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kas23 said:
Put the girl on Craigslist. You may be able to buy a new iPad then.

Nah to my scams on Craigslist. Try eBay or the local mall. :)
For any future purchases, Best Buy sells a 1yr extended warranty that covers breakage, etc for $129.

...and SquareTrade sells a TWO year hardware warranty WITH accidental damage coverage for $84 with a coupon.

I have the 3G iPad for myself and picked up a WiFi iPad for them. Both have the SquareTrade coverage on them just in case. My kids are older than yours - 13, 11, and 9 - but kids can still be kids and break stuff. Accidents happen.
Survived the drop

My 1 year old dropped the ipad from the dining table, on to the hard wood floor, glass face hitting the floor.

The iPad survived and is still in excellent condition
This is why I buy from Bestbuy. The geeksquad insurance covers this, no questions asked!..sorry to hear this. But it's alway worth a try to take it in.
I really don't understand the suggestions about going into the apple store, what are they supposed to do about accidents.

Should have gotten insurance but its too late to dwell on that now. Price a screen replacement, buy some insurance and move on with life.
It's too bad Apple can't make an indestructible iPad. As soon as I tried one out I thought kids would have trouble even holding it. Too heavy, and the size is awkward for holding even with both hands. But it's so appealing to them...
It's too bad Apple can't make an indestructible iPad. As soon as I tried one out I thought kids would have trouble even holding it. Too heavy, and the size is awkward for holding even with both hands. But it's so appealing to them...

And just what consumer device do you know of that is "indestructible"?
Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B367 Safari/531.21.10)

Cyroceon said:
Those who are voting to have him try and bring his daughter in, you are not helping the situation. The price of these devices includes stupid managerial decisions like giving the OP a new iPad. If more people start doing it, then Apple will need to recoup some or most of that cost, and the only viable way of doing so would be to charge more for the product.

So, by encouraging him to try different ways, etc... you are affecting your own pocketbooks. Let him sell it on eBay advertised with a broken screen, and pay the difference between that sale and the new iPad. If he downgrades from 64 to 32 or 32 to 16, he might not have any major out of pocket expense.

Sorry OP, no hard feelings, but somebody's got to tell it like it is.

Sorry, I'm not buying this. Of the MILLION ipads Apple sold, if 1000 people get a replacement for "free", the cost of the iPad to us will not change.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B367 Safari/531.21.10)

Sorry, I'm not buying this. Of the MILLION ipads Apple sold, if 1000 people get a replacement for "free", the cost of the iPad to us will not change.

I'm sure apple have accounted for a % of faulty and broken iPads in their maths. They have released a few devices before you know.
Take her to the Apple store and let her tell them what she did. When they hear her say "I bwoke my Daddy's iPad" they'll melt and give you a new one.

I wonder if the Genius would help. Maybe have mommy bring her. Then she can say mommy brought me here. Daddy don't know about it falling. Can you gimme a new one fore free?
Well Apple has no obligation to replace it. it is plainly stated in the apple care policies that is is for MFG. defects only and accidental damage is not covered.
I sorry it happened but:

1. Why was it in a place she could get it?

2. that is kinda just the story of having kids, because of that its your issue. why should Apple have to eat your daughters mishap.

3. If everyone that has had an "incident" like this and passed it off on apple, the price of the products would shoot back up to the sky.

If it was me, (and trust me, it has been. dented iphone 2g 1 week after purchase) i would be embarrassed to bring it in the apple store and ask for a replacement. I would just chock it up to life, get what i can on ebay and swallow the difference. Then I would keep it away from my kids and buy a separate accidental insurance policy.
A great ending to the story

Hi All - OP here -

I made a genius appointment and brought my adorable Lillie (the culprit) with me. Without having to flash her baby blues and explain what she did the genius swapped out my iPad for a brand new one. No questions asked. He noted that I bought it on launch day and apparently was able to tell I was the third person that day who bought one .... so he said he recognized I was a very dedicated customer and wanted to make this easy on me. He also said something else pretty interesting: He said that he would be shipping my iPad back to Apple because apparently there is a desire on the part of TPTB at Apple to want to analyze dropped iPads. As I understood the conversation Apple is quite proud that these things can take a lickin' and keep on tickin' ... so, they want to study my iPad. I don't know if I mentioned it but except for the hairline fracture in the screen the device worked perfectly and there was no signs of damage to the outer aluminum either.

All in all not a bad mother's day. For a dad.

Thanks for all your responses. Everyone was helpful but I do feel I need to single out the person who posted that I should take her to the store and get her to admit she 'bwoke' my iPad. It was the best of all ideas.

Thanks, again!
Hi All - OP here -

I made a genius appointment and brought my adorable Lillie (the culprit) with me. Without having to flash her baby blues and explain what she did the genius swapped out my iPad for a brand new one. No questions asked. He noted that I bought it on launch day and apparently was able to tell I was the third person that day who bought one .... so he said he recognized I was a very dedicated customer and wanted to make this easy on me. He also said something else pretty interesting: He said that he would be shipping my iPad back to Apple because apparently there is a desire on the part of TPTB at Apple to want to analyze dropped iPads. As I understood the conversation Apple is quite proud that these things can take a lickin' and keep on tickin' ... so, they want to study my iPad. I don't know if I mentioned it but except for the hairline fracture in the screen the device worked perfectly and there was no signs of damage to the outer aluminum either.

All in all not a bad mother's day. For a dad.

Thanks for all your responses. Everyone was helpful but I do feel I need to single out the person who posted that I should take her to the store and get her to admit she 'bwoke' my iPad. It was the best of all ideas.

Thanks, again!

Wow! I'm glad it all worked out for you.
Hi All - OP here -

I made a genius appointment and brought my adorable Lillie (the culprit) with me. Without having to flash her baby blues and explain what she did the genius swapped out my iPad for a brand new one. No questions asked. He noted that I bought it on launch day and apparently was able to tell I was the third person that day who bought one .... so he said he recognized I was a very dedicated customer and wanted to make this easy on me. He also said something else pretty interesting: He said that he would be shipping my iPad back to Apple because apparently there is a desire on the part of TPTB at Apple to want to analyze dropped iPads. As I understood the conversation Apple is quite proud that these things can take a lickin' and keep on tickin' ... so, they want to study my iPad. I don't know if I mentioned it but except for the hairline fracture in the screen the device worked perfectly and there was no signs of damage to the outer aluminum either.

All in all not a bad mother's day. For a dad.

Thanks for all your responses. Everyone was helpful but I do feel I need to single out the person who posted that I should take her to the store and get her to admit she 'bwoke' my iPad. It was the best of all ideas.

Thanks, again!

WOW!!! :eek: :D

Congrats though....

Too bad the guy with the scratched screen did not have your luck. :(

BTW, glad to hear that your little one is still among the living there. :D
Yeah thanks to the OP for sharing this story, enjoyed reading this thread (that sounds awful doesn't it?).
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