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Typical apple fanboys.... widgets.. we don't need it....well.... its cuz you don't have it. Once it lands, its awesome. Classic justification behavior. Lmao.
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one person isn’t a A full fanbase...

you only have to see the amount who are asking others on twitter to show off their home screens. That says it all.

120hz is not needed this year as well but when it comes in the 2021 iphone again it will be seen as this is great
No different to all the features that are come later to android and suddenly they are great, I guess.
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No different to all the features that are come later to android and suddenly they are great, I guess.
Which features come after on android? Pretty sure android always for most part bring all features years in advance

Apple fans more than often get more excited as we have had to wait later than we should for features android has had for a while so really not many new features android fans get excited about
Which features come after on android? Pretty sure android always for most part bring all features years in advance

Apple fans more than often get more excited as we have had to wait later than we should for features android has had for a while so really not many new features android fans get excited about
Things like finer grained privacy controls, capacitive Touch ID. Poor android folks are still waiting for Chrome to support adblockers for goodness sake! Most android phones are still missing secure Face ID.
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Things like finer grained privacy controls, capacitive Touch ID. Poor android folks are still waiting for Chrome to support adblockers for goodness sake! Most android phones are still missing secure Face ID.
You can believe the apple marketing about privacy all you like but no company is any different in this area. Apple believe it or not listen in too

Touch ID? You mean the one that's under the display which apple are yet to do?

Sounds like you are struggling for features if you are mentioning a Web browser.. There's many web browsers people can use so I hardly think ad blockers is worth mentioning

As for face ID as good as it is under display FPS are far more convenient certainly in the times of masks...

Apple make great products but there's not much android users are missing.
🤣 It's ok.

BTW, how are those high smartphone prices going now they've caught up to iPhones? 😏

(fyi, I'm not at all looking to start an Android vs Apple war, ever ;))

You, sir... I do not trust 😂
So, say I'm a journalist... if I were to report on this thread, can I claim to be a wartime reporter on my resume? 😂
Things like finer grained privacy controls, capacitive Touch ID. Poor android folks are still waiting for Chrome to support adblockers for goodness sake! Most android phones are still missing secure Face ID.
Oh Please.....Pixel 4 XL has Faceunlock that is better and faster than FaceID....
Then try to resize the new widgets on IOS.....we will wait..........
Oh then next try to arrange the icons anyway you want them......again we will wait...................

These are BASIC things Android phones had had for YEARS!

Oh now since widgets are all the rage on IOS...try to theme the entire phone...custom notifications and sounds, icons, colors the whole can't again something Android has had for years.

Apple fans are so funny....
We don't need a bigger display...4 inch is just fine
Gets bigger display with 6 Plus and it becomes the best seller....

We don't need wireless is just a gimmick on Android....
Gets wireless charging and it becomes the new norm for iPhones

We don't need widgets on the homescreen...they are so useless.....
Gets widgets on the homescreen and now its trending everywhere!
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You can believe the apple marketing about privacy all you like but no company is any different in this area. Apple believe it or not listen in too

Touch ID? You mean the one that's under the display which apple are yet to do?

Sounds like you are struggling for features if you are mentioning a Web browser.. There's many web browsers people can use so I hardly think ad blockers is worth mentioning

As for face ID as good as it is under display FPS are far more convenient certainly in the times of masks...

Apple make great products but there's not much android users are missing.
We’ll agree to disagree then.
A friend who was a long-time Android user, partly due to it customizability, recently switched over to iOS.

Like other switchers, he said, "I don't have time for that stuff anymore. I just need for my phone to work, because I have a life."


So if Apple can make the widgets look great even on Android, at this point you have to call everyone else with their outdated ones lazy.
Typical apple fanboys.... widgets.. we don't need it....well.... its cuz you don't have it. Once it lands, its awesome. Classic justification behavior. Lmao.

Typical mindless ani-Apple, pro-Android sentiment right here. Feeling A little hurt, jealous, I have no idea. But something cuts deep with you. Nothing based in fact with your post, just an oversimplified broad generalization based on nothing factual. I don’t even use iOS an iPhone (almost 4 years now) and even I know what you’re saying is trash. And they did have widgets just to have some fact-based content. It had widgets, It was just on a separate screen.

