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I don't have a iPhone (I'm European) but I'd like to see tethering in the other direction to a 3.5G phone like the N95.

How likely is that. It has massive implications for the iPod Touch for example.

Anyone know if that might be possible?
Well I figured out that I can get sites to load that give me that weird Safari error by going to the site on the phone first. Very Weird. I like being able to tether very much and the speed is not bad at all. Just don't understand why some sites will load every time without having to type the address first in the iPhone compared to others that require that. Any idea's why?
other applications

are other people having success running applications besides Safari? I still can't get iChat or Mail or anything else to access the internet.
No luck with the others apps. as well. I tried to plug in the socks proxy into firefox with no luck either. How is your surfing experience and just surfing in general, are you finding when tethered that some pages load and others don't without telling the phone to go there first, which is a huge pain in the ass... :rolleyes:
No luck with the others apps. as well. I tried to plug in the socks proxy into firefox with no luck either. How is your surfing experience and just surfing in general, are you finding when tethered that some pages load and others don't without telling the phone to go there first, which is a huge pain in the ass... :rolleyes:

oh, the surfing is going fine... But I see what you mean by having to push it along a bit. I've found that the site doesn't want to load the first time I type it in. I don't do the "tell iPhone first" thing, but I think my trick is similar. I type in the URL, and then just hit Return on the keyboard several times. I hit the thing pretty quickly and after i've tapped Return about ten or fifteen times, the site begins to load. I think I have to do this when I'm surfing multiple sites at the same time.
I just wish I could get ichat and to work...
Same problems here

Will connect fine, but have to visit the site on the iphone before I visit it on my macbook pro. Still better than not having connectivity at all.

What someone needs to do is make a Tether app for the iPhone, that when clicked, shows up a screen showing progress, sets all the settings, then says you can go back to the home screen.

Couldn't you use osx's Locations feature to make the mac side of it a little more automatic too?

better yet, add a preference setting on the iphone, that makes more sense than adding an app to the home screen
Will connect fine, but have to visit the site on the iphone before I visit it on my macbook pro. Still better than not having connectivity at all.

What someone needs to do is make a Tether app for the iPhone, that when clicked, shows up a screen showing progress, sets all the settings, then says you can go back to the home screen.

Couldn't you use osx's Locations feature to make the mac side of it a little more automatic too?

better yet, add a preference setting on the iphone, that makes more sense than adding an app to the home screen

i've done the "Locations" thing on the Mac. It's handy. Also, if I remember to always name my network the same: "iPhone", my iPhone will remember all that IP stuff. The only thing i have to type during the whole setup process is "srelay".

A tether app would be great, but whoever makes it has got to be pretty gutsy. If ATT were somehow able to monitor this tethering stuff and want to stop it, I figure it'd be easy to find out who made that and go after them.

Has anyone else had trouble with this? I consider myself to be pretty well educated with iPhone hacks so I'm not completely stupid. For some reason nothing seems to happen when I follow the directions word for word. Anybody have any ideas for me? The only thing that is different is there is no "Configure IPv4" just "Configure IPv6"

Any ideas?

If you have a problem connecting to websites without typing them in safari first in the iPhone, follow the advice that someone mentioned above. After typing the address in Safari and it comes back with a webpage not found, keep on hitting the enter button quickly as if u are refreshing the page and it will eventually load the website.

To get adium to work, go to preferences, then accounts, and then type in the proxy settings as you typed in network preferences. Adium will now be able to connect.
The only thing that is different is there is no "Configure IPv4" just "Configure IPv6"

Any ideas?


I salute you General!!

Ok thats embarrassing, was right in front of my eyes and I was missing it.

Works now but like so many other posts I've read I have to visit the page on iPhone first. Is there any way around that?

Thanks To The General for his help!

Ok thats embarrassing, was right in front of my eyes and I was missing it.

Works now but like so many other posts I've read I have to visit the page on iPhone first. Is there any way around that?

Thanks To The General for his help!


R u serious? Read the post above The General.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1C28 Safari/419.3)

this is a great find!
The whole hit the enter or refresh button does not work for me which is unfortunate. I wish there will be a fix for this problem, or maybe someone knows at least an explanation on why it is the way. Makes no sense to me.
Hey guys, I have not read the whole thread but will the tether hack cause the iPhone to brick when updating to the latest iPhone software? How badly does apple frown upon this? If you bring your phone in and they see this will it void any warranty, etc...?

Thanks ahead of time.
srelay does not run

It will tell show you that message unless you manually create a configuration file. Creating a configuration file is a waste of time. Just ignore it. Sorry for the confusion.

this is not the config error.
I get the same error and srelay is not
among the processes running.

ps -al does not show srelay running

Anyone, any ideas?
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/3B48b Safari/419.3)

can someone direct me to the simplest most straight foreward site with tethering instructions.
PLEASE don't do it that way. That is a very sloppy way to install it. Those instructions are outdated. iPhoneInterface is old, jailbreak is old and broken ... just don't do it. just released a GUI installer that will jailbreak your phone the new, good way. Not the old ./jailbreak way. Instead of "pave and replace" Microsoft style, it sets up and ... well, basically just does it a whole lot cleaner. It will then install the package management program. I can not stress enough how important it is that you get this program ... they maintain a repository of all software released for the iPhone, and the program checks, updates, installes, uninstalls, all without having to use the computer. Want to install It will automatically download and install the program. You just have to hit install.

