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MobileTerminal "top" commands from many users report differently. You just don't notice it, but Winterboard does change the SpringBoard process RAM usage.

I know it uses more RAM, but more ram != lag. It CAN mean lag if there are other things running using up most of the RAM.
I know it uses more RAM, but more ram != lag. It CAN mean lag if there are other things running using up most of the RAM.

It does if it results in memory exhaustion and paging :D

OrangeDog said:
And I would venture to guess that the vast majority of people who JB their iphones use WinterBoard.

I have to laugh when people say "Jailbreaking doesn't cause lag"'s just when you add the programs LOL!!!!/

You may laugh, but you're still wrong. Jailbreaking doesn't cause lag. A jailbroken iPhone has no more CPU, RAM, or network overhead than does a non-jailbroken one. There are some applications and modifications (available for installation onto jailbroken iPhones) which can result in performance problems. There are many that do not. I've got a jailbroken iPhone with OpenSSH, netcat, lynx, wget, gcc, and several other binaries added with no impact on UI performance.
It does if it results in memory exhaustion and paging :D

Exactly what I said, have an intensive app running and youll notice SOME lag, however the only time i manage that is when playing gameboy (some lag due to emulation), if your doing everyday stuff like music/video, you shouldnt be experiencing lag.
if your doing everyday stuff like music/video, you shouldnt be experiencing lag.

I dunno. I'm pretty convinced that MobileSafari's got a couple memory leaks in it still.

Point taken though: when used in a sane manner, the iPhone's RAM is usually more than sufficient.
I dunno. I'm pretty convinced that MobileSafari's got a couple memory leaks in it still.

Point taken though: when used in a sane manner, the iPhone's RAM is usually more than sufficient.

I REALLY hope they bump up the ram on the next version.
No lag, found winterboard buggy though. Made beatmaker crash, of which (i may add) i cant speak highly enough...
I don't have winterboard installed and my jailbroken 3G is 100% as fast as my sisters unjailbroken 3G.
What would be the normal level of available ram (normal being no major programs running in the background i.e. winterboard, intelliscreen, etc)?

I am curious what the performance differences are in JB phones when you add on a simple theme to winterboard or what not...

1 second more opening apps would be horrible for me.

I've JB'n countless times and everytime the iPhone had lag, was prone to crashes and other abnormalities and needed constant reboots.

My new unJailbroken iPhone (old one developed screen issue) has never been rebooted since installing 2.2 on release date, never had a single crash or hang and is fast and responsive.

So the original question still stands -How do you JB'ers put up with the horrible lag?
1 second more opening apps would be horrible for me.

I've JB'n countless times and everytime the iPhone had lag, was prone to crashes and other abnormalities and needed constant reboots.

My new unJailbroken iPhone (old one developed screen issue) has never been rebooted since installing 2.2 on release date, never had a single crash or hang and is fast and responsive.

So the original question still stands -How do you JB'ers put up with the horrible lag?
Matter of perception. 1 sec qualifies as horrible lag to you, whereas 1 sec delay is a very small sacrifice for rest of us that rather have the freedom with our phone.
one solution

yes there is a lag, which occurs sometimes after alot of usage.
u just got to restart the phone and ur good to go for another 2 weeks. lol
1 second more opening apps would be horrible for me.

I've JB'n countless times and everytime the iPhone had lag, was prone to crashes and other abnormalities and needed constant reboots.

My new unJailbroken iPhone (old one developed screen issue) has never been rebooted since installing 2.2 on release date, never had a single crash or hang and is fast and responsive.

So the original question still stands -How do you JB'ers put up with the horrible lag?
So have you jailbroken 2.2 and seen if theres any lag?

Also, still dont have any lag, maybe its just this theme I'm using.;)
If I do get lag, which I don't notice, the benefits of the programs that I use must blind me to your position. Cycorder, PdaNet to name two that are not available in the app store have taken the Iphone to a level that Apple does not have the courage to copy.(I would not have the courage either, based on the complaints given to the unjailbroken version of the IphoneOS)

If I had just wanted a phone I would have not jailbroken.

I have not found another product in this genre that offers, after jail breaking, integration into my lifestyle.


Is that so hard to understand? Really??

I have NO lag on my 1st Gen 16GB 2.2 ipod touch.
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