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For any of you who is thinking of switching to Android, I think you should take a look at these videos:

It's a series of 4 videos.
I actually sold my 4S after watching this, and kept my Galaxy Nexus.
Will probably get down-voted a lot on this forum, but I think that these videos puts the whole "iOS is so much better than..." into perspective :)

Ohh - and for the One X? Just got one in the house, and DAMN that phone is sexy!! When it comes to battery life, don't worry about it that much. The folks at XDA will probably soon start making amazing kernels and ROMS for this thing :)

Best of luck whether you're sticking with iOS or you're going Android!

I didn't have time to go through the whole hour worth of videos, but scrolling through I see he was clearly biased vs Android, giving the pros and not the cons.

If I saw it correctly he pirated an app during the video...installing "Cut The Rope" (didn't look like the free version) from an email attachment a friend sent him. He didn't seem to discuss the legal ramifications of this, the issues regarding developers not wanting to develop for Android due to the easy piracy this enables, nor did he mention the malware ramifications.

Again, I didn't watch the whole hour, so maybe it was addressed later, but it seemed highly biased to me. He ended that segment saying "This is the beauty of Android", where most people would consider it one of the primary downfalls of Android.

That's literally the only part of the video I watched, and was not impressed. Putting the same arguments in video form do not change the value of the arguments.
Why does everyone get angry here when iphone users are defecting to other brands.

Its simple. The iphone 4s is old and outdated. And I bet that they are just going to use that disappointing A5x chip for the new iphone with the same screen size and design as the iphone 4/4s. I bet its going to have that huge bezel and that flawed home button again. Thats going to be so disappointing. I am not going to wait for that. I'll get an android phone now thanks. They need to revamp their OS too. iOS is an OS for dumb phones not for smartphones.

Either they announce something now or it will be too late. I just can't wait anymore. One year cycle is simply too long for phones nowadays. They have a 6month cycle for their macbooks, why not for phones?

And then people are complaining about others defecting to android? The hardware is outdated and the software is getting boring, stale and same old same old.

Umm...I and many agree....1 Phone/Year is excellent.......not everyone have a money tree in the look at the quality of the Handsets running Android(I'm not complaining about the OS but the hardware instead)

Comparing JUST Hardware wise HTC, Samsung and Motorolla (/all android running smartphones) suffer in many more ways then any of Apple Smartphones did (again were not comparing OS just hardware). Why do you think that is? its because Manufacturers releasing phones running on Android aren't concerned about the thing called "Quality" but instead they are all in a endless race for "Quantity". I have owned Samsung and HTC phones in the past all hardware wise sucked FAR MORE THAN the APPLE iPHONE and had many issues. I had total of 3 Samsung Galaxy S 4G, 1 Samsung Galaxy S II and 1 Samsung Nexus S and 1 HTC Inspire. Talk about Flagship phones lol.....

I wish for once these Manufacturers truly dropped the race to release as many handsets/year and instead cared about "Quality" bring out the finest smartphones and I bet there would be something to talk about.
Umm...I and many agree....1 Phone/Year is excellent.......not everyone have a money tree in the look at the quality of the Handsets running Android(I'm not complaining about the OS but the hardware instead)

Comparing JUST Hardware wise HTC, Samsung and Motorolla (/all android running smartphones) suffer in many more ways then any of Apple Smartphones did (again were not comparing OS just hardware). Why do you think that is? its because Manufacturers releasing phones running on Android aren't concerned about the thing called "Quality" but instead they are all in a endless race for "Quantity". I have owned Samsung and HTC phones in the past all hardware wise sucked FAR MORE THAN the APPLE iPHONE and had many issues. I had total of 3 Samsung Galaxy S 4G, 1 Samsung Galaxy S II and 1 Samsung Nexus S and 1 HTC Inspire. Talk about Flagship phones lol.....

I wish for once these Manufacturers truly dropped the race to release as many handsets/year and instead cared about "Quality" bring out the finest smartphones and I bet there would be something to talk about.

