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macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2015
Mountaintop Lair
Okay, I actually thought of something! I would like the Time Machine notifications to not show up on my lock screen, and I would also like the option for them to automatically disappear instead of hanging around 'til dismissed. I understand the sentiment (backups are important), but I would like the option. And also more options for how many notifications show up in the Notification Center! Note: if this has already been addressed (I'm on Yosemite right now), ignore this comment.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 24, 2011
My Notes Wish List:

– Ability to set default font and size.
– Highlight words and sentences.
– Font and font size selection as pull down menus, not a separate window just to change a font size.
– Insert tables like Microsoft OneNote.
– Insert Arrows, lines etc with the text visible.


  • Font Box.jpg
    Font Box.jpg
    119.4 KB · Views: 246
  • Font Menus.jpg
    Font Menus.jpg
    6.6 KB · Views: 244
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macrumors G3
Sep 21, 2010
iTunes need AC-3 audio support for MP4s. It's a damn industry standard format.. so why the hell does Apple refuse to implement it into the their glorified application? Quicktime is even able to play it! What the hell?!

Actually they need to implement DTS for MP4.

Dolby and DTS support both require an initial flat fee and then an additional license fee per unit for decoding playback. This is why so many commercial media players can include these codecs, and why so many free media players cannot. Looking in the app store you'll also see many free media players that only support DTS and Dolby as a paid add-on. This isn't just an upcharge--they literally would be losing money through licensing fees if they gave this away.

I don't know why Quicktime is able to support it. Either Apple is just taking the hit and paying the free every time someone downloads it, or perhaps you have the paid Quicktime Pro?

There are a few free programs that support DTS and Dolby, but I assume they have gotten around the legal aspects in some way that Apple cannot. For example, VLC's legal page gives some insight into this... codecs cannot be patented in France, and VLC is based in France.

I'd just like to point out that a cut function exists. If you copy a file (Cmd+C) and then paste it while holding option (Cmd+Opt+V), it will MOVE the file rather than copy it. As for suggestions, I don't have many, but I would suggest a bit smoother system design (the current one is a bit too saturated imo), a system-wide dark mode, and probably bug fixes really. I would also prefer a two-year release schedule.

I'm aware this exists, and I thank you for letting others know.

Nevertheless, I'd still prefer OP's suggestion of Cmd+X. The current implementation is inconsistent with the cut and paste keyboard commands for everything else in OS X. Most people don't know cut and paste exists in Finder, so obviously this is not intuitive in the least, and it is terrible usability.

People wanted Cut and Paste in Finder for a long time and when Apple finally gave it to us, it feels like they did so only begrudgingly, and then they made the commands different out of spite.
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2015
Mountaintop Lair
An update for the dashboard would be nice as well, it needs more love! Though I know it's an outdated feature, I still like it a lot more than the notification center.

I thought of something else as well but I've forgotten it since then....... oh well, will probably think of it later.
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That's sounding too close to Outlook for my comfort. I mean, Mail/Contacts/Calendar work together already, I think an integrated app would be too cramped.

I think Apple could spruce it up a little with their own flavor, besides, if they are all sharing the same app interface then your just reusing resources that are already there instead of having crosstalk between apps. Not a fan of Outlook either especially since it has so much stuff riding in the background. However, even if they didn't do any of that they could at least add HTML support for signatures in mail.
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2015
Mountaintop Lair
I think Apple could spruce it up a little with their own flavor, besides, if they are all sharing the same app interface then your just reusing resources that are already there instead of having crosstalk between apps. Not a fan of Outlook either especially since it has so much stuff riding in the background. However, even if they didn't do any of that they could at least add HTML support for signatures in mail.
Yeah, I could get behind that. Especially for those signatures.

simon lefisch

macrumors 65816
Sep 29, 2014
I would like for Apple to actually surprise me this time. I would like to see mail, contacts, and calendars be consolidated into one app.
This for sure! That's what I loved about Thunderbird but started using Mail to try and stay inside the Apple ecosystem....and Thunderbird doesn't have Exchange support, at least not natively.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 24, 2011
Two Additional Ideas


Send to Preview button after capturing a screen.

Currently, after capturing a screen you have to copy the capture, open preview, Select new from clipboard before you can do anything with your screen capture.

