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That's what a lot of people complain about. And something that I have always seen in JB'n iPhones and iPods.

And yet its also something that alot of people dont complain about, mainly because not everyone experiences lag....
Probably because they are willing to put up with it.

Ok like the mods already said, you need to stop classifying your worthless opinions as fact. Even the Moderator stated he has no lag. You get lag for some reason (tho did you ever answer if you had jailbroken the newest firmware?) while many others do not get lag.

The world does not revolve around you, just because you seem to have a problem, does not mean the rest of the world does.
I got an AT&T locked one that i had to jailbreak to get to work with Norwegian sim cards. It could be some sort of placebo effect due to others nagging, but it does seem slower than my factory unlocked NetCom iphone.

Im not complaining though. I love the dev team and their work. Had it not been for them, my AT&T locked phone would still be collecting dust.
This is one of the stupidest things I have seen in my life.

If you think JBing causes lag, then don't do it.

If you want to JB, then do it.

Seriously. How is JBing hurting anyone?
This is one of the stupidest things I have seen in my life.

If you think JBing causes lag, then don't do it.

If you want to JB, then do it.

Seriously. How is JBing hurting anyone?

it hurts orangedog. who clearly cries about this every chance he/she gets.
That's what a lot of people complain about. And something that I have always seen in JB'n iPhones and iPods.

2.0 and 2.1 had loads of performance problems on their own. I've seen a lot (probably a couple dozen) jailbroken iPods and iPhones with 2.2, and the ones with lag all have at least one of the following: tons of background daemons running, MobileSubstrate (or some apps that make heavy use of it), or a completely full root partition.

Crap. I just realized I'm keeping this evil zombie thread alive... :D
Ok like the mods already said, you need to stop classifying your worthless opinions as fact. Even the Moderator stated he has no lag.

This moderator would disagree with you -

I had either 2.0 or 2.1 jailbroken with I think QuickPwn. I had nothing "special" loading and wasn't really using the extra functionality that JB gives. It was noticeably slower and apps tended to crash a lot more than before jailbreaking. I don't know whether it's something I did or just something inherent to jailbreaking, but it definitely made my Touch slower.
How do you JB'ers put up with the horrible lag? It would drive me nuts.

Every JB'd iPhone I have ever used had very noticable lag.

With the jailbreak itself and nothing installed, there is no lag at all. With a winterboard theme, system themes etc. there can be lags since it's always there. Pretty much if you stay away from extensive, animated winterboard themes, there is no noticeable lag.;)
With the jailbreak itself and nothing installed, there is no lag at all. With a winterboard theme, system themes etc. there can be lags since it's always there. Pretty much if you stay away from extensive, animated winterboard themes, there is no noticeable lag.;)

"pretty much"

Your post still (to me) hints that there is some lag.

I've read countless posts on countless forums about countless people complaining about lag on their jailbroken devices. Nobody can seriously deny that they haven't read these posts either if they've spent enough time on these related forums.
I've read countless posts on countless forums about countless people complaining about lag on their jailbroken devices.
You've made most of these 'countless posts on countless forums'.

Nobody can seriously deny that they haven't read these posts either if they've spent enough time on these related forums.
Then why do you keep whining about it? Your job is done here, Sheriff Lag.
How about laying of the continual personal barbs. I haven't attacked anyone in this thread, I've just stated my opinion.
How about laying of the continual personal barbs. I haven't attacked anyone in this thread, I've just stated my opinion.

I think the problem is you've stated your opinion/experience as fact, and keep refusing to acknowledge other people's opinions/experiences. Your position seems to be something like, "I experienced horrible lags with JB iPhones, therefore everyone who says their JB iPhones don't lag are lying or in denial." I think the part where you imply everyone else is lying / in denial just rubs people the wrong way.
I think the problem is you've stated your opinion/experience as fact, and keep refusing to acknowledge other people's opinions/experiences. Your position seems to be something like, "I experienced horrible lags with JB iPhones, therefore everyone who says their JB iPhones don't lag are lying or in denial." I think the part where you imply everyone else is lying / in denial just rubs people the wrong way.

Point taken.

I should have made the thread heading - How do you JB'ers who do suffer lag, put up with the horrible lag?
Point taken.

I should have made the thread heading - How do you JB'ers who do suffer lag, put up with the horrible lag?

Whenever I needed to open an app or change to a different app I usually watch a hockey game, paint a room or take a nap and hope when i return the iphone has done what I have asked it to do.
Point taken.

I should have made the thread heading - How do you JB'ers who do suffer lag, put up with the horrible lag?

I know exactly what you're talking about. Just having WinterBoard installed creates lag. You know how I know? I have 3 iPhones and an iPod touch. Yeah, I can put them side by side and SEE the lag first hand. Same exact setup on 2 identical iPhones... one with WinterBoard and one without. The WinterBoard one lags about 1 full second behind the one without WinterBoard. The people here saying they have themes and have NO lag are lying because there is no super elite iPhone out there. They all have the same processors. Also, when you install crap from Cydia that runs in the background or attaches to the SpringBoard, you fill up more of your valuable RAM. The less RAM you have the more paging that's going on... and paging slows down the system.

I installed iStat just to monitor my iPhone's memory usage.

Speaking of memory usage. Everyone pretty much laughed at me when I said I could make the iPhone run smoother by creating a blank page in Safari and closing the other pages before I close the App. I tested it with iStat and I could see the results clearly.

Before I opened a website, I had 30MB of unused RAM. Then I opened Safari and loaded a webpage. Then, I opened iStat again and only had 13MB of RAM left (this number gets even smaller if I had iPod playing). Then I opened Safari again, made a new page and closed the other one. Guess what, I had 29MB of free memory after checking iStat again.

Needless to say, I never have to restart my iPhone... just keep Safari clean and you're good to go. Also, I think since 2.2, Safari clears itself when you get below 1MB of RAM left, so you shouldn't have to restart your iPhone anymore anyways.
How about laying of the continual personal barbs. I haven't attacked anyone in this thread, I've just stated my opinion.

What 'personal barbs'? You state your opinion, as fact, over and over again. You have made it your personal mission to harp about lag in any thread about jailbreaking. You made your point long ago.
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