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Well Trolls have valid arguments usually, so i dont think hes a troll! Sounds more like someone who hates Americans and thought this would be a good avenue for it, And no i am not American ;)

On a more serious level, that process is already ongoing: we are compilling evidences in a file in the Legal deptmts offices of our European Institutions here in Brussels. We really do love these American arrogant companies, they are full of cash to spend to keep an access to our market. Only the American customers will not be protected by our own legals actions..
By now !

Well you say you live in Brussels, so I assume you are german, and of course the germans are never arrogant are they, Well I'm European, I'm british and I can say truthfully that some of the most arrogant companies I have come across have been german, so get of your high horse, you have no right to be there.

Brussels is in Belgium, but i wont i tell........ :rolleyes:

Your posts are indeed very odd. I mean when your having a discussion with somebody is there a need to "check them out" on there own sites, and quote there forum title (which btw is automated and not chosen i would imagine) as if its a weapon against someone? Can you not have an adult discussion without such tactics?

People are kindly offering you advice, and based on professional experience i agreed that you have no leg to stand on at all legally. So why jump down other forum members throats? :confused:

And in answer to your topic title, NO, i would doubt anybody is "up for it" as its a crazy idea that has about a -1% chance of even making it to a courts admin office.

OH, and in case you think i am praising Apple or MobileMe? Mine hasn't worked since day one, and i have an ongoing complaint about it going on with a PR executive, so i agree right now MobileMe is useless to me, but either way i don't think they done anything illegal or think getting all legally threatening will help!

> no leg to stand on at all legally

Not in New Zealand, USA or some other places, you are right about that.

> People are kindly offering you advice

Advices are welcome !
Well you say you live in Brussels, so I assume you are german, and of course the germans are never arrogant are they, Well I'm European, I'm british and I can say truthfully that some of the most arrogant companies I have come across have been german, so get of your high horse, you have no right to be there.

Wrong nationality…
Brussels=Belgian ;)

Sorry… :eek:
> no leg to stand on at all legally
Not in New Zealand, USA or some other places, you are right about that.

So you cant read either? Cos you clearly missed the part where i said "Having worked for a legal department in Europe for 18yrs you have no legal argument"

If your going to reply to a post, read and "understand" it all! Yes i am in New Zeland NOW, but only been here few months after 40years in Europe my friend! READ the posts eh!
PS: You talk about a legal court case, yet on Appleinsider forums you could be sued for libel / slander referring to Steve Jobs like that publicly in writing?

So whos got the better case you against apple, or them against you? I know where my money is, and i bet they can afford better lawyers!

EDIT: Probably best to use different usernames also, if you are going to copy+paste the same ranting post on over 4 different apple forums (and thats in one quick google!) ;)

1. I don't think you have a chance against apple, both because they are a huge company with loads of resources, and because they are in the right IMO.

2. I used to be a blind mac fan. I had used a PC, I had used Macs. I knew the difference and that was enough for me. But recently I've seen that Apple ISN'T some God company. That being said, I think Apple is the best company in the world and I say so because I mean it and I mean it because I've "opened my eyes".

Apple has...
created in my opinion the 100% best SDK in the world with an awesome language and frameworks to go with it. They started it years and years ago and it's still the best!
Created the ipod. But not only that, they kept adding to their success. Ipod after ipod, they've all been smashing hits.
Have the best computers. No one who's anyone can honestly say a PC beats a Mac, except for gaming. And even that's close with bootcamp, parellel, just plain running windows on your mac, or the fact that the mac has plenty of games.
Jumped into the cell phone business late in the game, but are skyrocketing in sales with an amazing device that competitors can't seem to touch... yet. :cool:
Set up the itunes music store, the ultimate media center. Nothing beats it. (I wouldn't go to amazon for the world, cheaper though it may be)
Started .mac and now mobile me, the ultimate online center for all your stuff. I have had .mac and loved it for about 2? years now. (Memory's kinda foggy) Mobile me needs bug fixing, but that will happen. Soon you will have a great service.
The appleTV, which puts all your media on your HDTV is frikken awesome. nuff said :D
Will be coming out soon with sproutcore, bringing Cocoa to the web. *arm pump*

