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If you believe that simply jailbreaking your phone increases lag you are a fool. You must not even know how random access memory works. Now if you are saying Winterboard/Intelliscreen/Background cause lag, no one will argue with you.

But you can jailbreak and receive a lot of great benefits without having any of those installed.
I don't really notice it.
I only use wb for colored signal bars, have StatusNotifier instaled, Cycorder and Term + unix tools.

I ran 2.2 unjailbroken for a while and didn't find it faster than jailbroken. I did miss a lot of my unix tools though.

I did notice when you do a full skinning with wb and have lots of things on your LockScreen it gets a bit laggier. But you don't have that if you stay clear of those.

Only program that's really slow for me is SBSettings.

How did you get your 2.2 jailbroken? I have a thread here if you could please post here I would greatly appreciate it!! I've been trying for 2 days. Details are on the thread.

Would you agree that the vast majority of people who JB do in fact install Winterboard?
Would you agree that the vast majority of people who JB do in fact install Winterboard?

How is that relevant?

You know what your posts look like to me? They make it seem as though now that you've had a chance to do a bit of research, you're finding that your claims of JB == lag to seem a mite ridiculous. In an attempt to save face, you're going to try to imply that since the majority of people who jailbreak use WinterBoard (a dubious claim in and of itself) that jailbreaking is essentially done for the express purpose of installing WinterBoard. Once you've made that claim, you will attempt to prove that, since jailbreaking is done to install a specific tool which can cause performance problems, that therefore jailbreaking itself causes performance problems.

That's a good strategy, and it might work were there not just one flaw with that chain of logic: it's crap.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience jailbreaking. If you had come to this forum and stated that you had experienced performance issues, we might have been willing to work with you and help you resolve the problems. As it stands, you've trolled, cross-posted, made bold claims (only later to back off when challenged) and started topics with inflammatory headlines, all for what exactly? Cui bono?
How is that relevant?

You know what your posts look like to me? They make it seem as though now that you've had a chance to do a bit of research, you're finding that your claims of JB == lag to seem a mite ridiculous. In an attempt to save face, you're going to try to imply that since the majority of people who jailbreak use WinterBoard (a dubious claim in and of itself) that jailbreaking is essentially done for the express purpose of installing WinterBoard. Once you've made that claim, you will attempt to prove that, since jailbreaking is done to install a specific tool which can cause performance problems, that therefore jailbreaking itself causes performance problems.

That's a good strategy, and it might work were there not just one flaw with that chain of logic: it's crap.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience jailbreaking. If you had come to this forum and stated that you had experienced performance issues, we might have been willing to work with you and help you resolve the problems. As it stands, you've trolled, cross-posted, made bold claims (only later to back off when challenged) and started topics with inflammatory headlines, all for what exactly? Cui bono?


I used to have Winterboard installed and there was lag, and it bothered me so much that I finally uninstalled it, and the lag disappeared completely. I still have custom icons, docs, etc. by replacing the system files, I still have my 70+ apps neatly tucked away in folders, and I also modify my settings via SBSettings, I couldn't live without such a quick wifitoggle.
There are a whole bunch of things that you can do with a jailbroken iPhone besides winterboard.

Just give it up already!
I have ran mine jailbroken and stock. There is no difference in speed. When 2.0 first came out there were some problems, but everything is good now if you only install apps you really need. Stay away from installer too, and just use Cydia.
My iPhone was severely lagging so I uninstalled Winterboard (which admittedly did have about 15 themes in it - although none were running). The performance is now brilliant and the lagging has disappeared. :D
My iPhone lags when I use themes. So, I don't use themes. However, I wish I could customize icons without WinterBoard because then I could change some of the hideous AppStore icons.
It should be pointed out that most themes do not cause lag, tho some common ones do.

Dont use a laggy themes and, obviously not lag.
In all honesty, I did notice the same LAG difference and I compared it side to side with mine and in the store.

Installation of Backrounder DOES make the phone LAG, even if you are not running any app in the background.

1: Simple test is. Click on Settings on both phones and see which one comes up first after a clean reboot. the JB one will come a few mili seconds later.