Do me a favor. Goto and compare the circuitry quality of the Motorola razr vs the iPhone 4S. Without even comparing actual components youll see and obvious difference.

I don't think it has anything to do with quality. Think about it, glass FEELS like quality. It's heavy it's sturdy and looks great! But would you actually make a phone out of it? I'm forced to use a case cause of my line of work.

Apple has better marketing, better Eco system, and a massive cult following. All my friends have iPhones because they've been trained its the best. However they have never even READ anything about the competition. That's why apple comes out on top, plus it's a quality product but I wouldn't consider it the best currently.
Got mine yesterday. Nice phone, a bit buggy. Having some signal issues on AT&T. I may return for this reason. I also realized how much I like the iPhone size. The size of the one x makes it hard to do anything one handed.

How is battery life?
Umm...I and many agree....1 Phone/Year is excellent.......not everyone have a money tree in the look at the quality of the Handsets running Android(I'm not complaining about the OS but the hardware instead)

Comparing JUST Hardware wise HTC, Samsung and Motorolla (/all android running smartphones) suffer in many more ways then any of Apple Smartphones did (again were not comparing OS just hardware). Why do you think that is? its because Manufacturers releasing phones running on Android aren't concerned about the thing called "Quality" but instead they are all in a endless race for "Quantity". I have owned Samsung and HTC phones in the past all hardware wise sucked FAR MORE THAN the APPLE iPHONE and had many issues. I had total of 3 Samsung Galaxy S 4G, 1 Samsung Galaxy S II and 1 Samsung Nexus S and 1 HTC Inspire. Talk about Flagship phones lol.....

I wish for once these Manufacturers truly dropped the race to release as many handsets/year and instead cared about "Quality" bring out the finest smartphones and I bet there would be something to talk about.

Did you forget about the iPhone 4? As I recall it had something with it's antenna. I don't know if you can call that a "quality" feature.. but oh well :)
Did you forget about the iPhone 4? As I recall it had something with it's antenna. I don't know if you can call that a "quality" feature.. but oh well :)

My iPhone 4 had service in the elevator, while my previous phone didn't. That was way overblown IMO.
My iPhone 4 had service in the elevator, while my previous phone didn't. That was way overblown IMO.

The antenna issue had nothing to do with what you are speaking of. It had to do with how the phone was held. Not all phones were effected either, but many were. It was a big enough deal for a class action lawsuit to be successful along with Apple handing out free bumpers to those who asked for them in a certain time period.
The antenna issue had nothing to do with what you are speaking of. It had to do with how the phone was held. Not all phones were effected either, but many were. It was a big enough deal for a class action lawsuit to be successful along with Apple handing out free bumpers to those who asked for them in a certain time period.

I am saying that no matter how I decided to hold the phone, I received better reception, being able to make calls in elevators that I was previously unable to.

I'm not sure this is worth getting into, as it's really not related to the thread, but there is evidence that all phones react the same way when held in a similar manner.

Any blog or media outlet will guarantee themselves a few million views whenever they write about Apple. One blogger was quoted saying that writing an iPhone article meant thousands of dollars in his pocket at the end of the week in ad revenue. A big incentive.

They handed out free cases to stem the huge media attention. They settled the class action lawsuit with the same result, free cases (or $15). I wouldn't consider that a victory, they could have had their free case a year earlier without suing. The iPhone 4 is still being sold today, without a free case, and was the second best selling smartphone last quarter, behind the iPhone 4S. The media stopped receiving clicks for their "antennagate" headlines and as a result stopped reporting on it.
I am saying that no matter how I decided to hold the phone, I received better reception, being able to make calls in elevators that I was previously unable to.

I'm not sure this is worth getting into, as it's really not related to the thread, but there is evidence that all phones react the same way when held in a similar manner.

