After a few hours, the S7 Hermès is a bit of a mixed bag (for me).
The Bleu Lin Single Tour is fantastic, easily my co-favourite Hermès strap (along with the Bambou and Bordeaux Single Tours).
The Watch itself doesn‘t look perceivably larger on the wrist while the new screen is absolutely fabulous. It makes the S4-6 look quite old.
The new screen, like the tide, floats (almost) all boats, i.e. watch faces. For my most used ones, Infograph is bigger, bolder and more legible while Info Modular will be replaced in my daily routine by the very useful Modular Duo. Best of all, Typograph is massively improved by the digits moving much closer to the edge. I also like Stripes, now that they span almost the entire display.
The Hermès faces are where the bag gets (very) mixed. Circuit is nice, but I would only ever use it with a Circuit strap (which I do not plan to get). Circulaire was optimized in size and is bigger and more legible, but still
very dim in always-on mode. (As Infograph is more useful, I never used Circulaire all that much anyway.) The keep-or-send-back question for me boils down to the regular Hermès face. I love, love,
love the one with only 4 digits and the „fat“ hands (in Espace, mostly), and it looks as lovely as ever. As far as I can make out, it hasn‘t really been „optimized“ at all, i.e. the digits didn‘t move outwards, but especially with a black background (like I use it 90% of the time anyway) it still looks great … when it‘s on. It has always been – like all Hermès faces – noticeably dimmer in always-on mode than other watch faces, but on the S7 the gap gets really big. Typograph always-on looks
easily twice as bright. Hence Typograph – optimized for the new screen in two ways (size and brightness) – is now for me in some crucial ways better than the not-optimized-at-all, I‘m-#1-so-why-try-harder regular Hermès watch face. Which makes me ponder the value I got for paying the Hermès tax.