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macrumors regular
May 31, 2022
San Jose, CA
Still on Mojave, no plans to leave.. works great, enjoying the popcorn while reading these posts.

Every year Apple pushes out a new OS, and every year we get 100's of new features along with ton's more bugs, and bugs which never were fixed from previous releases. Are bugs part of the new features now? Who knows, but it might catch up with them.
Apple Leadership sucks now. Only hardware people are doing good jobs.


macrumors member
Sep 16, 2021
With all the bad software and bad experience out here, I’m concerned apple will never revise their strategy unless something goes horribly wrong (e.g 90% of users expressing their collective frustration with macOS or sth). Apple has become way too big to fail. Just a mere bad Monterey release wont really affect them much if at all. They have to fail harder, which I doubt.

In short, Ventura will be just as bad as Monterey for some folks and it is what it is. Voting with wallet and hoping for the best is prolly the best thing customer can do to pressure
There's one major problem with this - Apple has long since ceased to be a Mac-centric company - especially when looked from beancounting perspective.

From that business-centric angle it might not be completely impossible for Apple to ditch all Mac products - just remember how Apple ditched all their Server business without providing any alternatives. After that we all would be ending up with cheaply made ugly plastic laptops that shatter into pieces when falling to ground.

My old 2010 MBP fell to tile floor with lid being opened and all that happened was a little dent in the corner of the lid. I remember clearly when Thinkpad X-series Carbon fell to carpeted floor the same way - lid frame was shattered instantly with hinges broken off.

What we see when we look at Settings menu on Wondows 10 and 11? Wasn't "imitation the sincerest form of flattery"? Where would we be if all would be lead by company "that absolutely has no taste"? I work in IT field while being a long time Mac user so I have some sort of a picture from "both worlds" - for now I can tell that Windows-universe is riddled with far more idiotic and sometimes completely unsolvable feature-breaking bugs (called "features" ironically).

It is almost essential to have a competition which drives development forward. In server field Microsoft has Linux as its' competitor and in desktop/UI world it has always been a Mac. It's quite obvious that creation of Linus Torvalds has no plans to disappear, but there's no way to be as sure about what Apple might do with its' products - as they are a business...


macrumors newbie
Sep 11, 2022
My list at the moment:
  1. Media forward/backward doesn't work after a while, but play pause still work
  2. Apple virtualization on M1 doesn't support their own hardware, most European are missing "physical mapping" ISO/ANSI that you can't change in settings
  3. Typing in a full screen app, and back to another non full screen app lose keyboard focus and you have to click a second time in the input field to be able to write (that one is unbelievable, looks like no one is testing anything at apple)


macrumors 603
May 20, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
Monterey is crap. Big Sur was way more reliable. And for the "Windows can't possibly be more stable" crowd, go get yourself either a current generation Microsoft Surface Laptop, a Dell Latitude 7000 or 5000 series, or an HP EliteBook and tell me that Windows 10 or 11 isn't stable on those. People assume that Windows is a raging dumpster fire just because the PCs you'd get at Best Buy or Costco are total crap. You get what you pay for.


macrumors 68030
Dec 19, 2009
Monterey is crap. Big Sur was way more reliable. And for the "Windows can't possibly be more stable" crowd, go get yourself either a current generation Microsoft Surface Laptop, a Dell Latitude 7000 or 5000 series, or an HP EliteBook and tell me that Windows 10 or 11 isn't stable on those. People assume that Windows is a raging dumpster fire just because the PCs you'd get at Best Buy or Costco are total crap. You get what you pay for.
had not seen any bugs in monterey


macrumors 6502a
May 7, 2018
upstate NY
Monterey is crap. Big Sur was way more reliable. And for the "Windows can't possibly be more stable" crowd, go get yourself either a current generation Microsoft Surface Laptop, a Dell Latitude 7000 or 5000 series, or an HP EliteBook and tell me that Windows 10 or 11 isn't stable on those. People assume that Windows is a raging dumpster fire just because the PCs you'd get at Best Buy or Costco are total crap. You get what you pay for.

Well, you're certainly posting in the correct thread. I see you have a few MS Windows machines, fortunately for me I have no need for Windows on anything. Monterey is very stable and smooth on my (unsupported) 2012 rMBP 10,1
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macrumors demi-god
Jun 19, 2011
I do wish people would stop thinking a laptop is a desktop replacement, they are 2 different machines

I usually use my laptop with two external monitors, keyboard, and mouse. In other words, I use it as a desktop replacement. Sometimes I move my laptop to another room and plug in to an external monitor there. Sometimes I disconnect completely and use it as a laptop. Some people might want to just be prepared for the contingency of needing portability.

