Its a winning compromise. I used to think typing speed mattered, and would practice, and get like 120wpm scores. But then I worked under an experienced engineer who could run circles around me. All while really slowly typing with only his pointer fingers! It made me realize, I'm not actually typing that often when im working. Thinking about the correct thing to type is by far more important than being able to type fast. I can still type way faster than that guy on a soft keyboard, and he's still a way more effective engineer than me! The tactile feedback isn't that critical, since you're eyes are looking right above your hands you use the visual feedback instead of the tactile feedback. Its no big deal, and its worth it to not have to carry around a keyboard device. I'm a super early adopter, the world will catch up to me. Look at how kids use computers, they are very proficient with the soft keyboards in phones and they use autocomplete to be as effective as adults on a keyboard. Its the future.