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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 5, 2007
Several years ago I bought my first Mac--15.2 alum PowerBook which ultimately led to my addiction to all things Apple.

Since that purchase, I have owned 2 more PowerBooks, a square MacBook, 2 white 13.3 MacBooks, 2 black MacBooks, 5 aluminum MacBooks both 13" and 15", 3 MacBook airs, 2 Mac minis, 6 iMacs and 4 iPhones. I think I am a Mac degenerate. Are there others like me?
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Ok, ummm

iBook Clamshell Indigo
iBook Clamshell Indigo
iBook G4 12"
iBook G4 14"
PowerBook G4 17"
MacBook Air
MacBook Pro 13"
iMac G4 15"
iMac G5 20"
iPhone 3G
iPhone 4
iPod Mini 2G
iPod Mini 2G
iPod Shuffle 4G

I guess not so many as i suspect most of the other forum members out there would have had lol
Check out a few forums.

Check out the "Apple Collectors" subforum, or some website forums like

Since "rediscovering" the Macintosh in 2001, I have owned (as primary computers,)
beige Power Mac G3
iMac rev.a
12" PowerBook G4 rev.a (my first brand-new-purchase Mac.)
MacBook Pro 15" (ordered on day of announcement.)
black MacBook
iBook rev.a

And have, since 1999, collected upward of 70 vintage Macintoshes, ranging from an original Macintosh to a Power Mac G4 Digital Audio. (When I bought it, it was purely "collectors", not "primary use", unlike the ones in the previous list, which, even though they were older when bought, were bought to be used as primary use systems - the beige G3 (300 MHz,) replacing a 1.4 GHz Windows system as my primary computer.)

(I am in the process of preparing to sell off most of the collection, I'll be posting threads in the Marketplace in a couple months.)

Plus an iPhone on launch day, iPhone 3G on launch day, and another iPhone later upgraded to another iPhone 3G for my wife. And a decent selection of non-iOS iPods.
You say Macs but included iPhones. I'll split them up below just in case.

  • 12" iBook G4 (2005)
  • 17" iMac (2007)
  • 17" MacBook Pro (2007)
  • Mac Pro (2008)
  • 13" Unibody Aluminum MacBook (2008)
  • Mac Pro + 2 24" Apple LED Displays (2009)
  • 13.3" MacBook Air (2010)

  • iPhone original, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 (all launch-day)
  • Apple TV v1, Apple TV v2
  • Numerous iPods (nanos, shuffles)
  • iPad
hmm. nice thread.

Apple ][e *dead*
Apple LC 575 (dad stole from work as a kid hehe) *dead*
Apple one that looked like the black TV edition (but was beige) *dead*
PowerBook 150*dead*
Original iMac (still in use today) 266mhz 512MB RAM, 80GB HDD
iMac graphite (1999) *dead*
iBook 2003 1.42ghz 1.25GB (still in use by dad)
MBP 2006 2.16ghz core duo 2GB RAM (still in use by me).
iMac 2007 Penryn 24" 2.8ghz *extreme* 4GB RAM (still in use by family)
2009 iMac 27" i7 12GB RAM (my main machine)


edit: also have ipod nano 1st gen, ipod 5g video, ipad 16gb wifi, ipod nano 6th (?) gen, TC.
Last edited:
Apple ][e
MacIntosh Classic II
<the dark period>
iBook G3
iBook G4
MacBook Pro

And since others have listed these.....

2nd gen iPod 10GB (people would stop me and ask me what the hell it was:p)
5th gen iPod 30GB
3rd gen iPod nano 8GB
5th gen iPod nano 8GB
6th gen iPod nano 16GB
1st gen iPhone 16GB
iPhone 3GS 32GB
iPhone 4 16GB
iPad wifi 16GB

I currently have the MBP, iPad, iPhone 4, 5th and 6th gen iPod nanos, and I hung on to my 2nd gen iPod...... how could I part with that?