Apple is an innovative company. Without them we would have lost a lot of great services and products. Recently Apple has been making big pushes, being extra daring, extra innovative. They've been needing some bug fixes to get things right. But they have in the end. I remember when Leopard was sooooo buggy and I hated Steves' guts. But they fixed it up, and soon it was fine. Apple has been working on things so huge you have to EXPECT these problems. But they'll be fixed.
Finally, again Apple is an innovator. They don't look back. You may not like that, but to you I say move on up into the 21st century. You could be doing a lot more with your mac if you had leopard and a modern mac. If you want support for an old machine, go get a PC. I'll have you know though, they support their old software and machines
1. because they don't have anything better :D
2. because they don't have to go very far back. (They release once every 10 years, not every 1 year like Apple.)

To wrap it up, I could not disagree with you more over you suing apple or whatever. Case closed. :apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple:
Yes, MobileMe sucks so far for me and many others, so I figured it was just about time for some anti-corporate whiner to claim he's filing a class action suit against Apple. Right on schedule, there, "mate."

No wonder Apple products cost what they do...They have to fund a legal department just to deal with all these baseless legal claims.

Don't be another one of those jackasses that sues Apple because your panties are in a bunch. I can't stand hearing about these stupid lawsuits. This world is full of a bunch of cry babies. Grow a spine for God's sake. If you don't like it, don't renew your service. S**t happens. It's called progress. Get used to it.

Clearly Heller will someday soon own apple so we should all be respectful as only he will be able to give us back .mac addresses!
I've suscribed to .mac one year ago.

About 2 weeks ago we've been forced by Apple to "upgrade" :eek: our .mac to this "mobileme" thing without anyone asking if we wanted this "upgrade " in the first place !
And it would not have been difficult for Apple to set up this new mobile me service as a new different offer next to the existing .mac.

This new "mobileme" email doesn't work on my wife iMac with a system (OS 10.3.9) only 3 years old !

I'm going to be forced to buy a brand new Apple computer to be able to get our email on a .mac account we've already paid for !

In Europe where we're living it is unlawfull :mad: to:
1/ breach contracts (.mac)
2/ force people to buy what they do not want: Mobile Me, OS 10.5 or a new Apple computer.

And "oups" I forgot: an Apple email I received this morning said that my mobile me (ex .mac) account is supposed to be renewned in 6 days, where are the 30 DAYS FREE EXTENSION APPLE promised me in another email after a five days interuption of all the services ???

I will go to court to have my customer rights back ! and I hope some of other customers will do the same if Apple doesn't scale back.

a 20 years old Apple good customer (6 Macs at home) and ex-fan

PS: don't google "complain + apple" = you will get nothing concerning Apple customers real complaints, you'll only get an Apple diversion :cool: against a cloning firm. Well done Bill ! (oups, Steve :D , my mistake !)


MacMini OSX10.4.11, iMac OSX 10.3.9, b&w G3 OS 9.2.2, Powerbook G3, 3 iBooks
Linksys WiFi, iPod 80 Go, Shuffle

Apple didn't seem to hesitate to cancel my .mac subscription and refund the unused portion of the service. Since they seem willing to do that, you have no case against them. In the us at least you need to have damages to win a lawsuit. Refund=no damages, not forced to upgrade, or use a service you didn't want. Also, there is no breach of contract, as there is a termination clause.
Termination by Apple

Apple may at any time, under certain circumstances and without prior notice, immediately terminate or suspend all or a portion of your account and/or access to the Service. Cause for such termination shall include, but not be limited to: (a) violations of the TOS or any other policies or guidelines that are referenced herein and/or posted on the Service; (b) a request by you to cancel or terminate your account; (c) discontinuance or material modification to the Service or any part thereof; (d) a request and/or order from law enforcement, a judicial body, or other government agency; (e) where provision of the Service to you is or may become unlawful; (f) unexpected technical or security issues or problems; (g) your participation in fraudulent or illegal activities; or (h) failure to pay any fees owed by you in relation to the Service. Any such termination or suspension shall be made by Apple in its sole discretion, without any refund to you of any prepaid fees or amounts, and Apple will not be responsible to you or any third party for any damages that may result or arise out of such termination or suspension of your account and/or access to the Service.

