If you can't _verify_ the flash, then you really haven't flashed at all (and should avoid rebooting in that state... 😥). You've erased (by the sound of it), but the new flash attempt hasn't worked.
You may already be aware, but verification failing here is nothing to do with the contents of the ROM (is it a valid ROM or not?), it's to do with whether the setup (hardware (if any), software) which you are using to flash is working correctly, i.e. to do with whether flashing the data - any data - is working or not.
If you previously managed to take a dump with the same size and contents (`diff` the two versions and get no difference output) twice, it sounds as if there is hope that it may be usable. But it also sounds like you have an unbootable machine right now, and may need to buy and learn to use a CH341A USB hardware programmer plus SOIC clip (to attach to the NVRAM chip), in order to re-flash.