PLEASE don't do it that way. That is a very sloppy way to install it. Those instructions are outdated. iPhoneInterface is old, jailbreak is old and broken ... just don't do it. just released a GUI installer that will jailbreak your phone the new, good way. Not the old ./jailbreak way. Instead of "pave and replace" Microsoft style, it sets up and ... well, basically just does it a whole lot cleaner. It will then install the package management program. I can not stress enough how important it is that you get this program ... they maintain a repository of all software released for the iPhone, and the program checks, updates, installes, uninstalls, all without having to use the computer. Want to install It will automatically download and install the program. You just have to hit install.
I HIGHLY recommend using these instructions instead of the ones in the original post. You don't have to deal with the Terminal. Although I have no problem using the terminal, others do. Some replies in this thread prove that.
These are instructions for a completely unhacked phone:
1. Download AppTapp Installer from here:
Run the program. It is extremely straight forward. This will install the program on your phone. You will see a new icon on your phone for
2. Using on your iPhone, find "Community Resources" on the list under the Install tab. Tap on it, and then tap install. Then once that's installed, install all of the following:
3. Launch Term-VT100 on your iPhone, type srelay and hit return.
4. On your Mac, click the Wifi icon and click "Create Network..." Choose a name like iPhone or something.
5. On your iPhone, go to Preferences -> Wifi. Connect to the network you just created, and press the little blue "(>)" next to it. Change it from DHCP to Static.
- IP Address:
- Subnet Mask:
Then tap The <Wi-Fi Networks] button, then press the home button just for good measure.
6. On your Mac, go to System Preferences -> Network and double click on Airport. Go to the TCP/IP tab and for Configure IPv4: select "Manually."
- IP address:
- Subnet Mask:
Go to Proxies. Scroll down to SOCKS Proxy and check the little box next to it.
- IP address:
- Port: 1080
Hit "Apply Now" ... Open Safari and have fun.
Once you're done tethering, you need to uncheck SOCKS Proxy on your Mac.
If you want to tether a second time, start at step 3.