Did you mean an icon on the control center? It's available now.
Hi, no I meant the icons on the springboard - things like the white apple calendar icon inverting to a dark mode form etc.
Did you mean an icon on the control center? It's available now.
Will gmail for iPhone ever get dark mode? I’m tired of all this white it’s blinding. Maybe the iPhone 6s won’t get gmail dark mode.
I heard but it’s taking forever. The weird part is if you close the g mail app then watch when it starts up, it will start up in dark mode for 2 seconds then it flips to white.It is apparently already out but it is slowly rolling out to all users. Google dark mode iOS Gmail and you'll see.
This.. is what's keeping me from moving over to Dark Mode permanently. It will be better as more apps adopt Dark Mode.But I just find it too jarring going into apps that are still light. It needs to be universal.
With a necessary caveat from the article:The potential 30% battery savings is almost worth it with just that:
It did take a bit to get used to ... but I like it better now.
With a necessary caveat from the article:
"And there's a one big caveat: Only smartphones with OLED screens will see the battery life improvement, as OLEDs expend less energy when the screen is dark. A phone with an LCD screen, such as the iPhone 11 or the iPhone XR, would likely get no benefit."
I may be swimming against the tide here, but I tried several times to give dark mode a chance, and each time I ended up switching back in less than a minute. On one hand, the black look reminds me of an old Android (one from the pre-Lollipop era, back when Android was barely more than an experimental toy). On the other hand, the dark background makes all the fingerprints and smudges (which every smartphone in the world is permanently full of) stick out like a sore thumb. I like the light mode because it makes my iPhone look like an iPhone, not like an ancient Samsung. I really hope that the dark mode will remain an option and won't become the norm.