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Ok everythingapplepro then?

Surely he can’t hate Apple. Unboxtherapy is usually critical of everything. Which is refreshing then listening to yes people like MKHD and ijustine. I rather listen to someone who is saying what they truly feel then someone just hyping it up. If you tell someone to review the product they need to be honest about it.
EverythingApplePro is always hacking iPhones, Jailbreaking them, opening them and customizing the housing (like adding an apple logo that lights up), shooting iPhones to see which one if more durable, and always advertises when new "text crashes" are discovered so people can ''mess with their friends". I don't think he'd be the "influencer" Apple would go for to advertise their new device.
Hasn't iJustine been around forever? If I recall, I think she's had iPhone since the first one was released... and I'm fairly certain her content is really pretty family friendly. I suspect she ticks a nice demographic box for Apple on younger people and maybe even a strong female audience. They know their brand will be safe with her and probably look at it as a more casual "learning style" review rather than a hard hitting tech talk.
Yes she became popular with the first iPhone and how AT&T sent her a LARGE Paper Bill:
I was wondering why do Apple bother sending her a iPhone X to unbox or review? You might as well ask the cat.

You have other good youtubers like unbox therapy and others who don’t get a review version yet ijustine somehow manages to get one when she’s irrelevant when it comes to talking tech or reviewing it.

Unboxtherapy is pretty annoying.
Wow! so nice at 64 to be lumped in with Gen Z!

iJustine is positive and refreshing, and her featured review among 3 in a Macrumors Front Page unboxing video this morning was actually the most extensive and engaging of those three.

She reminds me how much fun this tech industry was when we boomers were getting our first “portable computers” the size of today’s airline luggage.

To always do more every year with a pocket computer? or matchbook sized watch? Oh, yeah! Reclaim the joy!
I was wondering why do Apple bother sending her a iPhone X to unbox or review? You might as well ask the cat.

You have other good youtubers like unbox therapy and others who don’t get a review version yet ijustine somehow manages to get one when she’s irrelevant when it comes to talking tech or reviewing it.

These You Tubers are nothing but live adverts for companies products, and they have to praise Apple so not to get blacklisted, apparently Apple is known to blacklist press who are negative about the company or its products.
But it’s only opinion anyway at the end of the day..
I was wondering why do Apple bother sending her a iPhone X to unbox or review? You might as well ask the cat.

You have other good youtubers like unbox therapy and others who don’t get a review version yet ijustine somehow manages to get one when she’s irrelevant when it comes to talking tech or reviewing it.

Maybe she’s just not... for you?
Why are people giving Justine a hard time? She literally calls herself “iJustine”... Of course she’s an Apple fan girl! But you know what, she gets excited over android devices, and game consoles, and other tech. She’s not about super technical reviews. She’s a tech geek who just loves sharing her enthusiasm. I find her videos really fun and refreshing compared to all the cynicism, fanboy rage, and complaining online. She makes unboxings feel like Christmas morning. :D
I was initially very resistant to watching her videos. But then I saw one she did on the original iBook with another tech blogger and it was really fun to see their enthusiasm and how they interacted. While I don't regularly seek her out (she doesn't offer the technical detail I like to see in reviews), I can certainly understand why she appeals to so many younger people who like tech but aren't super geeky about it. Just because she's not my favorite doesn't mean she doesn't offer value to her subscribers, and ultimately, Apple.
iJustine has been a hardcore Apple fan since she had her first Macintosh computer.

She is always excited, positive, critical when she needs to be, and always offers honest tech reviews. She’s clearly just passionate about technology like a lot of us. She’s the first person I look to when I want to see an honest, informative and engaging review of a device. Especially Apple products. I was PUMPED to watch her iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max review today and she did not disappoint.

She raises the bar for hype and makes you feel pumped as hell to get your own. She’s clearly not for everybody and that’s perfectly okay.
while I do agree that she is a little corny and annoyingly enthusiastic sometimes she has a lot of value for Apple

5.2 Million viewers
easy on the eyes
overly enthusiastic about their products

I think she makes her money from Youtube and brands that she sponsors, I don't think Apple pays anything to send her products early ... why would they? Sending her something early is a huge payoff in itself, that would make a you tubers career.
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I was wondering why do Apple bother sending her a iPhone X to unbox or review? You might as well ask the cat.

You have other good youtubers like unbox therapy and others who don’t get a review version yet ijustine somehow manages to get one when she’s irrelevant when it comes to talking tech or reviewing it.

Someones salty his little channel of 324 followers didn't get him a free phone.
I was wondering why do Apple bother sending her a iPhone X to unbox or review? You might as well ask the cat.

You have other good youtubers like unbox therapy and others who don’t get a review version yet ijustine somehow manages to get one when she’s irrelevant when it comes to talking tech or reviewing it.

Apple doesn't want a bunch of tech reviews with a lot of droning on about specs and stats. So Apple tapped into the Apple Community's Influencers and brand sirens. Putting the new iPhone and Apple Watch into the hands of people who have millions of subscribers already interested in Apple Products. What's Unbox Therapy going to do? Bend it and say how it compares number to number with a Samsung Galaxy and how over priced it is?
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I like ijustines videos and she is a huge apple fan and knows the brand inside out. I also like unbox therapy’s videos just as much, not sure why apple wouldn’t include him but hey they’re a private company and can do whatever they want! As a tech reviewer though he shouldn’t review the phone negatively solely based on being salty because he didn’t get a review unit but we shall see....
Her name is iJustine. I think that says it all - of course she’s going to be biased towards Apple. In fact, she is proud about it.

Her reviewing style isn’t a bunch of specs, it’s more targeted at a lifestyle audience - fun, friendly, and more for your average consumer. You’re the wrong target market.
You miss all the other threads on which male reviewers get taken to task for their attitudes and opinions? Did they stink of misandry?

Ironically no I caught them all. The male reviewers were taken to task for their content. Not being compared to a cat in terms of their editorial review on a product that they just so happen to be well versed in.
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