can you please post a step by step tutorial how to put the firmware on the iphone.....
There is no need to use the entire prototype FW - restore to 1.1.4 is enough, but remember to backup important data.
1. Restore to 1.1.4 - It must be jailbroken. You can use whatever you like to jailbreak it, but better do not use ZiPhone - it doesn't install afc2 service.
Once you have restored and jailbroken the 1.1.4, install OpenSSH.
2. If you have Windows, use iPhoneBrowser to copy entire AppleInternal folder onto root folder of your iPhone. If you have a Mac, use DiskAid.
3. Copy the following frameworks from firmware dump System/Library/PrivateFrameworks: ARMDisassembler.framework, CHUD.framework, Coach.framework, DiskImages.framework, diStorm.framework, iPodCalendars.framework, iPodContacts.framework, MediaKit.framework, NDISASM.framework, PerfTool.framework, PHTesting.framework, PPCDisasm.framework, Symbolication.framework
to iPhone's /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
4. Connect to iPhone using SSH and login as root
5. Enter commands:
ln -s /AppleInternal/Applications/SkankPhone.app /Applications/SkankPhone.app
chmod +rwx /AppleInternal/Applications/SkankPhone.app/SkankPhone
Reboot/Respring and you should have a new "interesting" icon on SpringBoard.
Note that some options inside SkankPhone doesn't work unless you copy some contents of FW dump's /usr directory to iPhone. I just copied my iPhone's usr/ onto FW dump and copied it back to iPhone.
If you want SkankPhone to run at every boot, copy com.apple.SkankPhone.plist file from FW dump's /System/Library/LaunchDaemons to iPhone's LaunchDaemons directory.
S\N isn't hardcoded into app, I was wrong
I just tried to flash the NOR dump onto my iPhone and it overwritten my serial number with the proto's S/N.
SkankPhone can co-exist with SpringBoard - When SkankPhone is started, it kills SpringBoard.
There are various interesting tools in /usr - go figure
I don't know why the hell Apple would need PPCDisasm.framework on mobile ARM OS.