My eyes are open thank you, and to move forward and innovate may require older equipment to not work with the latest stuff, so what? your mac and OS are not obsolete as you say, because you can continue working and using it just the same as when you first brought it, and as you say if you feel so strongly then stop using the mac and get a wonderful PC, I personally buy a new mac every 18 to 24 months, and am happy to do so, for you to say your comp an OS is obsolete makes you sound like an ass,

.mac was working perfectly well 2 weeks ago, it is NOT "the latest stuf"

"Mobile me" is "the latest stuf"
It is not an "upgrade", you admit it, it is a NEW PRODUCT. And I even agree with you: very innovative, and so?
I haven't paid for that, is it too difficult to understand for you ?

And WRONG, one of my macs and OS is now obsolete, because I cannot continue working and using it just the same as when I first bought it and took a ONE year subscription for an online service, .mac, which is now not NOT WORKING, is it too difficult to understand for you ?

MMR You've got money to throw out of the window, good for you mate.

I still use my old B & W G3 for word processing, exell spreadsheets, Emails (my own webmail with my web hosting provider, another innovative company) and even iTunes (V1.1, year 2000) Photoshop and so on...
And I am very happy with it, a little bit slow but you would be surprised what you can still do with a 9 years old computer you can buy today for 20$.
That is what I call progress and innovation: a consumer good you can trust, be proud of it and use it as long as it serves you well, and it happens it is an Apple. I also have a MacMini OSX 10.4.11 it is quicker OK and true I can do more things with it (Youtube...), but really it's no big deal.

If you were forced to change your car / fridge / TV ... every 18 to 24 months you wouldn't have this non-sens subjective childish talk about progress and being an ass for not spending money.
Being happy to kill your plannet just for the sake of getting your word processor quicker, watch movies or read you email during your lunch doesn't appear to me being very much as a progress and very responsible.

But THE POINT IS: if YOU really need "mobile me" for your job or your personnal use, you're free and I'm more than happy with it. I do not want to go back to stone age and I will probably be happy to have an iPhone in 1 or 2 years time with Mobile Me.

Whatever, what some people doesn't seem to understand here is that different people do have different needs:
When you're a family of 4 with a Mac each, you can't spend £6000 (12000$ / 9000Euros) every 18/24 months, or even spend your week-end buying 4 new OS at 130£ and installing them. Maybe you're living alone, good for you mate, I understand why, but it happens that out there in the real world, there are some people would just buy a tool and expect it to work as it was written on the box when they bought it.
Your differents needs doesn't mean that I should accept to be screwed up by Apple and insulted by geeks.

If it is too much to understand, so I reckon we do not live on the same plannet.

It was possible for Apple to give 2 simple options for their band of fan / customers:
1/ one good old simple .mac as usual they can use on their old Macs for their webmail, no hassle.
2/ a brand new trendy "Mobile me" thing they can use with their brand new mac + iphone etc.... maybe at a different.
And if one day some "asses" like me want the new cool flashy features offered on Mobile Me, they could try it (separetly from .mac) and get informed that they will have to buy new OS or computers to be compatible.

they wouldn't be forced to get what they do not want as I am today and lose what I'VE PAID for a year IN ADVANCE.

You have lot of nice and naive talk about Bill and Steve. I have only 2 things to say about that mate:
- there are mainly only 2 OS choices for the "asses" like me: Microsoft and Apple. My wife & kids do not use Linux sorry.
When you choose a car / flat screens etc... I suppose that if you do not live in North Korea you will have more CHOICES and REAL COMPETITION.

- please try to remember who supported financially Steve's return to Apple about 12 years ago. Bill bought a large shunk of Apple, well done Bill ! good investment and you also avoided claims against not having competitors to your own "grey company", not bad, Steve still works and Bill travel the world doing good... and pocketing the dividends, still a Love blind ?
Oy mate, the sharks have already eaten the Apple... let me wonder, who got the power in this company, Steve the CEO ? or Bill "grey company" shareholder ? Still dreaming ?

