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Here a few pictures of my iBook chamshell. I haven't really got a setup for this yet. I do intend to buy myself a small desk for this though at some point though.
This forum makes me spend my money. No just kidding I was planning to get a second laptop anyway and it was going to be a Mac Mini but i just got it sooner than I thought that i would do and I had a change of mind about getting the Mini when i saw the chamshell pictures in this thread.

I am using Mac 9.2 right now but i will change that when i get some more memory.

I am not to great at taking pictures either. I use a cheap budget camera to take pictures or my camera phone so that may not help matters either.


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Roba said:
Here a few pictures of my iBook chamshell. I haven't really got a setup for this yet. I do intend to buy myself a small desk for this though at some point though.
This forum makes me spend my money. No just kidding I was planning to get a second laptop anyway and it was going to be a Mac Mini but i just got it sooner than I thought that i would do and I had a change of mind about getting the Mini when i saw the chamshell pictures in this thread.

I am using Mac 9.2 right now but i will change that when i get some more memory.

I am not to great at taking pictures either. I use a cheap budget camera to take pictures or my camera phone so that may not help matters either.


EDIT: can you give us more info on the "airport" card? the buffalo thing? i've been looking for something like that 'cause the real airport card is hella expensive.
Hi markkk the Airport card that i am using is a slimline Buffalo Airstation WLI-PCM-L11GP-3 card. These cards are pretty hard to find these days but they can be a cheaper alternative to the Apple Airport card. It only allows for WEP security up to 128 bit though. I do prefer to use WPA but using WEP is not so bad. I also bought an Apple Airport card after i bought this on Ebay for £31/$60 because i saw that it was going for a decent price but i don't think that the seller may want to sell it to me because it may have fallen beneath their asking price. The auction ended at 8am UK time which is a bad time for US auctions to run really.

There are other alternatives also that will allow for WPA encryption that are slimline also that in my opinion will most probably work also. You could also look at some of the cards by Proxim by Orinoco because some Orinoco cards use the same chip as the Apple Aiport card.

There are some other alternatives to that may not call for modification either. There is a FairPort card that i have seen retailing for $79 but at that price that can be more expensive that some Apple Airport cards that i have seen so that is hardly a good deal in my opinion. That seller has one negative feedback but quite a few people do seem to be happy with their product. Somebody also stated that their card also works in a Chamshell model which is good.

Here is one as well which looks promising

markkk! said:
EDIT: can you give us more info on the "airport" card? the buffalo thing? i've been looking for something like that 'cause the real airport card is hella expensive.
Do you gusy think it is worthless to get a G3 now? I'm on a $500 limit and would really like a Mac. The G3 I would be getting is refubed but its 900MHz and combo drive 12" for 450(USD)
Do you gusy think it is worthless to get a G3 now? I'm on a $500 limit and would really like a Mac. The G3 I would be getting is refubed but its 900MHz and combo drive 12" for 450(USD)

I'm working off of my refurb iBook G3 right now, it's my first Mac and so far I can't complain at all. A lot of people on these forums are going to tell you that the G3 is too old and slow. I didn't have the money to buy a Macbook or even a G4 iBook, so I spoke to some people who had G3 iBooks and I went for it. I just got the iBook last Friday and it's great. I upgraded the RAM to 640mb though. The full specs are in my sig. I use iTunes, Safari, iChat, and it runs awesome. Some little editing in iMovie too. It's running Panther. I would say that it actually is faster than my old 2.3ghz Pentium 4 Toshiba laptop. I say go for it if you don't need a real workhorse of a laptop. :)
Well I decided im going to get the G3. First mac besides the one my school gives me. Its iBook G3 12" 900MHz 128MB/40GB/Combo/AirPort. I'll end up upgrading the RAM after a few months.
Nice...I think you'll like it. Same specs as mine except for the RAM. To be honest though, I think you are going to want that RAM upgrade sooner than you would expect. My 512 stick showed up the same day as my iBook so I threw it in right away. I never ran it with the 256 it originally had, but I don't think it would have been too pretty. Great with 640 though. Anyway, enjoy the iBook. :)
Anyone know if warcraft 3 will work on a G3?

Wouldn't really be worth it.

G3 iBooks are pretty much limited these days to email, chatting, browsing, iTunes, and Word.

Which, given how cheap they are, is pretty darn good to have such a productive machine for so cheap. And with less horsepower under the hood, you won't be tempted to waste time playing games. ;)
Just won an ebay auction for an iBook. 300mhz Blueberry with 128mb RAM, 6gb, AC adapter and Airport card--for 135 shipped :) I'll post pics when it arrives later this week...
I find it awesome how everyone is continuing to use the iBook. I just ordered one off ebay to use for work. I do love my MacBook Pro but the iBook is just so pretty and so small and portable.
got one off of ebay, Ill post pics when I get it (sitting at post offcie right now, but mom won't let me use it 'til it's paid off. sigh...only $235 more to go... :()
Hi markkk the Airport card that i am using is a slimline Buffalo Airstation WLI-PCM-L11GP-3 card. These cards are pretty hard to find these days but they can be a cheaper alternative to the Apple Airport card. It only allows for WEP security up to 128 bit though. I do prefer to use WPA but using WEP is not so bad. I also bought an Apple Airport card after i bought this on Ebay for £31/$60 because i saw that it was going for a decent price but i don't think that the seller may want to sell it to me because it may have fallen beneath their asking price. The auction ended at 8am UK time which is a bad time for US auctions to run really.

There are other alternatives also that will allow for WPA encryption that are slimline also that in my opinion will most probably work also. You could also look at some of the cards by Proxim by Orinoco because some Orinoco cards use the same chip as the Apple Aiport card.

There are some other alternatives to that may not call for modification either. There is a FairPort card that i have seen retailing for $79 but at that price that can be more expensive that some Apple Airport cards that i have seen so that is hardly a good deal in my opinion. That seller has one negative feedback but quite a few people do seem to be happy with their product. Somebody also stated that their card also works in a Chamshell model which is good.

Here is one as well which looks promising

Does your keyboard fit on right with that card in there? Or does it bulge in the middle?
It fitted fine the keyboard went back as it should do.
I later sold that wireless card though as it did not allow for WPA encryption only WEP and also i thought that the original card would help it to sell better if i was going to sell it later on.
It was a good card though and it gave a strong signal.

I don't own the Clamshell anymore i sold it for £415/$800 it was maxed out though at 576ram, 60GB 5,400RPM with airport card KL 466.
I didn't really need it but at least i had a go at trying one out.
The Clamshell's are getting a little bit old though and i was a bit concerned that they may start to devalue soon so i struck while the iron was hot.

Whilst the Clamshell's are fine for basic tasks I would like a bit more modern second laptop now if i needed one.
Does your keyboard fit on right with that card in there? Or does it bulge in the middle?
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