Clip Book:

A clip book that lists the last 5 items copied to the clipboard.
  • When you select Edit Paste the last item is pasted in. When you select Edit Clip Book you have the option to select which item is pasted in. You should also have the option to paste multiple items in.


macrumors 68040
May 28, 2015
Amsterdam, Netherlands
I saw that concept design of macOS 11.0 and one thing I really liked about it is removing all traces of dock, just having icons there. I love my cDock 3D dock but I hate the Yosemite/El Cap one and at this point it really would look better if it just disappeared.


macrumors 6502a
May 18, 2009
Warsaw, Poland
All I want is Coverflow viewing back in Finder when attaching or uploading files. Coverflow disappears when performing these tasks making sorting through files much more cumbersome, while it exists when just browsing through the Finder. Why the hell did you get rid of this Apple?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2015
Mountaintop Lair
I thought of other things! Like, a larger view of iTunes rather than the mini player so as to really show off high-res cover art. And, kind of a joke but kind of serious, a full screen calculator.
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macrumors newbie
Apr 4, 2016
With a new operating system around the corner, what new features or changes would you like to see?

Please keep this forum focused on ideas not diatribes or complaints. We all know that Snow Leopard and the pre iCloud era are history. With this in regard, what changes would improve your daily workflow?

Here is my list:

App Stores
>>>on wish lists add a comment

Optional larger font size - please!

>>>Have groups system wide on messages, Facetime

>>>FaceTime group calling
>>>easy access to messages screen sharing like ichat

appTV+iCloud sync accounts/passwords:

>>>share a local printer as airPrint (in linux it is a 2 line terminal command using Apple's CURP that comes in linux, on apple it is disabled, why)
>>>Time machine show only changes compared to today
>>>Sound volume per
>>>Handwriting recognition
>>>understand emails attached inside emails
>>>Have the same rules available on iCloud mail, at least group based, sync rules


  • Find Duplicate Pictures, filenames, image or both
  • Purge Originals, by album, all library, or stream
  • Show icons on pictures as music on iCloud
    • Only local -- if it is local only to current device
    • uploaded in cloud -- backed to iCloud (not real backup if account is limited)
    • Synced with main Device, when it was downloaded by the main computer, and safe to delete locally
    • Only on iCloud (erased locally but still in cloud)
  • Make space locally if not main device (erase since it is downloadable from cloud)
  • (iOS) Configure by app when giving access to library
    • create Album to keep this app pictures separate (tag), keeps the mess
    • so it is 2 permissions [ ]Allow library access, [ ]Keep on its own album
    • plus [ ]Make anonymous when app reads library ({Clean all/Clean Geodata/Faces}
  • Keep comments within the picture when looking at images that have them on any share


Window Management:
>>>Snapping is not welcome for all. but should be an option

Visual Elements:
  • Change colors of the Dock and Sidebars if transparency is turned off.
  • Translucency settings - Low translucency and high translucency.

Ability to give Siri feedback via an app
similar to Amazon's Echo app. Because of this feedback mechanism Alexa (Echo) has become far more accurate than Siri in only three months of use.

Health App: that syncs with health monitoring sensors and displays and charts the data in ways that can be easily exported and compared month to month or year over year.

Do you like this list?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 24, 2011

- Highlight text in different colors. Highlighting text is a great way of focusing students on the crucial issues.


- Highlight text in different colors.


- Basic drawing tools in Photos would be very useful - similar to preview (arrows, lines, text boxes).
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Apr 19, 2014
Include a C compiler in the base system and fix the hot mess of system directories to something resembling a sane Unix system.
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BeefCake 15

macrumors 68020
May 15, 2015
I would like to see better Samba support on OS X. I use my router as a NAS as well, and folder never stays connected or automatically reconnect. Also, windows to OS X integration in regards of the file system (yes I'm aware of Tuxera and Paragon)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 24, 2011
I have added several new items to the original post - (See the very first posting)

Here are the latest additions:


to allow comparison and contrasts. (Tables are used all the time in student email communications. Unfortunately, Mail does not have this feature.)


Download maps for specific regions for offline use. For example, Windows 10 allows you to download maps for the United States, Canada, Mexico etc.)


macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2015
Mountaintop Lair
Being able to take a single Safari window and put it into a gathering of tabs without having to make a blank tab would be great as well! Though I feel like I'm just missing something with this one.

EDIT: I would also like to be able to integrate more internet accounts! tumblr, reddit, deviantArt (okay maybe that's going a bit too far), it would be great! ADD STEAM TOO

And I would like Skype notifications to show even when the app isn't open.

EDIT AGAIN: I would like the option turn autocorrect OFF in the messages app (both OS X and iOS)
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 24, 2011
Restore text descriptions under the icons in Mail, New Message.

This has become an issue on large screen iMacs because the email icons are very small.
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