and all is made in china
ok lets start again
do you want a computer that is made out of cheap parts build in china but with a great design and a superior operating system ?
I've seen nothing in the three Macs I've owned that indicate a better "build" quality than, say, the old built-by-IBM thinkpad I owned.
My iMac 27" model retailed for $2000 or so. Let's assume the screen in the iMac has a retail "value" of about $1000. If that were the case, there's nothing else in the machine that adds up to the other $1000 -
1. A terabyte hard drive is under $100 these days
2. top of the line motherboards, certain MBs more capable than the iMac's,.
are about $150
3. Four gigs of RAM? $100
4. Modest video card? $125
5. "Case"? Under $100
6. CPU? Under 200
Again, I'm not knocking the Apple product...I'm just saying there's really nothing that special about them, hardware-wise.
Oh...and that 27" iMac screen? For $1000, I can buy all manner of computer screens that will outperform it in many ways, without the yellowstains and flickering.![]()
Note that I stated I liked the OS, which is priced very low, the ergonomics, and the customer service. As I stated, the hardware itself in an iMac is nothing special...just ordinary PC pieces and parts. I suppose the point is that Apple is selling a lot of sizzle. I happen to like the sizzle, but I've built enough PC's over the years to know there's nothing in there besides the usual pieces and parts.
Hmm...umm no the iMac is not a "bargain" for the parts inside. The previous poster was exactly correct. Who cares about an aluminum case, if the box is sitting on the ground (and you can get very nice cases anyway). I don't think he is talking about an all in one, just a box that is as powerful, or more so.
You are going to be able to get a Dell u2711 for under 1000 street price, and it's the same panel as used in the iMac 27". When you add up the parts for the 1156 based cpu's and p55's WAY cheaper to do it on your own, and you'll get higher quality parts. Very easy to do. Of course if you want OSX none of that matters anyway. It would be nice if Apple gave us a choice however.
Uh, no you can't. It is now selling for $1050.
Mac are not about games anyway, they are about creating an experience which is proper for creation, work and multimedia.
I find it hilarious that people complain about the iMac 27" video card. It can freaking run Crysis at over 30fps in super HD, this is quite good for a computer which priority is not gaming at all.
Why should they be "not about games"? They have all the gaming potential in the World; a beautiful screen, a quality mouse and keyboard, a quick hard drive... excuse me for saying so, but this sounds like Mac apologism, to me.
Please don't misunderstand me. If all I wanted was a gaming computer, I wouldn't be looking at the iMac. It has plenty of features and charm that an equivalent-spec PC doesn't have, which is principally why I want one.
Playing games "respectably" is fine. I'm not asking the iMac to win a face-off with an Alienware desktop (those things are butt-ugly, by the way...). However, my initial complaint was that an A-list graphics card wasn't available to anyone who wanted to buy one. At no point have I suggested that all iMacs should come equipped for gaming; I know full well that most people don't want that capability.
But some people do. Such as me. I want the crisp, clean, elegant iMac experience for my productivity software; but I also want to be able to let-loose on some modern games occasionally. Not an outrageous request. Any anybody who says that it is... well, they're taking their defence of the iMac range a step too far, in my opinon.
the other side of having a mac , people respect you more , as even as i only have a iMac g3 and a eMac on my desk ..people say wow you must do well in your job to be able to afford a Mac
ok mine are used and at least 4 years old , but i just happen to love their design and osx ,
ok you could argue i could get the dell vostro all in one
and hack osx on it and it would run circles around all of my mac's even if i could combine their processing power ,without doubt , and would cost not more
but that would just not be the same
i think own a mac is not something you just buy with money
a mac is somehow like a pet , you just love it , cuddle it fondle it and it makes you smile and you dont look what it cant do , instead you are happy about everything it can do
Illustration: I want to buy a medium-spec computer with solid gaming capability.
The iMac is really thin, and couldn't fit a proper desktop card in that design and do it well I don't think. Instead Apple has mobile cards and MASSIVE heat sinks for them.
The answer to your confusion is people that buy apple don't really know what's a good GPU or not. You say you've picked up a screw driver to put a computer together. As soon as you touched that screw driver you fell out of apple's target market.
Anyway, the 2010 iMacs might have something more impressive. Don't give up on macs yet!
Get a PC, then.
The answer to your confusion is people that buy apple don't really know what's a good GPU or not. You say you've picked up a screw driver to put a computer together. As soon as you touched that screw driver you fell out of apple's target market.
People may respond back at you for pointing out that the 27" iMac GPU is weak with: "Mac are not about games anyway, they are about creating an experience which is proper for creation, work and multimedia"
but I also want to be able to let-loose on some modern games occasionally. Not an outrageous request.
Does anybody have a view on the 2.53GHz/4GB Mac Mini? Obviously, "solid gaming performance" is off the table, now. But can it run 1080p video glitch-free?
That's funny, me too, which is why I bought the iMac.
i dont think that the graphics in the macs are low end , macs always have been good working computers for movie- , photo-editing and graphical work in general
and its the gaming industry that forces gamers to more and more expensive graphic cards which makes gaming a expensive hobby , as with nearly every new game you need to upgrade your rig or get a new one and start upgrading again
a intel iMac is simply no gaming rig , and it was never the intention of apple to produce a gaming rig when they introduced the intel iMacs least to my knowledge