Have a good night mate !

Family, Books,
MacMini OSX10.4.11, iMac OSX 10.3.9, b&w G3 OS 9.2.2, Powerbook G3, 3 iBooks
Linksys WiFi, iPod 80 Go, Shuffle
Well Trolls have valid arguments usually, so i dont think hes a troll! Sounds more like someone who hates Americans and thought this would be a good avenue for it, And no i am not American ;)

Nothing peronnal or against Americans, New Zealanders or anyone else...
Corporations have only one master: money
It just happens that Microsoft and Apple are Americans AND arrogant. My mistake.

Maybe my English is not very clear and precise, it happens that it is not my first/mother tongue.
And no my mother tongue is not Troll ;)

But if you can help I would be happy to receive some courses :)
Yes, MobileMe sucks so far for me and many others, so I figured it was just about time for some anti-corporate whiner to claim he's filing a class action suit against Apple. Right on schedule, there, "mate."

No wonder Apple products cost what they do...They have to fund a legal department just to deal with all these baseless legal claims.

They cost what they do...because shareholders (Bill, Steve etc...) need feeding:

"Apple Inc. announced that for the fourth quarter of 2008, it expects revenue of about $7.8 billion and earnings per diluted share (EPS) of about $1.00."

They have to fund a legal department to sue Clones makers
not protect themselves against stupid customers:
Nothing peronnal or against Americans, New Zealanders or anyone else...
Corporations have only one master: money
It just happens that Microsoft and Apple are Americans AND arrogant. My mistake.

Maybe my English is not very clear and precise, it happens that it is not my first/mother tongue.
And no my mother tongue is not Troll ;)

But if you can help I would be happy to receive some courses :)
I believe your English is fine, your understanding of law is what you need to work on here.
Brussels is in Belgium, but i wont i tell........ :rolleyes:

Maybe another Troll this MMR, we should maybe meet alltogether, we would have a lot speak about:
- an innovative keybords for big fingers,
- a innovative huge ergonomic Troll mouse...
please help KiwiLee, as a German ? Troll I miss ideas !

PS for MMR: No I am NOT German, but worst !!! Guess what !

PS 2 for MMR: My wife IS actually British and I love her. I indeed am answering all this non-sensical talk because she cannot use anymore her .mac webmail we paid for mate.

Very funny this place.
Have you even tried to use your mail? It works fine for the rest of the world. Next time don't freak out when something changes icons or color.

I have a G4 Cube that is working properly, that is running OS 10.3.9 So I have NO idea what you are on about.

As for calling us arrogant, sure we maybe, but we're right.
Apple didn't seem to hesitate to cancel my .mac subscription and refund the unused portion of the service.

Also, there is no breach of contract, as there is a termination clause.
Termination by Apple

Good to learn that you've got answers from Apple.

I / we already tried numerous time - emails / Phone calls / letters - to get some anwer / help from Apple: Nothing, total blackout !
Impressive isn't it ? maybe I'm based in the wrong country...

Yes, there is a termination clause in the "Mobile Me" TOS. But it is the "Mobile me" TOS not the ".Mac" one...

I've subscribed (and I am not the only one) to a service named .mac with a different TOS, and this service is unnavailable to loads of customers. (i'll stop here, i've got the impression to talk to a wall)

Thanks wlh99 for trying to help and not insult / do cynicisme / lecture like a demi wise god of innovation or else.

And to those other cynical / wise dreamers: you should already know that threatening to sue can help protect customer's rights and improve customer service, whatever you wisely think.​
Have you even tried to use your mail? It works fine for the rest of the world. Next time don't freak out when something changes icons or color.

I have a G4 Cube that is working properly, that is running OS 10.3.9 So I have NO idea what you are on about.

As for calling us arrogant, sure we maybe, but we're right.

Sorry for the "arrogant", I already explained myself. I was meaning arrogant AND American companies, not arrogant American. I, for one, remember we would speak German if you didn't helped in the 40'. MY MISTAKE English is NOT my first language.

About your Cube, I'm wondering what system / browser etc are you using ?
because I've got a message on the me home page saying in my language that my system should be upgraded to 10.5 :confused:
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