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Apple llE
Apple llC
Powerbook 3400C
iMac 233MHz
iMac 300MHz
iMac 333MHz
iMac 400MHz DV LIme
iMac 400MHz DV Blueberry
15" Powerbook Titanium 1.0GHz
15" Powerbook Titanium 1.0GHz
15" PowerMac G4 Dual 1.42GHz
17" Apple Cinema Display
15" Powerbook Titanium 1.0GHz
12" iBook G3 900MHz
15" Powerbook G4 1.25GHz
eMac 1GHz
17" Powerbook G4 1.5GHz
20" iMac G4 1.25GHz
17" Powerbook G4 1.67GHz
17" Macbook Pro 2.16GHz C2D
15" Macbook Pro 2.16GHz C2D
20" iMac C2D 2.16GHz
24" iMac Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz C2D
17" Macbook Pro 2.33GHz C2D
Mac Pro Clovertown 8-Core 3.0 Intel Xeon
23" HD Cinema Display
23" HD Cinema Display
iMac C2D 2.4GHz
17" Macbook Pro 2.4GHz C2D
15" Macbook Pro 2.53GHz C2D
24" iMac C2D 2.8GHz
Mac Pro Nehalem 8-Core 2.26GHz Intel Xeon
30" HD Cinema Display
30" HD Cinema Display
13" Macbook C2D 2.26GHz
13" Macbook C2D 2.4GHz
13" Macbook C2D 2.53GHz
17" Macbook Pro C2D 3.0GHz
17" Macbook Pro i7 2.66GHz
27" Apple LED Cinema Display
27" Apple LED Cinema Display
Mac pro 12-core Westmere 2.93GHz Intel Xeon

ipod 10GB
ipod 20GB
ipod 60GB
ipod 80GB
ipod 80GB
ipod mini 4GB
ipod 120GB
ipod 30GB
ipod nano 4GB
ipod nano 8GB
ipod classic 160GB
ipod touch 32GB
ipod Nano 8GB

iphone 3G
iphone 4G

Airport Extreme n
Airport Extreme n Dual Band

i have a disease, but i've been getting better over the years...i think :eek:
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Mac IIsi 4MB 80MB HD
Powermac 6500/225 32MB 3GB <--- my favorite mac ever!!!
Powerbook G4 1.5GHz 15" 2GB 160GB
eMac G4 1.25GHz 1.25GB 160GB
MBP early 2008 2.4GHz C2D 15" 4GB 320GB
MBP 2010 2.66 GHz i7 4GB 500GB

small stuff like:
iPhone 2G
iPhone 3GS
iPod 4G 40GB
iPod Nano 8GB
iPod shuffle 1st generation
iPod touch
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18 macs

Not counting work or non-mac things like iPhone.
512k (upgrade)
Mac plus
Mac se
Mac se/40
PowerBook duo
Bondi blue iMac
Sunflower iMac
Clamshell iBook (2)
PowerBook g4
MacBook pro (2)
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:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:*mouth drops open out of shock*:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

woahh a lot of people are true apple fan boys and girls.. WOAAHH

as for me.. all i have of apple (as of now) is a nice ipod nano 4G.
but im planning to get a MBP and ipad wifi so that shall be the new beginning to my ended list :)
but i have one question.. are you guys selling all these things and then "upgrading" or are you planning to get rich on all these products?
Usually upgrade my computers every 2-5 years, but some like the two PBs were used side-by-side. Here is my list:

- Power Macintosh (I think it's the 1996 version, still in my loft!)
- 15" Titanium PowerBook G4 (2001)
- 17" Aluminium PowerBook G4 (2003)
- 15" MacBook Pro (2006)
- 15" MacBook Pro (Late 2008)

- Numerous iPods, iPhones, Apple TV, mice etc.
Mac 128k
Mac 512k
Mac Plus x 4 in various ram configs, 1mb, 4mb
Mac SE/30
Mac II
Mac Classic x 2 still have one of these
Macintosh LCII x 2
PowerBook 150 x 2
PowerBook 540c
PowerPC 5200
PowerPC 7100
PowerPC 7300 or was that 7600/200? can't remember now

Iphone 3 8gig
Iphone 4 32gig x 2

various Ipods, still use a ipod classic
various other models that I probably can't remember now