I don't doubt your statements are true. I am just saying it was a noticable problem. Interestingly, there have been no reports of the 4S doing the same, so obviously something changed. It's nice you had no issues with the 4. I wish I was that lucky. Having used many cell phones over the years I have never been able duplicate what my iPhone 4 did. With the 4, the problem could be duplicated every time with a single finger. My iPhone 4 was also hands down the worst at dropping calls. It's actually what got me into using cases in the first place.
I don't doubt your statements are true. I am just saying it was a noticable problem. Interestingly, there have been no reports of the 4S doing the same, so obviously something changed. It's nice you had no issues with the 4. I wish I was that lucky. Having used many cell phones over the years I have never been able duplicate what my iPhone 4 did. With the 4, the problem could be duplicated every time with a single finger.

Honest question, if there were no antenna indicator, would you have noticed a difference? By that I mean, if you were on a call, could you literally end the call, or cause static in the call, by putting your finger in that spot?

Sure, I noticed the little bars go down, but my performance was still better than my previous phone.
Did you forget about the iPhone 4? As I recall it had something with it's antenna. I don't know if you can call that a "quality" feature.. but oh well :)

My iPhone 4 had service in the elevator, while my previous phone didn't. That was way overblown IMO.

The antenna issue had nothing to do with what you are speaking of. It had to do with how the phone was held. Not all phones were effected either, but many were. It was a big enough deal for a class action lawsuit to be successful along with Apple handing out free bumpers to those who asked for them in a certain time period.

All phones are not perfect. The galaxy nexus for me was a total nightmare. Got it at launch and for first month I couldn't make a call because of the 2g volume bug / hardware issue. It was main reason for exchanging it for different phone altogether.

The iPhone 4 likewise for me was a nightmare with dropped calls, thankfully the 4S is improved in this regard.
And yes I'm terminally left handed which may have contributed to the issues with the iphone 4.

Best 'smartphone' from the exhaustive list I've had in the past 18 months for call quality and reception was the blackberry bold 9900. Amazing call quality and reception even in the worst areas where all my other phones struggled. Just a shame almost everything else about blackberry 7 OS and it's 2" screen annoyed me.
Honest question, if there were no antenna indicator, would you have noticed a difference? By that I mean, if you were on a call, could you literally end the call, or cause static in the call, by putting your finger in that spot?

Sure, I noticed the little bars go down, but my performance was still better than my previous phone.

Calls dropped, a LOT, however I didn't hear static ever. I would likely not have thought to put a case on it to make things better or notcied a correlation between holding it the way I hold it and dropped calls if I hadn't read about the problem this particular model of phone was having on sites like this one.

In my eyes, the problem was a design flaw. People were calling it "death grip". In my experience it was more like "death finger".
Did you forget about the iPhone 4? As I recall it had something with it's antenna. I don't know if you can call that a "quality" feature.. but oh well :)

lol is that all u can come up with? the 3 iPhones 4's (not 4S) we have in our home never suffered from the "Antennagate"(at least we never noticed it at any given point and nor did it bother anyone to the point that it had to be brought up) my first one did but then I did get it replaced and second one didn't seem to suffer from the issue. Yes iPhone's were affected but not each and every single one. what else can u point out? Didn't suffer from anything else....anyway u got any more things to point fingers at?

these arguments are nothing new it goes n on n on but we all know other manufacturers just don't build quality products and it comes down to just that....Im not saying any of the iPhone's was/is perfect but one thing for sure Quality was a top factor over quantity and is present.
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Calls dropped, a LOT, however I didn't hear static ever. I would likely not have thought to put a case on it to make things better or notcied a correlation between holding it the way I hold it and dropped calls if I hadn't read about the problem this particular model of phone was having on sites like this one.

In my eyes, the problem was a design flaw. People were calling it "death grip". In my experience it was more like "death finger".

Ouch, that doesn't sound like a good experience at all. Sorry to hear that!
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i'm digging this phones swag, but with the galaxy nexus only $399, i'm so tempted.