I do wish people would stop thinking everyone can afford to buy both a desktop and a laptop or fail to consider use cases beyond their own.
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macrumors demi-god
Jun 19, 2011
Here are two bugs in Finder that are amazing. Finder is an important application that Apple should have tested thoroughly.

I keep my Documents and Desktop in iCloud. For convenience I add them explicitly to my favorites in the sidebar since I find it a bit inconvenient to navigate into the iCloud section for them. Every now and again they just disappear and I have to re-add them.

I usually use my laptop with an external keyboard and mouse, but the other day I was using it detached. Occasionally, I couldn't drag files from one finder window to another while in list view; I had to switch to icon view to make it work. I've seen posts where other people reported this bug.

Even with all the bugs, I still find the MacOS much easier to use than Windows, but I find Windows to be less buggy. I guess it's all about what bugs you happen to stumble on and whether they really get in your way.


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2011
Moscow, Russia
Here are two bugs in Finder that are amazing. Finder is an important application that Apple should have tested thoroughly.

I keep my Documents and Desktop in iCloud. For convenience I add them explicitly to my favorites in the sidebar since I find it a bit inconvenient to navigate into the iCloud section for them. Every now and again they just disappear and I have to re-add them.

I usually use my laptop with an external keyboard and mouse, but the other day I was using it detached. Occasionally, I couldn't drag files from one finder window to another while in list view; I had to switch to icon view to make it work. I've seen posts where other people reported this bug.

Even with all the bugs, I still find the MacOS much easier to use than Windows, but I find Windows to be less buggy. I guess it's all about what bugs you happen to stumble on and whether they really get in your way.
That's a whole can of worms. I have google drive and one drive folders in the side bar and not only do they disappear all the time, even after going to sleep, but the local and external drive folders keep switching positions and my desktop folder keeps disappearing. The state of finder sidebar right now is wild.


macrumors member
Oct 5, 2012
I have an M1 Max MBP. My current circumstances mean that I need something portable. I'm homeless, I don't have anywhere for an iMac (as funky as they are - and I would really rather like a purple one). And I agree, Monterey is horrid. I have been trying to update to 12.6 ever since I got the notification in SysPrefs it was available. Safari updated no issue. I click 'update now', scroll down and agree to the EULA, I get the wheel for about 10/15 secs and then I'm back at the 'an update is available for your Mac' screen. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Nobody else uses this MBP but me, so there are no other accounts. I have rebooted, but I'm still going round in circles. If anyone's a clue why it's being obstreperous, please enlighten me.


macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2022
I do wish people would stop thinking a laptop is a desktop replacement, they are 2 different machines
Can you explain to everyone the difference? What doe the desktop offer to someone that a laptop can’t do or somehow makes laptops inferior?


macrumors demi-god
Jun 19, 2011
And then there's my experience two days ago with Apple Music...

I looked up one of my artists who has a bunch of albums. I always used to click "See All" to pick which album I felt like listening to. For the first time the "See All" was missing. I screamed! I can't believe Apple removed such a useful feature. Then I went to a different artist (a few in fact). For those the "See All" showed up.

It's really sad that I was relieved in it being just another Apple bug rather than a bad design decision. They really are very bad developers and testers. -- edit -- I mean that as an organization not as individuals. I wonder if the developers and testers complain as much as we do.


macrumors newbie
Mar 21, 2021
Just installed 12.6 on my iMac 2019 and it's snappy again, so Apple seems to have figured something out from the last release that completely sucked ;)
I did the same on my new 14"MBP M1 pro. I hope to see some feedback from some of the Monterey critics of the 12.5.1.


Jun 30, 2007
I always used to click "See All" to pick which album I felt like listening to. For the first time the "See All" was missing.

You can still see all the albums, you just have to scroll through with the arrows to the left and the right of the albums.


macrumors demi-god
Jun 19, 2011
You can still see all the albums, you just have to scroll through with the arrows to the left and the right of the albums.
Yeah. That's always available, but I prefer seeing the 2-dimentional layout where I can see all the albums at the same time.
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macrumors member
Dec 4, 2016
Bay Area
Monterey is crap. Big Sur was way more reliable. And for the "Windows can't possibly be more stable" crowd, go get yourself either a current generation Microsoft Surface Laptop, a Dell Latitude 7000 or 5000 series, or an HP EliteBook and tell me that Windows 10 or 11 isn't stable on those. People assume that Windows is a raging dumpster fire just because the PCs you'd get at Best Buy or Costco are total crap. You get what you pay for.

I've been a Mac user since the 90s and have had to use various Windows machines for work over the years. With one exception, switching to Windows would never have even crossed my mind. That said, the one exception is my current Surface Laptop running Win11. It's an awesome machine.

Meanwhile, I haven't upgraded my MBP to Monterey because of some known bugs that still haven't been fixed and will absolutely screw me up.
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