I am going to buy a new Mac soon, maybe a MacBook Pro or the MacPro desktop unit, have been out of the game too long.
• PowerBook 170
• Centris 610 x 2
• Centris 660AV
• PowerBook 520 with color LCD and PPC upgrade
• PowerMac 7100AV
• PowerMac G3 Outrigger
• PowerMac G3 Blue & White
• PowerBook Pismo
• PowerMac G4 QuickSilver
• PowerBook Titanium
• MacMini PPC
• iMac 1G (Flower Power)
• MacBook Pro 15" 2007
• MacBook Pro 15" 2008
• iMac 20" 2009

Next: MacBoor Air 13" or MacBook Pro 15" ?
My first (of many) Apple laptops was a PowerBook 170, one of the original "notebook" class computers. It had a really large trackball right in the middle of the palm rest and I really enjoyed it.

How many Apple computers have I owned?... frankly I've lost track. Certainly not as many as some people here, but I would say an above average amount... approx 45. Only four of which are desktops, like my new MacPro. All in all it's been great fun, and I've enjoyed each and every one, several of which served as my main work machine.

At the end of the day it's hard to beat a new MacBook Pro.

Cheers... :)
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Ordered by purchase date:

Mac mini Intel - my very first Mac, now given to my father
iBook G3 12" - sold
Powerbook G4 12" - sold
iMac Alu 24" - current desktop
Macbook white unibody - current laptop
iMac G3 - not used
iMac G4 - juke box in the kitchen
Macintosh Classic II - just because I had to own one
Macbook Air 11" - wife's computer

iPhone 2G - given to wife
iPhone 3Gs - current phone
AppleTV 2G
iPods etc.
My first Mac was a PowerMac G4 Cube. Since then I've owned:

PowerMac G4 MDD
PowerMac G5 (current home desktop)
Mac Mini (purchased for my wife)
Mac Mini Server
PowerBook 15" (FW-800)

2 x 20" ACD (although my wife's 'borrowed' one of them)

I'll be replacing the PM G5 with a MacPro in the Dec/Jan time-frame, and I'm flipping the coin on replacing the PB with a MBA.

iPods don't count.
- iMac 20' 2007 (sold)
- Mac Mini 2009 (sold)
- iMac 21' 2009 (sold)
- Macbook Pro 2010 (main computer)

- iPhone 3G 2008 (still use it, tho the glass is broken)
- iPad 2010 (is used daily)
I feel like an amateur. :)

17" Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz. Still used quite frequently.

1.83 CD Mini. Sold to friend to buy:

2.26 Late 2009 Mini. Upgraded to 4GB RAM and 320GB 7200 RPM hard drive.

I wish I owned my Mac Pro at work. Dual quad core Xeons with 12GB of RAM.


5th gen 30GB Video (still works, battery won't hold a charge)
1st gen 16GB Touch
2GB Shuffle
160GB Classic
As noted in my sig:

Apple IIe
Franklin Ace 2200 (clone)
Performa 6300
G4 Mac Pro 32 GB
21.5" 6th Gen iMac

Some people will cringe, but when I got my brand new 80386 Leading Edge computer in the early 90's I THREW AWAY a perfectly fine AppleIIe with dual disk drives, monitor and a tons of software. I just thought that I wouldn't need/want such an archaic piece of hardware anymore. I also did that with my Atari 2600. Sigh...stupid teenager. :eek:
We should be able to get a group discount or at least a personal thank you from steve since we have all contributed greatly to Apple having $50 billion or so in their coffers.

i'd settle for a good discount on my next mac, or a free iPod Touch 64GB, or a free iPad..haha!! :D
Before I moved out, my parents owned several:
• Macintosh ED
• Macintosh SE/30
• Macintosh LCII

After that, I moved out, and have owned:
• iMac G3 (original, Bondi, with VooDoo2 card)
• iMac G4 (original, maxed out 15")
• aluminium iMac (original, maxed out 24")
• aluminium MacBook (original, maxed out 2,4GHz)

I guess I like buying the first generation of the models I like. Never had any problems. Except maybe regret after the release of the second generation. That was most obvious after the release of the 17" iMac G4, hot on the heals of the 15" I bought. I was not amused. But that machine lasted me nearly five years. A truly great Mac. Still easily my favorite. Of the four I've bought myself, I only still own the MacBook.