2: Try clicking on the phone icon with backgrounder installed and you'll see it first brings up the white bar on the Top and then the dialpad, where as a non jailbroken phone will bring it up instantly.
I just can't stand the dock of the non-jailbroken phone
Plus I love the nice clean look of the jail broken, the wifi symbol and the five dock icon. To me any lag is well worth it.


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FreeMemory - AppStore

I don't really notice any lagg except for longer boot time, nevertheless you should get ''FreeMemory'' on the appstore, it cleans up your RAM releasing between 20-30 mb of RAM. Sometimes I find I only have two MB left, launch FreeMemory and I have 21. REally great, and saves me from rebooting.
I don't really notice any lagg except for longer boot time, nevertheless you should get ''FreeMemory'' on the appstore, it cleans up your RAM releasing between 20-30 mb of RAM. Sometimes I find I only have two MB left, launch FreeMemory and I have 21. REally great, and saves me from rebooting.

iStat=way better
Let's sum up this thread, because there are basically two different concepts flying around here, and people (especially the OP) need to keep them straight.

The first issue is whether jailbreaking and installing whatever apps you may need are worth it to you. Your iPhone's performance should be measured by how quickly you can perform important tasks. Jailbreaking and installing relevant apps actually improves your iPhon'es performance. For example, if you're someone who has to check his calendar often, having your calendar on your lock screen, while maybe slowing down the iPhone's performance overall, makes it a hell of a lot faster to check your calendar than unlocking and opening the calendar app. Same with notifier/ and widgets. They may slow down your phone a little bit, but it makes it a hell of a lot faster to look to see the current temperature and if you have new email, sms, etc. I'd love to see the OP on a day when he's going to be away from a power source for a while. To surf, I swipe SBSettings, activate 3G. He has to quit Safari, open settings>>general>>network>>enable 3G, quit settings and reopen Safari. Rather than use copy & paste, the OP has to retype things.

OP -- if you're interested in overall performance -- not just the speed of opening apps, but the speed of getting sh*t done, you'd see that Jailbreaking is almost always worth it. On the other hand, if it makes you cringe to think that it would take a quarter of a second longer to open iFarts or whatever appstore app your using, you're better off without it.

The second issue is, assuming, that you've made the smart decision to Jailbreak and improve your phone's performance, how to do it correctly. OP, from your experience you've probably used jailbroken phone's with a ton of stuff installed. That's not the way to do it. It's like claiming your friends pc sucks because he's got a bunch of bloatware running on it.
The only horrible lag I put up with is the reboot time which is about 2x as long as it should be.
Come on... if you were as loaded as the OP's question, you'd die of alcohol poisoning...:rolleyes:

A reasonable way to bring this up would have been more like:

I've noticed some lag on a friend's iPhone... anyone know what could cause this, or is it a necessary evil when jailbreaking?

As I tell my first graders... stop arguing about nothing. ;)
Honestly I have not noticed a major difference in my iPhone's processing speeds since I had it jailbroken...The phone itself does freeze occasionally obviously, however I've also noticed that the majority of the times it freezes, the phone is outside with me in the brutally cold Canadian weather, which could possibly cause it to freeze seeing as the iPhone battery I believe is set for operating conditions in between +32 Celsius to -4 Celsius...However I could be wrong.
I had either 2.0 or 2.1 jailbroken with I think QuickPwn. I had nothing "special" loading and wasn't really using the extra functionality that JB gives. It was noticeably slower and apps tended to crash a lot more than before jailbreaking. I don't know whether it's something I did or just something inherent to jailbreaking, but it definitely made my Touch slower.
God damn it guys.

We're still debating this? :D

Do I really need to break out the benchmarks and post stats or will we just accept that OrangeDog was trolling and move on?
I had either 2.0 or 2.1 jailbroken with I think QuickPwn. I had nothing "special" loading and wasn't really using the extra functionality that JB gives. It was noticeably slower and apps tended to crash a lot more than before jailbreaking. I don't know whether it's something I did or just something inherent to jailbreaking, but it definitely made my Touch slower.

That's what a lot of people complain about. And something that I have always seen in JB'n iPhones and iPods.
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