I dont care how better the hardware is, a clean build of andoird OS always makes it work and feel better.
lol is that all u can come up with? the 3 iPhones 4's (not 4S) we have in our home never suffered from the "Antennagate" my first one did but then I did get it replaced and second one didn't seem to suffer from the issue. Yes iPhone's were affected but not each and every single one. what else can u point out? Didn't suffer from anything else....u got any more?

When all you do is release one phone a year, you are expected to to launch a product of perfection for the very reasons you pointed out... they are NOT launching handfuls of phones every year. Is this sensible? Probably not, but when you are considered the best by the public that is what they come to expect.

As far as issues with the 4, dropped calls. Frankly it happens with all GSM iPhones, some more than others. Can't quite put my finger on why that is, but it's there. There is also the yellowing of screens, and screens that are too blue.

There are certainly problems, but this certainly isn't a d*** measuring contest, or at least I don't think it is.
I just got to spend roughly 40 minutes with the One X at AT&T. They did not have it on the floor but a nice sales rep let me play with it and we also had a long discussion about the current market of smartphones.

I've been wanting to upgrade from my iPhone 4 for some time. When the 4S wasn't worth doing so IMO, I essentially decided to just wait for the next iPhone in that time. I have however demoed a variety of devices in the past 8 months in stores including the a variety of Samsung devices and the Lumia 900. I had yet to play with a smartphone that impressed me.

This has now officially changed with the One X.

Let me preface by saying that none of this matters if battery life isn't up to par. I am going to wait and read the reviews with respect to the AT&T model coming to the market on May 6th. In the meantime, I will say that I was so impressed with the One X this afternoon that I'm seriously considering making the jump if it turns out the battery life is close to what I'm getting with my iPhone 4.

The first thing I noticed of course was that screen. It's amazing. Imagine the retina display blown up to 4.7". Even better, the screen lacks the bluish hue of my iPhone 4. I compared my iPhone 4 to the One X (same webpage on both) and it was clear that the iPhone 4 is bluish in color. I can't say enough about this screen.

Text is sharp and not a single pixel to be found. HD YouTube video clips honestly feels like you are watching a mini HDTV in your hand.

I was able to read text heavy desktop sites like Huffington Post and The Daily Mail without straining my eyes or zooming in. (I will say however that I was stuck using the stock Sense web browser and it's not on the same level as Safari. Especially noticed this with the few times I double tapped however I would use Chrome for Android so it's a non-issue.)

Sense isn't as great as stock ICS however it didn't seem like something I'd really loathe using either. There is the downside of course of being in the air with future OS updates, but I guess that's a cross-that-bridge-when-we-get-there situation.

The build quality of the One X is simply excellent. Unlike pretty much every Samsung device I've handled, this just screams quality. The polycarbonate backing is great to the touch and the curved backing reminds me of the days when holding my 3G iPhone was pleasurable. I thought the One X was going to be way too big and cumbersome but honestly it isn't. And this is coming from someone with small-ish adult male hands. I'm no fan of capacitive buttons but for some reason the ones on the One X did not bother me one bit. My one serious gripe is that the camera lens is flush and appears entirely prone to scratching when laid on a flat surface. I wouldn't use a case but I'd have to figure out some way of elevating the back of the One X so that the lens does not touch the flat surface.

My other gripe is the 16 GB of internal memory. That's pretty weak but I'd just have to be selective about what music I choose to keep on the device plus I can stream my entire music collection over wi-fi via Google Music. Despite the fact that we've discussed it here in the past, I'm still not entirely clear if the 2 GB of internal memory will allow me to (potentially) use the memory of the phone storage in case I run out of room for apps on the internal storage.

So, yeah, this phone is incredible. Like I said before I'm going to wait until all the reviews come out until I make my decision. If this phone has respectable battery life on LTE and no issues pop up in the upcoming months, then I think HTC might have a huge hit on their hands.