When it comes to iDevices, I've owned only a few:
• iPod 3G (40GB)
• iPod 5G (60GB)
• iPod nano 4G (8GB)

Of these, I still use the latter two. The battery of the 3G was dead after the unit sat in a closet, unused for a few years.
Hmm, hard to remember which were actually mine and which belonged to the business...

Mac IIci
Mac IIvi
Quadra 840AV
Powermac 8100/80
Quadra 6400
Powermac G3/333
Powermac G4 (dual 500Mhz)
Mac Mini (G4 1.4Ghz)
MacPro (8 core 3Ghz)
30" Cinema Display
iPod Shuffle (2nd gen)
iPhone 3G
iPhone 4
Several years ago I bought my first Mac--15.2 alum PowerBook which ultimately led to my addiction to all things Apple.

Since that purchase, I have owned 2 more PowerBooks, a square MacBook, 2 white 13.3 MacBooks, 2 black MacBooks, 5 aluminum MacBooks both 13" and 15", 3 MacBook airs, 2 Mac minis, 6 iMacs and 4 iPhones. I think I am a Mac degenerate. Are there others like me?


iBook G4
iMac G5
iBook G5
MacBook Pro
Macbook Pro Unibody

So ~$10k in computers. I'm 23. Awesome. :eek:

Mac II
Mac SE
Mac Performa 6110
iMac G3/400 DV SE
iMac G4/800
Mac Mini (newest model)

Powerbook 2400c
iBook G4
Powerbook G4 12"
MacBook Pro 15" (1st Gen)
MacBook Air 13" (1st Gen)
MacBook Air 11"

iPod (with buttons and a wheel)
iPod Classic
iPod Touch

And these are just mine, not counting the one's I've got for my family. :-D
Ohhh god. Am I really gonna try this??

- Powerbook G4 Titanium 667MHz
- Powerbook G4 Titanium 800MHz
- Power Mac G4 2x800MHz
- Another Power Mac G4 2x800MHz
- iBook G4 1.33GHz
- iMac G4 700MHz
- iMac G3 233MHz
- 2x iMac G3 400MHz
- 3x iMac G3 500MHz
- iMac G3 600MHz
- iBook G3 500MHz
- iBook G4 14" 933MHz
- iBook G4 14" 1.42GHz
- iBook G4 12" 1GHz
- Mac IIcx
- Mac IIcx
- Mac SE/30
- Mac SE
- Mac 128k
- Mac 512k
- Mac Classic
- Quadra 850
- Centris
- Power Mac 6100
- Mac LC II
- MacBook 2.2GHz black
- PowerBook G4 1.33GHz 12"
- PowerBook G4 1.5GHz 12"
- Power Mac G4 450MHz
- Power Mac G4 533MHz
- Power Mac G3 350MHz
- Power Mac G3 (G4 upgrade)
- PowerBook G3 Lombard 333MHz
- Powerbook G3 Wallstreet 233MHz
- Powerbook 1400
- Powerbook 1400 again
- Powerbook 5300cs
- Powerbook 5300cs again
- Powerbook 5300cs again again
- Clamshell iBook 300MHz
- Clamshell iBook 366MHz x3
- Mac mini 1.83GHz
- PowerBook G4 1.67GHz 15"


- 1G 5GB
- 3G 40GB
- 5G 30GB
- 5G 30GB
- 5G 60GB
- 5G 80GB
- touch 8GB
- touch 8GB again
- touch 2G 8GB
- iPhone 3G 8GB
- nano 5G 16GB
- nano 1G 4GB
- Shuffle 2G 1GB

Woooowwwwwwww..... And this is since around 2007, when I was 13. :)
Relative novice compared to some of you guys, but here are the Macs (all iMacs, all my main computer) I've owned:
2002 - 15" G4 800MHz (which replaced a Compaq with a Celeron and WinME)
2005 - 20" G5 2GHz
2007 - 20" Core2Duo 2.16GHz
2009 - 21.5" Core2Duo 3.06GHz

And my iDevices:
2002 - iPod 5GB
2004 - iPod 20GB
2006 - iPod Video 60GB
2007 - iPod Classic 160GB
2008 - iPhone 3G 16GB
2010 - iPhone 4 16GB
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