I would have to say ZERO since I haven't received it yet. Darn UPS guy! Where are you???? Been riding around with my iPad in his truck since 6am!!!!
iPad 3 (last of the 30 pin dock connnector) to iPad Pro 9.7" wifi base model. I'm happy.
I love the screen on this thing. I wasn't sure at first how I would feel about the screen changing tones but it makes reading so much better. Not nearly as yellow as I expected. It's just enough to look like real paper and not that stark blasting white light. I have to say this screen technology is impressive and a great step for future iPads. Downloads seem faster then my original iPad mini. I downloaded close to 100 Amazon books in just a few minutes. The speed was flying. Going from an iPad mini to the 9.7 inch was a good idea. The 9.7 is the perfect size. I'm going to love taking this to doctor visits.
I love mine came from an air 2 wasn't sure I would be happy but am 100% happy I went back to space grey fom silver love the black bezels.
I would have to say ZERO since I haven't received it yet. Darn UPS guy! Where are you???? Been riding around with my iPad in his truck since 6am!!!!
I have to say that the sound of this new iPad is stunning.
Does the sound vibrate the screen like it did in the Air 2???
Awesome upgrade don't know why I was beating myself over the head about getting it!
The fact that you did a 1 through 10 with descriptions is impressive, you must be very bored.
A much much better and faster machine
I'm confused why people are asking about this. Apple is a great company, but they are not able to overcome the laws of physics. Sound is caused by vibrations. There is some dampening maybe? I was using the speakers(never had an Air 2) and it is fine to me.Does the sound vibrate the screen like it did in the Air 2???
One word review of my iPad Pro 9.7 is.......Instant
Connected to 802.11AC everything every web page every YouTube video loads Instantly.