LMAO is right.
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Which features come after on android? Pretty sure android always for most part bring all features years in advance

Apple fans more than often get more excited as we have had to wait later than we should for features android has had for a while so really not many new features android fans get excited about

Anyone saying Android is years ahead I still can’t wrap my mind around. It just is pure subjectivity if you believe that and that’s fine. But to couch it as some factual statement irks the hell out of me. If anyone thinks that Android has never borrowed anything from Apple you’re living in a fantasy-fanboy-land. I use both (Extensively). There pros and cons. There’s no insane overall leap going from one to other. There’s certain things each do well. Does one overwhelm the other? Not even close. Again, unless you live in this fanboy realm, where you get too sensitive because the other side has things to offer the user as well and it hurts you for some reason. Some people here are as bad and blind as they rip on the other side for.


No ones losing their **** over this. Omg they're comparing home screens! And? There’s a thread for doing that for Android right now. And?
at iOS users falling out of their chairs now that they can add widgets, change app icons, and just generally theme their phones how they want. It makes me laugh since this has been a thing on Android since the beginning, and after hearing all of these years that they didn't need those things.

I'm not at all looking to start an Android vs Apple war, ever. I saw the MR article on the front page, and I just needed to post/say this in (what I think is) a safe space.

I mean considering the user base and the amount of time it took, it kinda shows IOS didn’t really need those features as the install base grew and sales still rose despite them. Apples just adding them on now that the so the matured.

My Home Screen is the same as it was, when I tried Android I thought it was clunky and I think the same of several iOS homepages now.

So if Apple can make the widgets look great even on Android, at this point you have to call everyone else with their outdated ones lazy.
you could apply the same logic to all widgets that are not interactive or resizable.
you could apply the same logic to all widgets that are not interactive or resizable.

Come on mate, don't be that person.

I can interact with my Apple Music widget on my iPad perfectly fine and there are three sizes to choose from.

As much as I'm enjoying my return to Android, there's no denying that the Apple Widgets cosmetically are better than the Android versions. And given Apple has made a bunch of good looking widgets for their Android app, my point still stands - either the developers for the apps on Android don't care at this point and if they do, they're being lazy about pushing out updates for them.
Come on mate, don't be that person.

I can interact with my Apple Music widget on my iPad perfectly fine and there are three sizes to choose from.

As much as I'm enjoying my return to Android, there's no denying that the Apple Widgets cosmetically are better than the Android versions. And given Apple has made a bunch of good looking widgets for their Android app, my point still stands - either the developers for the apps on Android don't care at this point and if they do, they're being lazy about pushing out updates for them.
I don't think they are better at all....choice and preference are very subjective. Just because they have rounded corners?
Have you tried Nova and the endless customizations you can do? Then you can save those customizations to the cloud and have on any Android phone you want.

It is just the same ole story year after year...when Apple finally gets something Android has had for year the Apple fanbase acts like it is the greatest thing to happen to smartphones...It is a tired ole story to be honest.

I have Apples weather widget on my 11 Pro Max homescreen. It is not interactive at all. It can bring up the weather app...but not much else.

On my Note 20 Ultra the weather widget is interactive. I can scroll to different locations within the widget on my homescreen without having to open the weather app. I can also refresh the temperatures with a little circular refresh button again without having to open the app.

Don't be that guy that now that Apple has done something it is somehow automatically better than everything else.
Totally correct. Android phone makers have a long history of "throwing things at wall to see what sticks".
Most of it is adopted in later iOS versions though, so most do stick. Not all, but most. Don't act like iOS hasn't had features that don't stick though.
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Most of it is adopted in later iOS versions though, so most do stick. Not all, but most.
Then isn't that called listening to your customers? Android phone makers are more willing to try new features that people might like.
Anyone saying Android is years ahead I still can’t wrap my mind around. It just is pure subjectivity if you believe that and that’s fine. But to couch it as some factual statement irks the hell out of me. If anyone thinks that Android has never borrowed anything from Apple you’re living in a fantasy-fanboy-land. I use both (Extensively). There pros and cons. There’s no insane overall leap going from one to other. There’s certain things each do well. Does one overwhelm the other? Not even close. Again, unless you live in this fanboy realm, where you get too sensitive because the other side has things to offer the user as well and it hurts you for some reason. Some people here are as bad and blind as they rip on the other side for.


No ones losing their **** over this. Omg they're comparing home screens! And? There’s a thread for doing that for Android right now. And?

Nobody is saying android is perfect and miles ahead of ios. Android took years and years to add air drop for example

Both have their pros and cons.. Alot of features android is ahead of and will likely continue to be

Doesn't mean iPhone aren't any less great platform without those features
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