Thanks for your honesty.
Can you youtube a video of said lag, so we have something to compare it to?
Thanks for your honesty.
I don't really notice it.
I only use wb for colored signal bars, have StatusNotifier instaled, Cycorder and Term + unix tools.
I ran 2.2 unjailbroken for a while and didn't find it faster than jailbroken. I did miss a lot of my unix tools though.
I did notice when you do a full skinning with wb and have lots of things on your LockScreen it gets a bit laggier. But you don't have that if you stay clear of those.
Only program that's really slow for me is SBSettings.
Would you agree that the vast majority of people who JB do in fact install Winterboard?
How is that relevant?
You know what your posts look like to me? They make it seem as though now that you've had a chance to do a bit of research, you're finding that your claims of JB == lag to seem a mite ridiculous. In an attempt to save face, you're going to try to imply that since the majority of people who jailbreak use WinterBoard (a dubious claim in and of itself) that jailbreaking is essentially done for the express purpose of installing WinterBoard. Once you've made that claim, you will attempt to prove that, since jailbreaking is done to install a specific tool which can cause performance problems, that therefore jailbreaking itself causes performance problems.
That's a good strategy, and it might work were there not just one flaw with that chain of logic: it's crap.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience jailbreaking. If you had come to this forum and stated that you had experienced performance issues, we might have been willing to work with you and help you resolve the problems. As it stands, you've trolled, cross-posted, made bold claims (only later to back off when challenged) and started topics with inflammatory headlines, all for what exactly? Cui bono?
Would you agree that the vast majority of people who JB do in fact install Winterboard?
I don't really notice any lagg except for longer boot time, nevertheless you should get ''FreeMemory'' on the appstore, it cleans up your RAM releasing between 20-30 mb of RAM. Sometimes I find I only have two MB left, launch FreeMemory and I have 21. REally great, and saves me from rebooting.
I had either 2.0 or 2.1 jailbroken with I think QuickPwn. I had nothing "special" loading and wasn't really using the extra functionality that JB gives. It was noticeably slower and apps tended to crash a lot more than before jailbreaking. I don't know whether it's something I did or just something inherent to jailbreaking, but it definitely made my Touch slower.