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I've been waiting since October, but kept holding off because of the updates that never came through. I decided to wait until MacWorld just like everyone else, and still nothing. So, on the 7th I purchased my first iMac. I didn't get to open it up until last night, and I have had no regrets purchasing it. It's definitely a better computer than my Pentium 4 10gb hard drive that i've been using for the last 6 yrs. I can't always wait for the latest and greatest, and I had to buy because i NEEDED a computer. Once I opened up my iMac 24 3.06 it relieved any doubts about opening it. To me, who cares if they update the hardware, I probably won't notice a difference anyway since I don't use it for gaming or any heavy video editing. It's still a great computer!

Once I need a computer again I'll purchase another iMac and at that time I can have the latest and greatest, but for now, I love my Mac!!!

I still have another week before my 14 day return period is up, and if there is a definitive date on when the iMac's will be released, then i don't mind paying the restocking fee.
If money isn't an issue, I'd DEFINITELY go for the 24"... I think you'll LOVE the extra real estate. I had the same choice, and two friends of mine have each (20" & 24") and honestly after spending ample time on each, there really is no comparison, the bigger screen is WELL worth the extra couple hundred, IMO of course!!

Thanks for the suggestion, i appreciate it. I'm pretty that the 24" is the way i'm going. I was worried about how it would fit in with my desk setup, but after some measuring it seems that it will fit quite nicely.

Thanks again! I'll let you know how i like it whenever it arrives.
I replied in the gargantuan 'Steve taking leave' thread but it'll probably go unnoticed...

I'm going to put my cards on the table here and predict that these new product announcements (iMac and Mac mini) will finally come in the next 1-2 weeks. Why? All this hysteria around Steve is bad for the company so they'll soften the blow with new products to shift the focus back to Apple and the Mac platform. Quite simply... assure the fans, stocks and shareholders that it's 'business as usual'.

I'm willing to put good money on it ;)

I gotta feeling you are right. The best way to let the stock drop, BUY a bunch of it, and then ride it back to the top with Business as Usual MO. Yep Yep.

And I also agree with Skil on the Snow not needing to be timed with the new iMac and Mini. Hardware first, software on time and shortly thereafter to keep it all on THEIR schedule not anyone elses.
I'm going to put my cards on the table here and predict that these new product announcements (iMac and Mac mini) will finally come in the next 1-2 weeks. Why? All this hysteria around Steve is bad for the company so they'll soften the blow with new products to shift the focus back to Apple and the Mac platform. Quite simply... assure the fans, stocks and shareholders that it's 'business as usual'.

I gotta feeling you are right.

I was thinking the SAME thing!!
I was SUPER sad to hear about Steve-O for two reasons:
1) It sucks that anyone gets sick, especially if it's as severe as it sounds, but let alone the fearless leader of the Apple Empire. Get well soon Steve!!!
2) I was JUST about ready to get the iMac and I thought if anything is going to help rebound plummeting stock it will be a massive update to the product line.

Maybe instead of buying that iMac I should take that $$ and buy some stock. Buy low, sell high!! :p
Thanks for the suggestion, i appreciate it. I'm pretty that the 24" is the way i'm going. I was worried about how it would fit in with my desk setup, but after some measuring it seems that it will fit quite nicely.

Thanks again! I'll let you know how i like it whenever it arrives.

I think I'd change the desk to make way for the computer rather than vice versa LOL!!

No seriously, I probably would!!
I don't think Apple will want to be too reactionary to the news today but the engines will be firing and you'll probably start hearing whispers of the announcements over the next two weeks and then into an official unveiling either the 3rd or 10th February. Put it this way, it'll be sooner rather than later.
I don't think Apple will want to be too reactionary to the news today but the engines will be firing and you'll probably start hearing whispers of the announcements over the next two weeks and then into an official unveiling either the 3rd or 10th February. Put it this way, it'll be sooner rather than later.

Apple may not be, but I'm sure plenty of stockholders (especially those that aren't necessarily followers of mac) are, and will be dumping stock left and right thinking that Apple as a company is in jeopardy. I personally believe that Jobs has done a good enough job (no pun intended) creating a cult-like community and Apple will prosper long long after he leaves his post as Chief. I'd love to see the stock price fall (albeit for a different reason, of course) and be able to jump in and pick some up and watch it rebound in mid-Feb!

Either way, i'll definitely be watching the market tomorrow!!
I'm not sure if this is the thread to be discussing Steve's leave. I'd probably pop my comments into the gargantuan one at the top of the forum. I'm simply noting that the news today will definitely trigger a reaction by Apple to stabilise the situation.
My Deep Chaos Theory

What do you think?

