels as if it's just built into my browser. The Applescript code I use for this is below; it should work with either Safari or Firefox if you change the first line. If you know how to use Automator, just set up a service/quick action and add the code as a Run Applescript action. (I can provide more details upon request!)

    set theURL to getURLFromSafari()
    --set theURL to getURLFromFirefox()
    do shell script "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl --update"
    set theName to ""
        set theName to do shell script "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl " & theURL & " --ignore-errors --no-check-certificate --no-playlist --get-title"
        do shell script "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl " & theURL & " -f bestvideo[vcodec^=avc1]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best --ignore-errors --no-check-certificate --no-playlist --ffmpeg-location /usr/local/bin/ -o '~/Movies/%(title)s.%(ext)s'"
        display notification theName with title "Download Complete!" sound name "Hero"
    on error errorMessage
        if errorMessage contains "Unsupported URL" or errorMessage contains "Could not send HEAD request" then
            display dialog "No downloadable videos found on web page." with icon stop buttons {"OK"}
        else if errorMessage contains "geolocation" then
            display dialog "This video contains geolocation restrictions." with icon stop buttons {"OK"}
        else if errorMessage contains "too many requests" then
            display dialog "Youtube has banned your IP address. Try again later." with icon stop buttons {"OK"}
        else if errorMessage contains "SSL" then
            display dialog "There was an SSL error. If you're running an old version of Mac OS, consider using an HTTPS proxy server like Squid to fix this problem." with icon stop buttons {"OK"}
        end if
        display dialog errorMessage with title "Unable to download video!"
    end try
on error
    display notification theName with title "Download Failed" sound name "Basso"
end try

on getURLFromFirefox()
        tell application "Firefox"
            delay 0.2
            tell application "System Events"
                keystroke "l" using command down
                delay 0.3
                keystroke "c" using command down
                delay 0.3
                key code 53 --escape key
                delay 0.3
                keystroke "[" using command down
            end tell
        end tell
        return (the clipboard) as text
    on error
        display dialog "Please open \"System Preferences\" → \"Security & Privacy\" → \"Privacy\" → \"Accessibility\" and add \"\" to the list of apps allowed to control your computer."
    end try
end getURLFromFirefox

on getURLFromSafari()
        tell application "Safari"
            set theURL to URL of front document
            set pageName to name of front document

            --If it's possible to go back, then go back. Otherwise, close the tab instead.
            if (do JavaScript "history.length" in front document) > 1 then
                do JavaScript "history.back()" in front document
                close current tab of front window
            end if
        end tell
    on error
        do shell script "defaults write IncludeDevelopMenu -bool true"
        display dialog "In Safari, please enable Developer → Allow Javascript from Apple Events" buttons {"OK"}
    end try
end getURLFromSafari()

on checkForYoutubeDL()
        do shell script "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl -h"
    on error
        display dialog "Please place a copy of youtube-dl in /usr/local/bin before using this script." with icon stop buttons {"OK"}
    end try
end checkForYoutubeDL

on checkForFFmpeg()
        do shell script "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -h"
    on error
        display dialog "Please place a copy of ffmpeg in /usr/local/bin before using this script." with icon stop buttons {"OK"}
    end try
end checkForFFmpeg
Last edited:


macrumors 604
Jan 26, 2014
Horsens, Denmark
Now, whenever you want to download a video, open a Terminal again and enter youtube-dl followed by a space and then the url of the video you want to download. Press enter, and it will appear in your home folder or whatever your working directory is).

I've never seen anyone recommend installation through just downloading with curl and placing in bin. I mean it works, but yeah - I would just advice Home-brew - That way it handles updates for you as well :)


macrumors 68000
Mar 12, 2019
Youtube-dl actually has its own, built-in --update function, and the command I suggested is actually the first one listed on youtube-dl's download page. I'm also weird and don't like homebrew, particularly if you're only going to install a handful of utilities.

But, yes, if you're a homebrew user that will also do the trick. Pretty sure it's also in MacPorts.
Last edited:


macrumors 604
Jan 26, 2014
Horsens, Denmark
Youtube-dl has its own, built-in --update command. I'm also weird and don't like homebrew, particularly if you're only going to install a handful of utilities.

But yes, if you're a homebrew user that will also do the trick. Pretty sure it's also in MacPorts.

I mean that's completely fair. I have a few gripes with home-brew as well and have considered using MacPorts or Fink instead, but at the same time I just find home-brew convenient and familiar - Anyway sidetracked rant.
Just popped out at me, and didn't even know yt-dl had --update as an option. Even read through the man page a few times but that man page is huge as well, and I likely wouldn't pay attention to --update since I just get it updated through brew
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