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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 20, 2008
How do you JB'ers put up with the horrible lag? It would drive me nuts.

Every JB'd iPhone I have ever used had very noticable lag.
I don't really notice it.
I only use wb for colored signal bars, have StatusNotifier instaled, Cycorder and Term + unix tools.

I ran 2.2 unjailbroken for a while and didn't find it faster than jailbroken. I did miss a lot of my unix tools though.

I did notice when you do a full skinning with wb and have lots of things on your LockScreen it gets a bit laggier. But you don't have that if you stay clear of those.

Only program that's really slow for me is SBSettings.
No lag for meo n any ipod/iphone ive ever jailbroken (probably around 15 or so) unless something didnt go right.

Lag means something went wrong, restore, rejailbreak, no lag, then it goes out to whoever gave it to me to jailbreak.
Use a stock iPhone and you'll see the dif.

There is no difference between an unjailbroken iphone and a jailbroken one. There are not running processes that make it jailbroken. Any lag you notice is the fault of a badly coded app or apps running in the backround.
Op maybe you shouldnt have backrounder on 24/7 and have a supreme theme on winterboard and widgets on your lock screen then maybe it wont log.
I find it somewhat hilarious when people are so pro jailbreak that they can't be honest that there is a lag involved.
I find it somewhat hilarious when people are so pro jailbreak that they can't be honest that there is a lag involved.

I find it hilarious that people who can't seem to get a simple guided jailbreak running right jump to the conclusion that lag is always there.

I've been jailbreaking since the command line days, there IS NO LAG if done correctly.
I find it somewhat hilarious when people are so pro jailbreak that they can't be honest that there is a lag involved.

See that statement tells me that it's pointless to try and argue with you.

You're wrong, but if anyone (including experienced users) tells you that, you'll simply say that they're "in denial" or some other nonsense.

Since there's no way for us to convince you of this, the best that we can do is point out that you're full of it, and that new users shouldn't be lead astray by your FUD.
Having on the Homescreen and Winterboard definitively cause lag on the iPhone.
Well, the lag kills me. If I only had those milliseconds back.

Keep the themes and other things in winterboard to a minimum
Having on the Homescreen and Winterboard definitively cause lag on the iPhone.

Yep. Winterboard is known to cause a variety of performance problems. Installer is, in short, a poorly written POS.

Jailbreaking itself, however, introduces exactly 0 performance issues.

Keep the themes and other things in winterboard to a minimum

Actually, Winterboard itself (even without any themes, icons, or anything enabled) causes a dramatic increase in SpringBoard's RAM usage. MobileSubstrate can also cause some performance issues too, but to a much lesser extent.
Having on the Homescreen and Winterboard definitively cause lag on the iPhone.

I used to like installer, but since 2.X its been complete crap and buggy.

Winterboard doesn't cause any lag for me but its completely up to which themes you have on.
I have had themes that did seem to cause a lag, but right now, I'm using Illuminous and a few other custom items (carrier), battery, slider, etc. and am experiencing no lag. I have gone back and forth between jailbroken and not jailbroken and do know the difference.

OP, I'm sorry that your experience has not been good with jailbreaking, but that really doesn't mean that your opinion is right and others are wrong (especially when so many others are responding to the contrary).
Yep. Winterboard is known to cause a variety of performance problems.

And I would venture to guess that the vast majority of people who JB their iphones use WinterBoard.

I have to laugh when people say "Jailbreaking doesn't cause lag"'s just when you add the programs LOL!!!!

Pretty pointless JB'ing AND not adding anything isn't it!

Even BigBoss who I would say knows more than most posting in this thread says that it happens -
Yep. Winterboard is known to cause a variety of performance problems. Installer is, in short, a poorly written POS.

Jailbreaking itself, however, introduces exactly 0 performance issues.

Actually, Winterboard itself (even without any themes, icons, or anything enabled) causes a dramatic increase in SpringBoard's RAM usage. MobileSubstrate can also cause some performance issues too, but to a much lesser extent.

Correct. I stay away from Winterboard/Substrate & it's affiliated apps exactly because of the "lag". I don't have any.

It's backgrounding apps, Winterboard (+Themes), and Substrate. These also crash some app store apps (Ferrari GT).
if there is a lag the functionality of JB outweighs the downfalls/lag so it doesn't bother me enough to post asking how others tolerate it.
Correct. I stay away from Winterboard & it's affiliated apps.

I use one theme with winterboard, no lag. Never had any for the overall ipod, I have had keyboard lag only in specific apps.

Doesn't slow down the normal useage of my ipod for me.
MobileTerminal "top" commands from many users report differently. You just don't notice it, but Winterboard does change the SpringBoard process RAM usage.

I don't have any kind of lag in anything/keyboards (except the real-time searching ones, ie Cydia).
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