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Hit the nail on the head here. Looking a little like android isn't it?
-A device with X pixels w/ 128 but with slower processor
-A device with X pixels w/ 256
-A device with 4X+Y pixels w/ 256 but with faster processor
-A device with 4X pixels w/ 512 and faster processor

This has to have some negative impact on developers trying to gauge stability.

No. It really doesn't. :rolleyes:
Well I've yet to be able to produce any memory errors on mine, but ok fair enough.

Half the time I cannot even load the weather channel app due to low mem, and this is with nothing else running.. Probably a memory leak with a cydia app
I think many of you are missing a fundamental point.

The iPad was a big experiment for Apple and, from sales numbers alone, obviously a very successful one at that. The iPhone 4 is the fourth incarnation of a fairly-well developed product line now. The first iteration of the iPhone was woefully underpowered by the standards of the day, but was just good enough to power the UI which was the defining selling feature of the thing.

Someone else has pointed out in this thread already that Apple NEVER puts in more horsepower than is absolutely necessary to achieve THEIR vision of success for the device. What you got in the iPad is just that....enough horsepower to surf the web (casually), play videos (casually) and otherwise be a tablet-sized media consumption device. If it does anything MORE than that for you personally, consider it a bonus and not entirely by design. It's a first-gen device and you get just that...first-gen features.

iPhone 4 is a fourth-gen device....and arguably, it is already lagging behind other phones in the same price point range for horsepower. But to power what they want it to do, it will have just enough as well....and zero more.

I think too many Apple consumers forget that Jobs' design criteria is to meet HIS expectations first and foremost. The end-users are just expected to buy into his vision. Your own personal wants/desires are not on his radar.

When you buy Apple, the implied TOS/EULA is always "I'll let Steve decide what I need." I'm OK with that actually.
Yeah, I lolled at his maths there :D

Edit: oops sorry for dp

First off, if you paid $599 for any phone, you are a nob. Secondly, why would 'subsidized' phones be pulled off the menu in terms of comparison. Regardless of the carrier, you are going to have to pay for service from somewhere.

So the comment makes no sense, and one up on that, you endorsed it. Nice.
In all honesty, sometimes the thing does run out of memory...

I think a lot of people could visualize the danger in the device having only 256 MB when we all first found out about it (long before we knew ip4 had 512). It's sort of like the danger of ATT's 2 GB cap. Yeah it probably works OK today, but with usages being unlocked (multitasking, more powerful games, MMOs), you can see how 256 can quickly become very, very limited.

Let's see what iOS4 gives us - Apple knows its software well and maybe they'll give us a way to keep how snappy this device is, even with multitasking. However, I think it's natural for some folks to be skeptical...

ip4 drives less pixels and the size of the screen doesn't lend it to as much content being passed through it as the iPad. So why does it get twice the memory? A lot of what our gut tells us is Apple was simply being cheap, or even worse - short-sighted. I hope we're wrong, because it really would suck to get the experience of the device take a hit when multiple things are up and running.

The safari reloading can be quite annoying, too. Perhaps almost as annoying as Apple's lack of response for this feedback from their customers.

My iPad tends to "flush" (ie: dump) multitasked processes in its jailbreak state now and then - something my iPhone gen 1 doesn't yet do with the same apps running simultaneously. It's my hope that this is an artefact of implementation shortcomings of jailbreak-Backgrounder instead of the obvious - a device running "huger" apps on not so much "huger" memory,

3GS has not been made for multitasking, but that could support it. iPhone 4 main feature is multitasking.

iOS 4 is made for iPhone 4, but then goes along with 3GS.

iPad has not been made for multitasking, but that could support it. Next iPad main feature is multitasking.

iOS 4 is made for the next iPad, but goes along with the first gen iPad.

That is why iOS 4 will be released in the fall. Think about it.
No. It really doesn't. :rolleyes:
Rolling eyes is great, esp. if you don't think about something before you post it.

It really does, and it's already started.

Regarding Colloquy on iPhone/iPad:
If you have iPhone OS 3.1 don't update to the latest Colloquy, there is a crash on launch. We are submitting an update to Apple.

Aforementioned update was made for iOS4. The app page mentions that min requirements is 3.1 and there's no way to sift through 4.0-only in the updates page in iTunes anyhow. Owning an iPad and 2G iPhone, I also have no way of retaining old versions (for my iPhone) next to new versions (for my iPad), unless I wanna just reload apps between syncing iPhone and iPad to my Macbook.

There's a drink/cocktail bartender app that got updated, for example. Minimum OS is 4.0, which now makes it incompatible with my iPad.

You have no concept of what you're refuting, and being that it's an internet forum you're free to do it. All I'm asking is for some intelligent discussion. Is that too much?

I always judge my stuff by its usage.

iPhone can never replace what iPad can do, vice versa.

For that reason, I don't even feel depressed by the fact that current iPhone has better specs than that of iPad :D
Well the OP is indeed comparing apples & oranges. What's next comparing the iphone4 with an updated mac mini?

But I must say, it's very typical of Apple to bring out a new product with not the latest specs. I think it's a marketing strategy. If sales are poor, the profit per product too low or if technology doesn't advance fast enough (powerbook g5), they can always 'update' it to better specs and make it look new without much trouble.

I mean we all know a camera, extra ram, gyro could be in the ipad without much trouble. Apple knows that 'early adopters' are gonna buy one, and the 'big' crowd wait till 2-4th generation. So they'll upgrade it when they think it's needed and NOT when they CAN :)
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