I agree, this probably isn't the appropriate thread... You should start a new one titles Apples Deep (or Organized) Chaos Theory I'm sure you'd get a TON of responses!! All in all, your theory is rooted in serious and valid business strategy. Don't see why it couldn't be true, nonetheless a good conspiracy!! PM me the link if you do start a new post...

Back to the OP's thread. I pose this questions... Does (or should) the news of Jobs' issues make you wait a little while longer, or say screw it and still pull the trigger anyways. In all reality, I think I'm going to buy now. I'm just so sick and tired of waiting and I realllllly don't anticipate the updates being too drastic (maybe some minor spec upgrades, but none cosmetic). Could be wrong though!!
I wouldn't be upset if they updated the iMac the day after I bought one with minor speed increases, but if they dropped the chin I think I would be pissed.
I wouldn't be upset if they updated the iMac the day after I bought one with minor speed increases, but if they dropped the chin I think I would be pissed.

If they did it the next day you can box it back up and return it to get a new one :) You should be pissed if they did it on the 15th day after your purchased it.
Waiting is definitely a beyatch. Especially if you're making the big switch for the first time. I'm doing to do it, just waiting for Apple to give me the green light (imac update).
I predict they'll release new iMacs and Minis on the same date as Snow Leopard. Makes sense to me.

No, no, no. Why would they do that? SL is coming before end of this year but we can't know does it come on May or October. And the biggest thing, if (and when) they release new Macs before SL people will buy that later. So it's extra 129$ for Apple. You get that?
No, no, no. Why would they do that? SL is coming before end of this year but we can't know does it come on May or October. And the biggest thing, if (and when) they release new Macs before SL people will buy that later. So it's extra 129$ for Apple. You get that?


I may not know much about Apple's business trends and strategies but from reading the forums, I would put my money on hardware, being the iMac and mac mini, being released soon (within the 1st quarter of '09) without waiting the Snow Leopard..Since past trends show that Apple have released hardware without regard of close future releases of OSX..

And this will also attract interested buyers of the Snow Leopard to BUY the OS rather than just getting it 'free' with a hardware purchase..
I'm not sure what to make of it, and while everyones best guesses are possible, I don't know the probability. The game is now changed.

Anytime in the next 6mos I see a new release but where is insiders guess. Lets get some more investigators sniffing the industrial line.

For those who have waited 6mos, why? I mean you were in the middle of the cycle for sure.

For me, I was hunting for the refurbished extreeme near Christmas, before I got sidetracked by this sites rumor mill. I should have followed my first thoughts but like others, the allure of more power, more stuff, equates into a holding pattern.

My iMacG5 has gotten slow. With 2g of memory and holding up the 2 monitor hack being a photographer, Lightroom/CS3, and FCP Studio heavy user I'm feeling the pain. (I was doing real good till LR2 and FCPS came out then wow!) The loss of time each month due to the beach ball is maddening but I don't want to do this twice. I try and buy for a 4 year spread. I'm using the MBP I got my wife a year ago but the color calibration is always a chore to maintain my minds sanity.

I'll wait another month maybe 2, but I really can't afford much more, and if my watch comes up off the refurbs I might just jump sooner.
I'm waiting to buy my iMac when the next update comes along. I don't really care about Snow Leopard, I'll just pay the extra $129 or whatever it is to upgrade when it finally does come out.
im just waiting till its updated

its just going to be a painful wait. my room will be re-decorated soon waiting for my neww iMac, and i'll have to go uni finish work if i need to use theirs until it comes out =/

it wouldn't be as bad if knew when it was coming out, not knowing makes it 10x worse!
We're getting one soon, as in this week. If there's no update on this Tuesday then I'm just settling for the current model. My Dell Dimension 3000 is a piece of crap; I can barely load openoffice on it! With the kinds of classes I'm taking, I need something that loads quickly, doesn't make a lot of noise (guests have actually wondered what the loud fan sound is when they walk into our house), and doesnt take up a bunch of space.
I saw this thread and couldn't resist posting a reply as my first post on these forums.
I've been waiting for an iMac for around four years. Being a teenager, saving up for one usually takes a long time, and I always seem to spend any money I've saved unfortunately.
However, at 18 I've finally got enough. Saved £1,000. So in November I went on the apple store for education, 2.6GZ 20inch, 4GB RAM, 320GB HD, iWork.
Then I saw 'iMac update coming November' - I didn't buy the iMac.
November came and went. Then, lo and behold, Macworld! No update.
So after four years, I'm still waiting. People keep saying bite the bullet, but given that this is my first Apple computer (I have the iPhone/iPod) I want it to be the best. Top of the range, BIG white box.
I suppose the wait will make it taste sweeter when I do finally get it.
Brief story of my life with Apple ;p
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