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Ouch, that doesn't sounda like a good experience at all. Sorry to hear that!

Well, a case did "fix" it, so I suppose there could have been worse problems than this to have. Apple was also unwilling to swap the phone out since their official stance was basically "here, have a free bumper".

What kills me is 12 hours after purchasing the phone it ran through the wash, so Apple replaced it. I will never know if that first phone would have treated me better. :(


i'm digging this phones swag, but with the galaxy nexus only $399, i'm so tempted.

I dont care how better the hardware is, a clean build of andoird OS always makes it work and feel better.

Give it a month. You will likely see CM9 on this thing in that time. Can;t speak for the camera though on a third party install. The camera on this phone is a beast, and a lot of that is software.
When all you do is release one phone a year, you are expected to to launch a product of perfection for the very reasons you pointed out... they are NOT launching handfuls of phones every year. Is this sensible? Probably not, but when you are considered the best by the public that is what they come to expect.

As far as issues with the 4, dropped calls. Frankly it happens with all GSM iPhones, some more than others. Can't quite put my finger on why that is, but it's there. There is also the yellowing of screens, and screens that are too blue.

There are certainly problems, but this certainly isn't a d*** measuring contest, or at least I don't think it is.

no lie but i have yet to see a tint on any of the iPhone 4/4S that I have handled to date.....(I have handled 4 iPhone 4S to date and about 13 iPhone 4's(not 4S) as I was selling them over time in the past year n half)
no lie but i have yet to see a tint on any of the iPhone 4/4S that I have handled to date.....(I have handled 4 iPhone 4S to date and about 13 iPhone 4's(not 4S) as I was selling them over time in the past year n half)

Oh I believe you. I am just saying it is a known manufacturing defect. I have no idea how prevalent it is. At the end of the day, when you get a dud, whether you are the only one on earth, or one of thousands, you still end up having to spend extra time to hopefully get what you paid for. It's this way with virtually all products these days.
no lie but i have yet to see a tint on any of the iPhone 4/4S that I have handled to date.....(I have handled 4 iPhone 4S to date and about 13 iPhone 4's(not 4S) as I was selling them over time in the past year n half)
Well my 4S is quite "yellowish" in tint vs my 4, and the 1st 4S I had was even worse and mainly why it was taken back. Noticed on friends 4S as well, though a buddy seems to have a quite blueish tint to his as well as my secretaries, which some people have commented on but not as much as the yellow tint issue.
lol look at the color of the orange on the X one.... I switch to Iphone and the main reason was the camera and that video just reaffirm it ... :D
Oh I believe you. I am just saying it is a known manufacturing defect. I have no idea how prevalent it is. At the end of the day, when you get a dud, whether you are the only one on earth, or one of thousands, you still end up having to spend extra time to hopefully get what you paid for. It's this way with virtually all products these days.

Another thing I do is buy used(about 1-2 months old usually after 2-3 months of launch)....rarely I buy brand new.....1) Saves me good 20-25% 2) Is in perfect condition because any defects Original buyer has already gotten it replaced.....

I bought a iPad 2 for someone last year brand new only 10days old it had Light leak on the bottom half along the home button and thats the only thing to date I have had to get replaced to due to screen being "Yellow" or "blueish" I find it if you buy things within the first 2 months u will most likely end up with something along those lines of issues......i read somewhere in the past it was due to the glue or something thats used to put the screen together.
I bought a iPad 2 for someone last year brand new only 10days old it had Light leak on the bottom half along the home button and thats the only thing to date I have had to get replaced to due to screen being "Yellow" or "blueish" I find it if you buy things within the first 2 months u will most likely end up with something along those lines of issues......i read somewhere in the past it was due to the glue or something thats used to put the screen together.
Our 2nd 4S is just over 2 months old, and other's have complained on current ones, so it's def not just initial buyers having the issue. The 1st one we got about 2 months after launch too.
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