I HIGHLY recommend using these instructions instead of the ones in the original post. You don't have to deal with the Terminal. Although I have no problem using the terminal, others do. Some replies in this thread prove that.

These are instructions for a completely unhacked phone:

1. Download AppTapp Installer from here:

Run the program. It is extremely straight forward. This will install the program on your phone. You will see a new icon on your phone for

2. Using on your iPhone, find "Community Resources" on the list under the Install tab. Tap on it, and then tap install. Then once that's installed, install all of the following:

  • BSD Subsystem
  • Term-VT100

3. Launch Term-VT100 on your iPhone, type srelay and hit return.

4. On your Mac, click the Wifi icon and click "Create Network..." Choose a name like iPhone or something.

5. On your iPhone, go to Preferences -> Wifi. Connect to the network you just created, and press the little blue "(>)" next to it. Change it from DHCP to Static.

  • IP Address:
  • Subnet Mask:

Then tap The <Wi-Fi Networks] button, then press the home button just for good measure.

6. On your Mac, go to System Preferences -> Network and double click on Airport. Go to the TCP/IP tab and for Configure IPv4: select "Manually."

  • IP address:
  • Subnet Mask:

Go to Proxies. Scroll down to SOCKS Proxy and check the little box next to it.

  • IP address:
  • Port: 1080

Hit "Apply Now" ... Open Safari and have fun.

Once you're done tethering, you need to uncheck SOCKS Proxy on your Mac.

If you want to tether a second time, start at step 3.

hi general,

Is this still working for the latest version of firmware 1.1.2????

NEW Way to Tether?


I read this entire thread, have not tried this method yet (going to try it tomorrow morning:cool:) but was also curious as the above poster (couple up) if there are any other (updated/alternative/ ways to tether the iphone with a macbook/pro, now a few months later, since this thread was started?

Thanks in advance:)


EDIT: Just saw this, anyone have any better luck and easier setup with TinyProxy through Installer and is this a better answer to tethering the iPhone/Macbook/Pro?
can someone post a tutorial for tethering to a PC. I found a few but none seem to work fully. I get the network connection, I get the iPhone to connect to it, my laptop is connected to it, but no matter what I do I still do not have iternet access on my laptop. =/
can someone post a tutorial for tethering to a PC. I found a few but none seem to work fully. I get the network connection, I get the iPhone to connect to it, my laptop is connected to it, but no matter what I do I still do not have iternet access on my laptop. =/

Have you manually set IPs and subnet mask both on windows and iPhone? Everything else (DNS, gateway etc) should be empty. If you did, then make sure your proxy setting on the browser is pointing to iPhone's IP and port. I have tried with a friend's Vista/IE and tinyproxy on my phone, and it works.

Alternative: Buy mac :p
True, but they cannot tell the differrence from you using your iphone or you using your computer- to them it all looks the same. Just downloading data. That's it.

I don't think so.

Each time your browser makes a request for a page it sends the USER AGENT string for the current browser. The iPhone user agent string is definately not the same as the string for laptop/desktop browsers.

I don't think that it would not be a problem for AT&T to look at the data content if they suspect a problem.

I read this entire thread, have not tried this method yet (going to try it tomorrow morning:cool:) but was also curious as the above poster (couple up) if there are any other (updated/alternative/ ways to tether the iphone with a macbook/pro, now a few months later, since this thread was started?

Thanks in advance:)


EDIT: Just saw this, anyone have any better luck and easier setup with TinyProxy through Installer and is this a better answer to tethering the iPhone/Macbook/Pro?

I have used both methods to tether to my Macbook, with both Tiger and Leopard,
running firmware 1.1.2. Both work well. With the Tinyproxy method you
don't have to type srelay into terminal on the iPhone - because Tinyproxy is always running.

Either way, I give the iPhone the IP address of, and the laptop
the IP address of (as opposed to and
This makes it easier to switch back and forth, becuase the iPhone remembers
the settings of "iPhone" network, and will default to the IP and the Static settings
for DHCP.

With either method, I open the terminal on the Macbook and type:


That tells me right away that I'm communicating with the phone. If not, I recheck all
the settings. One area I can see people making a mistake is when you first
select Manual under TCP/IP. The default settings are for the IP and for the DNS.
It's easy to overlook that it should be
With both methods it is often necessary to go to the site on the iPhone first,
at which point the laptop will start loading the page. Alternately, hitting Enter
in rapid succession does the trick (as mentioned previously in this thread).
One other thing to watch out for is that sometimes the Macbook will leave the
iPhone network and jump whatever Wi-Fi network you happen to be near
(like when I'm testing/demonstrating at home or in WiFi cafe). Just re-select
the iPhone network and you're good to go.

Anyway, I've been able to use these methods consistently, so if you're having
trouble, re-read this whole thread, and if you don't find out what you're doing wrong,
post here and Ill try to help...
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