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MacSA said:
Sorry, but I think that's BS, the computer should come in a condition/configuration that is perfectly acceptable for daily use. You shouldn't have to spend hundreds of additional dollars to make it work.

I think the orginal poster should call Apple to try and resolve these problems.

i agree, no company should sell a machine that needs to be upgraded before it can be used.

I do think that a list of applications that do and don't run under Rosetta should be published, so that users know if they have got to upgrade their software before purchasing an IntelMac. It's crazy to upgrade your software to the latest version just to run it under emulation.

I would advise anyone to wait until a universal binary version of the application you are dependent on has been released then look into upgrading to an IntelMac.

I feel the opposite. I don't want Apple to put in memory that will cost me $300 dollars per Gig when I can buy the memory for $100 each. I want the option to have zero memory installed. I will be tossing that 512 MB in the trash that probably cost me $200 bucks that I gave to Apple that is unusable.

Pre-installed memory at super high prices is B.S.
I think there is something very funny about that Intel iMac review. He said he opened up an illustrator document that had 56 pages...illustrator doesn't supprot multiple pages. illustrator only holds 1 page/artboard while indesign does do multiple pages. That along with the "iLife" test...makes that seem very shady. Just my thoughts on that.

On the intel imac problem that started this definately seems you are using too many rosetta apps to make it useful right now. be patient. I realize you just spen like $2000 on a maching that you expect to work, but give it some will come around.
simie said:
i agree, no company should sell a machine that needs to be upgraded before it can be used.

I do think that a list of applications that do and don't run under Rosetta should be published, so that users know if they have got to upgrade their software before purchasing an IntelMac. It's crazy to upgrade your software to the latest version just to run it under emulation.

I would advise anyone to wait until a universal binary version of the application you are dependent on has been released then look into upgrading to an IntelMac.

I remember buying my first mac. It was the Powermac 6100 60AV. We also had to go thru the emulation stage with the 040 > PPC chips :p
I survived and so did the box ;)
Its packaged ready for the smithsonian :)
BornAgainMac said:
I feel the opposite. I don't want Apple to put in memory that will cost me $300 dollars per Gig when I can buy the memory for $100 each. I want the option to have zero memory installed. I will be tossing that 512 MB in the trash that probably cost me $200 bucks that I gave to Apple that is unusable.

Pre-installed memory at super high prices is B.S.

Great idea!!!
BornAgainMac said:
I feel the opposite. I don't want Apple to put in memory that will cost me $300 dollars per Gig when I can buy the memory for $100 each. I want the option to have zero memory installed. I will be tossing that 512 MB in the trash that probably cost me $200 bucks that I gave to Apple that is unusable.

Pre-installed memory at super high prices is B.S.

I have an option to buy a system from a local vendoe, but they dont have the ATI XL1600 upgrade to 256 option like Apple offers. Anyone know if this can be done at a later date?
128 is a tad small for Video RAM :p
omega80 said:
LimeWire 4.10.5 works and is kick ass fast!

where did you find that? Even their site only has 4.10.3 ...unless I'm overlooking something

By the way everyone, I've gone through a clean install, had to skip a few of the programs included in the iLife 06 package for the install to complete but I got it. Just getting my apps set now. Seems to be running okay so far but I don't have much on it yet. Just did a target on my powerbook and i'm grabbing stuff I'd need.

Does anyone know of a site that lists (with links possibly) all the software that is currently universal?

I really appreciate all the help/advice. I know I'll be much happier when my ram arrives and these things have been around for a bit. It seems to be really fast at the moment with safari, itunes and ichat running. (does anyone else hate safari? I think i'm about to check that firefox beta....)
bigfib said:
My own new imac core 17" 512mb runs great with native apps, but once you start running rosetta apps things certainly get sticky... many things run fine, some, like the photoshop test elsewhere in these forums run real fast, but inexplicably, some random things run real slow... and when you're using rosetta then its not only the rosetta apps that get clunky.. it can even be the finder getting momentarily 'stuck' something i never saw on my ibook g3.
For what its worth, i've been poking around a lot seeing what people are saying left right and center...
Everyone who has 512 and is using rosetta apps complains a little or a lot about clunkyness... everyone who has 1G or 2G seems cool.
The only explantion would seem to be that rosetta sucks up memory and after all 512 aint a lot for photoshop....
I'm off out to buy another gig on monday... will keep you all posted.
same here - 1 gig extra on it's way.
I'm going to do a clean install also.
Overall I'm pleased with the imac intel 17.
NICE screen
Love it does extended desktop to my 20" LCD
I'm an old techie, so I figured there'd be some glitches to sort out (still have my PB 17 1.67 from work if things get too hairy)
More RAM, and UBs coming and OS tweaks,
It's only going to get better and better.

EDIT: I just rebuilt the machine from scratch and it is MUCH faster and memory usage is Much better - just that one thing. Even office and Rosetta pgms are better.

thanks for reminding me..i'd forgotten to rebuild First.
omega80 said:
It says 4.10.5 everywhere on their page. Your browser is maybe showing you a page from the cache? Try to reload the page by holding the ALT key (IIRC). Anyway, here's the features history:

yeah i was sort of out of it and looking at version tracker...hah.

anyone know where i can get that beta firefox though? Their site doesnt talk about it..i thought a beta was floating around....?
BakedBeans said:
Why dont you use Safari? its the best browser and its the default....
I second that. It's a stable and fast universal binary.

My other primary app is XCode, also a universal binary. So far I'm very happy with my new 20" Intel iMac. But if I wasn't a Mac software developer, I would have waited until my primary apps were universal.

My advice to the OP is to get the fastest machine for the programs you use most.
LOL! The problem is the Intel cpu inside! Rosetta runs PPC app at less than half speed. Wait till the native apps
hellodon said:
where did you find that? Even their site only has 4.10.3 ...unless I'm overlooking something

By the way everyone, I've gone through a clean install, had to skip a few of the programs included in the iLife 06 package for the install to complete but I got it. Just getting my apps set now. Seems to be running okay so far but I don't have much on it yet. Just did a target on my powerbook and i'm grabbing stuff I'd need.

Does anyone know of a site that lists (with links possibly) all the software that is currently universal?

I really appreciate all the help/advice. I know I'll be much happier when my ram arrives and these things have been around for a bit. It seems to be really fast at the moment with safari, itunes and ichat running. (does anyone else hate safari? I think i'm about to check that firefox beta....)

You should call Apple support about the iLife apps you can't install. That's what they are there for.

It seems, as people said, that your earlier problem was caused by transferring all your apps over.
maclamb said:
EDIT: I just rebuilt the machine from scratch and it is MUCH faster and memory usage is Much better - just that one thing. Even office and Rosetta pgms are better.

thanks for reminding me..i'd forgotten to rebuild First.

did you do a rebuild after having done a RESTORE, or did you do a rebuild after simply getting the machine?
Install RAM in pairs

From the "Learn More" link on the iMac configuration screen in the Apple Store:

"To maximize memory performance, it is recommended that memory SO-DIMMs be installed in pairs."

These should be identical pairs for best performance.

My 20" Duo w/2GB RAM and 256 MB video shipped from Shanghai this morning. Woot!
Confirmation that rosetta is a ram eating monster

"Rosetta (developed for Apple by Silicon Valley start-up Transitive Corp.) stands as one of the most amazing feats of emulation I've seen. Its only major cost seems to be a ravenous appetite for memory: Rosetta often wound up doubling PowerPC applications' memory requirements, a trait that made the iMac unbearably sluggish with one of its two memory modules removed."
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