Same thing happened to me. I've never sat down and listed them before, so here goes:

apple IIcx
quadra 630
powermac g4 sawtooth
powerbook g4 15"
ibook g4 12"
imac g5 17"
mac mini core 2 duo
macbook air first generation
macbook pro 13" 2009
imac core i5 27" 2009
macbook pro i5 15" 2010
macbook pro 13" 2010
ipad 3g
iphone 4
ipod gen 1
ipod gen 3
ipod classic
ipod mini
ipod touch gen 1
ipod shuffle gen 1
ipod shuffle gen 2

I flip them fast, since I can't stand old computers/apple toys.
Just a list of the family's Apple gear, off the top of my head:

][gs (apparently with a 1MB RAM upgrade, 2 5.25" floppy drives :) )
Powerbook G3
iMac G3 (slot loading, ruby)
Titanium Powerbook G4 550 (busted screen)
Titanium Powerbook G4 667 (lived out life as a music server)
PowerMac G4 800 (with 17" Apple Cinema
12" Powerbook 867 (upgraded to 640MB RAM, 60GB HDD)
15" Powerbook 1.5Ghz (512MB RAM, 80GB HDD)
17" MBP (3GB, 500GB HDD)
15" MBP (unibody)

LaserWriter 8500 (still churns out the pages)

3G iPod 20GB, 1G iPod Mini, 2G Nano 4GB, 5G Classic 80GB, stacks of iPhones 3G's, 4's.
We should be able to get a group discount or at least a personal thank you from steve since we have all contributed greatly to Apple having $50 billion or so in their coffers.
Macintosh LC (with a maxed out RAM of 10 MB)
Macintosh Centris 610
Power Mac G3 (beige - maxed out RAM of 768 MB)
Mac Mini 1.42 with 1 GB of RAM
Power Mac G4 400 MHz
iMac 2.16 GHz 17" (BTO)
Mac Pro 2.8 Octo
Mac Book Air 2.13

8 Macs in total plus some iDevices
10 and I currently own 8, all in use.

Dang. For a family or just for you?

I currently just have my desktop (PowerMac) and my laptop (MBP). I've owned 9 over the course of 14 years.
TAM?? wahts that?

Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh.
Oh and to answer your question OP, Mac users tend to fall into two groups, those who upgrade infrequently (like me), and those who upgrade constantly. I knew a guy who upgraded his laptop every 4-6 months, basically every time Apple offered a speed bump or introduced a new product. He also usually had "one of each" of Apple's products, so he spent a good $20k a year on Apple hardware.

Strangely enough, there seem to be a lot of people like him on MacRumors, although I don't have any hard data on this. Hopefully this thread could shed some light on it. ;)
Performa 630
Powermac 6100 with overclocking chip :D (66->80Mhz iirc and included a fan for the fanless heatsink at the time!!)
Powermac 7600
Powermac 8600
Powermac G3 Beige 333
Powermac G3 B&W 450
Powermac G4 MDD 867DP
iBook G4 1.42Ghz
MacBook Pro Mid 2007 - 2.4 15"
MacBook Pro Early 2008 - 2.53 17"
Mac Pro 2009 - Quad 2.66
MacBook Pro - Early 2010 15" i5 2.4

We also have the original Mac Portable, SE30 and a few i've forgotten!
My 4 Macs (so far):
eMac 700 MHz,
iBook G4 1.25
Mac mini - 2006 Intel CD 1.6
MBP Early '08.

Original shuffle
iPod touch 1g
iPhone 2g

Looking forward to more.
My list isn't very long, but here it is...

Quadra (given away a few years ago)
Mac Mini (G4)
Macbook (Penryn)
Mac Mini (Intel) +2
Time Capsule (500GB)
Airport Extreme (with guest network)
Airport Express (range extender for the kids)

Others (mostly for the kids)...
iPod Shuffles at least 2 (1 got washed with the clothes :eek: )
iPods at least 2
iPod classic
iPod Touch's 4 (including lost on airplanes and broken screens)
iPhone 4
12" PowerBook
12" iBook
24" iMac
27" iMac
13" MBP
11" MBA

iPod Shuffle
iPod nano
iPod nano
iPod nano
iPod Shuffle
iPod 30GB (video)
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPhone 4

(wife's purchases incl)
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